Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2280: The 2281 Soul Flying 1

"You...not human." Zhang Xiaohan muttered.

"Don't make excuses for yourself. I am not a sinister thing, and there is no place to stay in Yan. I am in my 20s this year."

Zhang Xiaohan’s throat is swaying and seems to be crying out. "who are you?"

"Maoshan disciple, Ye Shaoyang."

Zhang Xiaohan closed his eyes and trembled because of humiliation. He wanted to say a little bit of swearing, but after all, he said nothing. At the end, open your eyes and hate and say: "I will definitely find you revenge!"

"What to report, you are going to die, how to revenge, you become a ghost, it is easier for me to kill you!"

Zhang Xiaohan was shocked, but he sneered, and he found another thing that could fight Ye Shaoyang.

"Ye Shaoyang, even if you win me, how are you, do you dare to kill me? If you kill me, you will die today!"

"Ye Shaoyang!" sneaky shouted. "He has lost, he has to spare and spare people, let him go!"

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glanced at the ghosts standing in the distance.

Because she no longer tried to attack Ye Shaoyang, Sibao and others no longer started with her (I couldn’t beat it).

"Meet the duel, life and death, this rule, don't you understand, if I lose, will he let me go, what would you say to be spared and forgiving?"

The sneaky face is very angry, but it is true that in front of everyone, it is not easy to argue, just coldly said: "Ye Shaoyang, if you dare to kill him, you know the consequences!"

Ye Shaoyang smirked and smiled and released the foot that stepped on Zhang Xiaohan's chest.

There was a triumphant expression on the sneaky face.

The disciples of the spell guilds, in the eyes of Ye Shaoyang, also revealed a trace of embarrassment. Some people even ridiculed to draw Ye Shaoyang into the spell attack.

I am a little disappointed with the old guys like Ziyun. They also don't want Ye Shaoyang shārén to make the situation out of control, but they are so succumbed, it is a bit of a pocket.

Zhang Xiaohan stood up from the ground, and with a sneer smile on his face, he walked over to Ye Shaoyang and wanted to say something. Ye Shaoyang suddenly turned back, a purple light, flashing from his throat.

Zhang Xiaohan didn't move at all, and his expression froze. After a few seconds, a wound appeared on his neck and he bleed out.

Countless fine, flying out of his mouth and nose.

Ye Shaoyang, this sword, not only killed him, but also smashed his soul.

This scene happened too fast, the scene was silent, everyone looked at Zhang Xiaohan dumbly, watching the essence of his body completely dispersed, people slowly fell down...

Known as the first genius in the world, the most important disciples in the magical world and carefully cultivated for many years, they died under the sword of Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang slowly returned the seven-star Longquan sword to the scabbard. He looked at the ghost with a slap in the face and said slowly: "Forgot to tell you, don't provoke me. Under the circumstances, there is nothing I dare not do."

Ye Shaoyang is not addicted to killing, but he will never be soft when he meets the real killer: Nothing else is said. Today’s battle of life and death is initiated by Zhang Xiaohan. If he is defeated, he will definitely use this. More humiliating ten times the way to kill themselves, so, for killing Zhang Xiaohan, Ye Shaoyang Sa did not feel anything wrong.

Everyone was shocked.

"I am in a hurry to fight, I have to fight, I must keep Ye Shaoyang, I don't know how you are?" Yun Chunsheng said with a low voice.

"Where words, since I have such a genius in the magical world, I have to keep him in death. Everyone naturally, what do you say?" Ziyun really looked at several masters, and everyone nodded and expressed willingness to contribute.

Ghostly quietly looked at Ye Shaoyang.

At the moment when Zhang Xiaohan died, her face was extremely ugly, but soon she calmed down, but it was not really calm, but the performance of anger to the extreme.

"Ye Shaoyang, do you know the consequences of doing this?" said the sneaky faint.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "Do you want to be hands-on?"

"Ha ha ha..." The ghost smirked. "You also match?"

"I know that I don't deserve it. At least you don't think it's worth it. I am just a human being. How can I qualify to be with the Xingyue slave?"

When the words came out, everyone was shocked and turned to look at the ghosts.

Even the masters were shocked. Everyone knows that the sneaky scorpion is the steward of the spell guild in the world. It is the closest person to the celestial slave. All the guild guilds are very respectful to her, not to mention the many sects attached to the guild guild. The command of the blasphemy is heard, in the eyes of all, the sneaky identity should be a god, they are not respecting her, but the slaves behind her.

Now, Ye Shaoyang actually said that she is a star-moon slave, naturally it is shocking everyone.

Ghostly smiled and said: "How do you know that I am a slave?"

"Well, guess, you are not the star of the moon, but it must be her sacred thoughts. If you don't say anything, you can take out the Xuanyuan sword and authorize it to Zhang Xiaohan. I believe that you Absolutely not the average person, in addition, you are not afraid that I will take away the Xuanyuan sword, indicating that you have absolute control to recover. Just rely on your men, afraid that it is not useful?"

"Ye Shaoyang, you are very smart, but people who are too smart often don't end well..." The sneaky hand reached out and shook a scroll and hovered over his head. It was the picture of yesterday, the portrait of the moon and the slave.

When the sneaky did not do anything, he saw a hurricane blowing, and the paint of the chéngrén image emitted a dark golden light, which turned into a powder, peeled off, and spun around the sneaky scorpion, and then attached to her.

The sneaky body quickly changed, as if the embryo of a statue was quickly colored... a little bit real.

When the gold powder is completely attached to her body, the sneaky scorpion has completely become another person: like the person on the painting, wearing a phoenix crown, a beautiful, graceful appearance, before the people painted, still can not see it, now Seeing the real person, I feel more beautiful, but the strange thing is that she can’t see her age at all. There are young girls’ handsome, and there is also the charm of shunu. The whole body is surrounded by a kind of ethereal atmosphere, which makes her look even more. There is a spirituality of the gods.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the graceful fairy in front of him. This is Xuanyuan’s, who is responsible for the spell guild’s Xingyue slave...

"See the stars and moons!"

I don't know which Master took the head, kneeling on one knee, and gave a big gift to the moon and the moon, and immediately followed him. These are naturally the masters who are attached to the spell guild. Some people don't want to be embarrassed, but people around them are squatting. If they don't want to be jealous, they are afraid of the sin of the moon and the moon, so they have to follow suit.

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