Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2287: The 2288th burst 2

"God is afraid of stolen goods, especially... urine, boy's urine, then with three points of masculine, you ... or who is a boy, you can rush to the road they must pass ... you understand, I do not believe them I am willing to smear my body and come in."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that he turned and looked at the crowd and said, "Who are you boys?"

The masters of the great masters pretended not to hear, but they were not, but they also understood the way of saying the truth, nothing more than peeing in the place where they had to go, the most fearful of God. Things, cockroaches, urine, and big aunts. First, it is instinctive disgust. Secondly, once the body is filthy, it will temporarily lose some mana. This is why folk temples are far away from people, built in the deep forests, and even the people’s turbidity Can't stand it, let alone these stolen goods.

Although these masters know this truth, they pee in public... This kind of thing can never be done.

Ziyun really laughed and turned his arms and turned to Yun Chunsheng. He said: "Spring, I know that you are the body of pure yang, the situation is critical, you go."

"Why don't you go!" Yun Chunsheng blushed.

Ye Shaoyang went to lobby Wu Jiawei. The movement was sensible, but Wu Jiawei died to face, and he did not kill him. Ye Shaoyang went to lobby for the four treasures. As a result, he was attacked by the four treasures, glaring at his shoulder and saying to the crowd: "The goat is Virgin, I know, you said that this thing is because of him, people are also coming to arrest him, do you say that this should be his personal battle?"

When everyone heard it, they nodded and reached an unprecedented agreement.

"Dead vulture!" Ye Shaoyang glanced at him with a hateful look, still hesitating, and he urged him: "Come on, they will break out!" Going in, paper-cutting flew to the two people, flying around them, hanging and not falling, the momentum of the two people stopped suddenly. The whole body overflowed with golden light, and the paper cutting was gradually shot down.

"I am coming to me!" Ye Shaoyang took his heart and went over there. "You have turned around and are not allowed to see me."

Everyone quickly turned and turned his back to him.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the two men, picked up the hem of the gown, was about to act, and looked into the distance, fucking! There are so many mages on the opposite side, they are standing outside. Since the two gods came, they stood and watched the excitement. At this time, they all looked at Ye Shaoyang with their eyes wide open, and there were girls, all of them covering their faces.

Pissing in the face of so many people...

Ye Shaoyang suddenly shrank, a little bit of urine was gone, and hurriedly turned and said: "No, no, no, I can't pee!"

"You can't do it, no one else can do it!"

This is a good way, but because no one has implemented it, it has been stranded.

Everyone has a hurry to ask for a good idea, and there is nothing wrong with it. At this time, Ye Shaoyang saw Qingyunzi... Suddenly counted on his heart, Qingyunzi looked like he was in his teens, still a little boy, no shame... at least better than adults, if he was to come Urine...

But thinking that he is his own master, he is so awkward, hesitating, Yun Chunsheng sees him in a daze, followed his eyes and saw Qingyunzi, his mind turned, and thought of the same idea as Ye Shaoyang.

"Qingyunzi, fast, this is handed over to you!"

"What is it?" Qingyunzi has been playing soy sauce, and suddenly heard the ancestors call themselves, suddenly stunned.

"You said it!" Yun Chunsheng explained the task, Qingyunzi listened, and then looked at the many eyes that looked at it, thinking of going out in front of everyone to pee out the guy peeing... although it was only a child of ten years old. Naturally, I was also ashamed. I swear to die and refuse to do it. Finally, his master Fu Mingzi forced his pants to be smashed, and he had to...

Ye Shaoyang looked around, his mouth twitching, his heart was bleeding, after all, this idea was his own thought, Yun Chunsheng was inspired.

Master, dear, I am sorry for you...

The four treasures came over and patted him on his shoulder. Ye Shaoyang originally thought that he would comfort himself. As a result, Sibao said four words in his ear with a smile: "The bully destroys the ancestors!"

Qingyunzi was pressed by Fu Mingzi, and he urinated against the black and white.

"Don't, don't urinate in the urine, you have to kill them in the urine. You can't urinate them in front of you..."

Fu Mingzi followed the temptation and finally let Qingyunzi complete this glorious and shameful task.

After putting on the trousers, Qingyunzi immediately stunned and felt that he had no face to see people, and he did not come out into the crowd.

Everyone looked at the two.

The two stood in front of the piece that had been urinated by Qingyunzi. They did not leave. They tried to make a detour. They said with a good heart: "Really tell you that you want to go out. Only the one road, you can step on it. Or just quit. You can just quit when you first come in. Once you have passed the eye, you can't retreat."

The two hesitated and said: "How to quit?"

"The direction of the left rear shock position, eight steps, and then back six steps."

According to her guidance, the two men stepped back step by step, and finally they came out. Said to Xingyuenu: "The law is filthy and cannot be hard. If the division commander has a way to break the battle, I will be effective."

Just this sentence.

Xingyue slaves understand very well, and they don’t say anything, their brows are wrinkled.

"The formation is not broken, but it is impossible to catch them..."

There is no good way for Xingyue slaves to have a time.

The onlookers are also face to face. At this time, if there is a chance to perform, it is really a great achievement. Everyone looks at each other, but no one can dare to do it. Suddenly, a person walked out of the crowd and bowed to the moon and slaves. He said: "The old man can try."

As soon as the Xingyue slave looked at it, the brow immediately stretched out and said: "It’s actually Chen’s personal help, then there’s no problem, there is work.”

"This guy, who is coming, I have seen it before." Ye Shaoyang stared at the old man.

"Chen Qibao, a gang-born, was said to have been wandering around in an early age. He found a smashed scroll from a broken temple. He learned to be a master of the martial arts." Mao Xiaofang explained with Ye Shaoyang and others. .

Ye Shaoyang looked at his heart and said: "Can he break?"

The wonderful face was dignified and did not answer. Instead, he took out a blank charm from his body and did not draw a character. Instead, he cut it with a pair of scissors.

Over there, Chen Qi bag asked for ten people to join him in the battle, and soon he made up a team of people, and smiled and said: "The family of the masters of the time is quite accomplished in the formation. Today, the old man has to teach."

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