Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2290: The 2291th God of God 1

Bai Ze came out of the stars and had no expression on his face. He flew to Ye Shaoyang and said slowly: "Now I am in your knowledge, you can destroy your gods in an instant, and let your gods disappear. Do you still believe in your human spells now?"

"I don't have enough skills, and there is nothing to say." In the knowledge of God, Ye Shaoyang can use his thoughts to express language.

"The sky is vast, the gods overlook the sentient beings, and the people are in the gods. Just like the ants in your eyes, there will always be only a part of the slaughter." Bai Ze smiled slightly and said: "The big ants are still ants."

After saying this, his figure passed away. The next moment, it appeared in the consciousness of Ye Shaoyang, no longer the appearance of Bai Ze, but a **** that Ye Shaoyang had never seen before, not like Taoism. The **** is not like a Buddhist family. It is lifelike and does not move in front of Ye Shaoyang.

This face has closed eyes, no majesty, no intimidation, no love, no sorrow, no joy... no good and no evil, no sorrow and no joy, no cleanliness, no life, no life. In short, there is no human expression. But it is not rigid at all, it seems that all emotions are written on this face.

"The avenue is invisible, the avenue is ruthless, all-inclusive, free from the outside..." Bai Ze's voice, Ye Shaoyang's brain echoed.

Ye Shaoyang understood it in an instant. This is not a person's face, but a god, the real god. What Bai Ze said, Ye Shaoyang also heard before, thinking that he felt something, but at this moment, seeing this face that belongs to the gods, and then heard this, Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized what.

People are people, God is God, and people are always in front of God. They are always ants, and even more powerful people are just a big ants, and they can never fight people.

Is it really?

"Heaven and earth are like chess. Everyone is like a child. Everything kills the battle. It is just a game. Chess pieces can never jump out of the board and change their destiny..."

Bai Ze’s remarks made Ye Shaoyang’s heart cold and produced a desperate desperation.

Perhaps this is the mystery of the universe, the rules of life. It’s just a piece of chess. Now, people want to take off their own pieces, they can't do anything, just wait for death...

The **** suddenly opened his eyes, and Ye Shaoyang saw God's gaze, including Vientiane, but he seemed to have nothing...

Staring for a long time, Hong Meng in the void, produced a strong attraction, dragging the knowledge of Ye Shaoyang, drifting toward the interior of this god.


Ye Shaoyang was unable to resist, and he was disheartened, but he also had no fighting spirit and no heart to resist.

He is completely desperate, and he is only dying to death, so that he can end this terrible sense of emptiness.

Really... Is this the end?

All grievances and hatreds, Xiaojiu, Lengyu, Master, Daofeng... Everything will be a thing of the past?

However, even if you don't want to die, what can you do?

The mortal bureau has no life.

"God is actually a human!"

A voice that remained in the depths of memory, like a thunder, rang in the depths of Ye Shaoyang's knowledge. It is Master’s voice...

Ye Shaoyang’s thoughts immediately flew back more than ten years ago, in a bedroom in Qingyunzi, a dialogue between himself and Yu.

"Master, do you say that Sanqing is really there!"

"Master, people really practice for a lifetime, and they are not God's opponents. I am talking about real gods, not those in the gloomy."

Qingyunzi chewed peanuts and said the above sentence:

"God is actually a human being. At least it used to be a human being. What can't you beat?"

"But they have become gods, completely different from people. Compared with them, people are simply ants, and one hand is pinched to death."

Qingyunzi did not speak, took Ye Shaoyang to the yard, took out the flip-flops, and fell into the flowers, and stunned a group of locusts. Qingyun Zi grabbed one and reached in front of him. He said, "The ants are almost like locusts. If I am a god, the locusts in this hand represent people. I want to pinch a locust. It's easy, even if it's The locust is the strongest grasshopper in the world, and it is just a brick. The bricks are not good, and there are dichlorvos."

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"But, do you have a way to kill all the locusts in the world?"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly stopped.

"Aphids, since ancient times, flies and mosquitoes are the same. After removing the four evils, what means are used, but they still exist, and the number is still very large. Yes, they are lower creatures, not human opponents, but they A large number, adaptability, endless life, adversity for survival.

Their gap with human beings is much larger than that of human beings. There is no way for people to kill locusts. God can compare with people and can take advantage of what is cheap, not to mention that God is so few, compared with a large number of human beings. What are the advantages? One hand destroys the earth, kills the soul? Do you think reading novels! ”

Ye Shaoyang was stunned and then fell into meditation, as if he understood what was reasonable, but still confused.

"But what you are talking about is a population, a single person, or is it impossible to fight with a single god?"

Qingyunzi knocked on his head and said: "I said so much, it is not to argue with you. I just tell you that people like locusts have strong adaptability and can survive in adversity, but people take them. No way, because they are not afraid of people at all, and they are not afraid of death! If you are already afraid of God in your heart, then you will die! If everyone is afraid of God and dare not resist, then there are billions, they have to be Killing cleanly, how to achieve endless life, survive in adversity?

Not afraid of death, do not hesitate to die, there is the possibility of a desperate life, a poison bee can also kill a human being whose size is ten million times! ”

Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang’s thoughts were transparent, and he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the **** in front of him who looked high on the top. He said slowly: “I am not afraid of you, because I am not afraid of death. What else can you kill me? ?"

The people are not afraid of death, why do they fear death?

The classic Taoist Classics Tao Te Ching, the real world of humanity, is the case.

Ye Shaoyang realized.

At that moment, the statue in front of him suddenly eclipsed his eyes, sighed, and then collapsed, the void dissipated, and the sun reappeared.

Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes and looked at Bai Ze, who was standing in the opposite direction. He smiled slightly and said: "Thank you for your accomplishment and help me realize a layer of truth. But unfortunately, you can't kill me."


Bai Ze looked at him with sorrow. Only then did he use his powerful and unparalleled knowledge to invade Ye Shaoyang’s knowledge. He wanted to destroy his **** and almost succeeded, but at the last moment, he did not. Knowing what happened, this guy actually came over and broke the illusion!

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