Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2293: 2294 is not convinced to do 2

Everything is a tradition of Taoist spells.

Li Haoran held the lightsaber and smashed it toward the two. A sword, down and down.

The people standing next to Bi Fang and Bai Ze quickly retired, for fear of being involved.

Bi Fang and Bai Ze stood side by side and raised their hands together. The whole body exudes a golden light and protects the two. The sword light falls on the enchantment and immediately breaks, but it does not disappear, but splits into more than a dozen, forming a The regular polygons enclose the two and consume the power of the enchantment.

"Ah, this sword, coincides with the number of eight wilds and sixs!" The heart of the Zen master was shocked. "This is my Buddhist rule, but I don't know how to use swords!" And he only knows how to use Taoist spells..."

Sibao observed for a while and walked to the old monk and said: "Since he understands the law, he is not bound by the form, and it is not surprising that he has derived the sword."

Dust Zen teacher said: "You don't understand, the law of the eight straits and the six sacred, belongs to the 'form of the past Dharma'. Only by understanding the thoroughness can you not stick to the form, but to be able to communicate with each other, you must be truly Buddhism double/repair, each has a deep understanding, which is easy to say. It is extremely difficult to do it. It is not only necessary to understand, but also to guard against the devil in the heart. If you are not careful, you will go to the devil, and the old man never Someone has really done it!"

Everyone said that everyone felt it.

Ziyun real people also sighed: "It is not a young ancestor, he has been through the reincarnation, and most of them are also looking for the true meaning of Dafa and Dharma. I don’t know how long it took to realize it, just by the skill of this hand, The world is already invincible."

Biqing left Li Haoran and rushed over to the stars and slaves. "I will come to you!"

"Fu Fu fairy, you are not the opponent of this palace!"

Xingyue slaves raised their hands, and the white steam around them was like two white exercises. They flew up and down in the air and strangled Biqing.

In the gap between the two men, there are several disciples around the Xingyue slave who want to help, and they go forward to drive away Biqing. As a result, Biqing sneer, volley, seal, open the air, turn the palm, take out the refining The corpse, the mantra of the mantra shines on these people, a black air spray will come out, and the souls of several people will be pulled out of the body for a moment and sucked into the smelter.

The hands were gently shaken, only to hear the screams in the septic tank. In a moment, a few souls turned into fine, flying out from the cylinder mouth. Flying with Jingjing, there was also the suffocating gas in their bodies. They were inhaled into the body by a clear breath, and the mouth made a very satisfying voice. "The big make up, not a few more dead!"

"The demon, I dare to refine the soul of my disciples! Today will not allow you!"

Xingyue slave took the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and recited a curse in his mouth. The blade quickly became hot and bright, and he went to the clear sky, and a horrible sword was born out of thin air.

Biqing did not dare to neglect, shaking hands with his hands, only listening to the strange screams, flying out of the sacred cylinders of countless evil spirits, hit the sword of Xuanyuanjian, immediately strangled a part But it also offset the sword. More ghosts, but the moon and the slaves rushed over, not close, but surrounded by the left and right, flying around, spraying the soul, a moment of black air, forming a strong enchantment, will be a moon Trapped in the middle.

"Stop my Master to solve the problem!" A few disciples saw this scene, and did not know how the Xingyue slaves, immediately stepped forward to kill those ghosts. The mage who belonged to the spell guild behind them, the means before the Biqing, did not dare to deal with her face-to-face, and followed these disciples to kill the ghosts.

Bi Qing snorted, and the figure flashed away, turning into a lotus flower growing on the lotus leaf, flying over the top of these people's heads, the flower buds suddenly bloomed, the pieces flew down, and they were strangled around the crowd.

The followers who followed the fun, originally thought that there were a few disciples in front, there would be no danger, but the result was that Biqing had bottomed out from the top. It was too late to retreat, and his own strength could not be done, resisting for a while, one They were all scribbled by the petals and died in the wailing.

After a few disciples, the mana was so high that they immediately arranged, and the drops of water did not leak all the petals, but they looked up and disappeared.

"People!" Lu Xiaoqing asked.

Several people looked around and found no traces.

"Hail me!"

A huge palm, from the black gas, grabbed the head of Lu Xiaoqing. There didn't seem to be there, but when it was caught by the hand, there was a stem of a lotus flower with a lotus leaf on it.

The stem suddenly took root, grabbed Lu Xiaoqing's hair, as if it were tentacles, and grew up on his face, and went in from the seven.

Lu Xiaoqing was in a state of sorrow, and immediately practiced the formation of a weekday reincarnation to resist the penetration of the root system.

At the same time, the hand of Xingyuenu grabbed the stem and pulled it hard. The roots of the lotus stems are entangled in the eyes of Lu Xiaoqing. When they are pulled, Lu Xiaoqing’s eyes are almost pulled out and screams.

Xingyue slave heard this scream, and the action could not help but pause. He added a bit of strength and directly crushed the stem, and the lotus leaf on it quickly withered.

"It’s awful... you’re going to scream out the soul!”

"What?" Lu Xiaoqing stunned, the next second, a cry in his mind, lost consciousness.

"Hey, I know you, just take your knife!"

A seedling was squeezed out of Lu Xiaoqing's scalp. Soon, the surrounding skin was squeezed out. A stem that was withered before it was staring at a leaf, and at the same time, Lu Xiaoqing's The body rapidly shrinks, like the growth of the lotus flower **** up the blood. The **** is dried to a certain height, the leaves are unfolded, the flower buds are taken out, the body of Lu Xiaoqing is left, and the petals are flew out in the air, but It became the appearance of Biqing.

"Ha ha ha, Xingyue slave, you are a good disciple, a flesh and blood, and taste enough!"

Everyone heard the sound, and all of them felt the scalp numb, and they all stepped back and did not dare to participate in the battle.

"Fu Fu!! This palace will kill you today!" In the black air, the voice of the sorrowful sorrows of the stars and moons was smashed in the air, and rushed to the clear.

"Xiaoqing!!" Wu Tong licked his mouth, tears in his eyes, and his hands clasped Ye Shaoyang's arm.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and his heart was sad. Lu Xiaoqing, although people are also very proud of themselves, but they are a grudge. Before the two sides killed, he has never been on, but he just wants to help the stars and slaves, but they are poisoned...

"Oh..." A clear cockle, almost piercing the eardrum of someone at the place.

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