Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2305: 2306th Ring Order 4

To do this is to verify the identity, in case of misplaced tires, it is a big trouble. The second is also for future reference. If anything happens in the future, you can check it with the birth and death book of the Temple of Heaven and find out the problem.

Although this roster is a man-made record, there is no such thing as a natural and dead book. But because the amount of information is too large, it is also extremely important. Usually, it is handed over to the main book, and when it does not send ghosts every day, it is collected and worshipped in the yin and yang. In the temple, the Yinyang Temple is the place where the runners eat and sleep and go to work. It is naturally safe. If anyone dares to bring their ideas here, then even the people who have arrested them will be saved, and they will directly enter the animal path of the well.

Ye Shaoyang listened to Xiao Yiyun’s words, and some said with no confidence: “When they want to go to the reincarnation department, are there acquaintances there?”

"I don't know about this, but 80% is just taking chances. Just come to me, how can the reincarnation department show them the soul book."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that he was slightly relieved, but this question also caused a trace of uneasiness in his heart: who would be his past life? What happens if I meet him?

Xiao Yiyun’s topic turned and asked: “Say business, you are looking for me, what is it?”

Ye Shaoyang converges on the mind and begins to talk to him.

At the same time, the wonderful heart and wonderful heart passed through the city of Sudden Death and went to the Reincarnation Division.

"Go to the reincarnation department to see the soul book... This is afraid that it will not work?" The heart is worried, "and the reincarnation department is very strict, don't give us a crime to disturb the priest, and reduce our yang life."

Wu Tong’s expression was very firm and said: “I didn’t want to, but since I came, I have to give it a try.”

"I know, but we are like this, who are you looking for?"

"Whoever is on duty, we will find who."

"Do people disagree?"

"I have my own way." Wu Tong smiled at her.

The heart of my heart is full of doubts.

At this time, they came outside the house of the reincarnation division.

The hall of the reincarnation department, called the Yinyang Temple, is the place where the runners and the large and small officials sit in the hall. In front of the Yinyang Temple, there is a government gate. After passing through, there are doors on both sides, and the right side passes through. The place, the one on the left, is the reincarnation avenue that goes straight to the well.

There are two Gong Cao guards outside the door.

When Miaoxin and Wutong entered the government, they were immediately discovered by two Gongcao. Shen Sheng said: "Reincarnation is heavy, you must not enter!"

Wu Tong walked over and said: "We are the mage coming from the world. There is a yin and yang case that needs to be verified. Please ask the two elders for convenience."

The human master is doing things in vain, and there are also such things. The two Gong Cao are not surprised. They ask: "What is convenient?"

"We want to take a look at the soul book and look for a person's reincarnation information."

The two looked at each other, some accidents, rushing the paulownia arched the hand, said: "This is not a fear, the two are both human masters, then they know the rules, although this soul book is more important than the life-and-death book, but it is also very important, Don't look outsiders, the two girls forgive me."

Look at Wutong and see what she still has to say.

Wutong did not make a sound. He took out something from his sleeve and handed it to the two, but it was a red-red token.

"The revolving order!" The two men were shocked at first sight. "How can the runner order be in your hands!"

The runner order is the decree issued by the runner, and it is the same as the emperor. There is only one, and it is usually enshrined in the yin and yang temple. If there is something urgent to do, the bad guy takes this token, the yin seventy-two. The division must cooperate.

At the moment, the two have not heard of any confidential things. The reel is naturally enshrined in the Yin and Yang Dynasties. How could it appear in the hands of the Masters of these two individuals?

"This is not a revolving order. You look closely. It is smaller than the revolving order. This is the token that the emperor gave me. If I encounter an emergency, I will come to the reincarnation department with this order. It's convenient."

I heard the words of Wu Tong, let alone these two skills, that is, the heart is also shocked, Wu Tong body ... how can there be a token given by the runner?

The two men took the token in a foolish way, and the usage force stimulated it. The inside of the token immediately had a solemn and serious atmosphere.

"It's true, it can't be faked." The one who held the token said to the other.

That Gong Cao smiled and said: "Nature can't take it. Who dares to take a fake token to my reincarnation division?"

The two of them looked at each other and nodded. They said to Wutong: "Since the two have this token, we can't stop it. The soul book is now in the hands of the main book. I will take you both."

Finish the road ahead and go on the roundabout.

"You forged tokens, this is a big sin!" Wonderful holding a phoenix, said in her ear with the lowest voice.

"This token is true."

"how come!"

"I am a disciple of Emeishan. The practice is Dharma. Even in the spell guild, they teach only the magical skills. My practice is a ban on the Emei Mountain. It was my master who saw me Huigen was good. My, using this method to meditate, you need to look at the Buddha statue in your heart, and observe and offer in your heart...

I also inadvertently, I thought of the runner-up emperor... You also know that the runner-up emperor is the Buddha of the Buddha. After the thought, the runner-up emperor is my guardian god, and I am also his disciple.

Once I went to work, I came to the reincarnation department to pay homage to the Emperor of the Holy Land. I saw his old man. I heard that I respected his image and thought it was very happy. I am very grateful to you. As long as it is used on the right track, the reincarnation officials will be very convenient... this is the case. ”

"I didn't expect you to have such a chance!" Wonderful, "No wonder you pulled me to Yinyang, but I was prepared!"

Wu Tong smiled at her. "Try it all, I don't have to find it."

world. Xiao Yiyun listened to Ye Shaoyang's statement and sank.

Ye Shaoyang looked at his expression and asked: "Is it very difficult?"

"It’s not true. I told you the truth. After the incident was passed to the sinister yesterday, the prince of the monarch took the initiative to mention it to me. Before that, the old man had never encountered a similar incident, so he did not know how to deal with it. You will be shut out, and the meaning will be saved. But he sees that you have made such a big move in the world, worrying that this will cause irreversible consequences for time and space. Therefore, he went to meet several big people and put this The matter came out and discussed it. The last few big brothers decided to find out Xu Fu, hurry to grab him, let him send you away, you all go, and we have a clear time and space."

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