Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2329: 2331 Red Moon Rakshasa 2

Meihua is wondering, only to hear an opening in the general of the haze, saying: "When the moon girl, when is your red moon goddess, when it comes to the sea, the taste is uncomfortable."

The girl who was called "Yueyue" said: "Ziyue went to the letter, let's hold it for a while, then the girl will arrive. Don't go out, otherwise she will have to escape."

Red Moon Girl?

Meihua’s brow wrinkled, thinking in his heart, suddenly slamming, it will not be... Red Moon Rakshasa?

Meihua’s heart sank, and without saying anything, he turned around and hurried back to inform Ye Shaoyang.

Whether it is the Red Moon Rakshasa, it must be an extremely difficult evil. She is alone, and these are not opponents in the series. I can only go to Ye Shaoyang to help.

"Red Moon Rakshasa? Who is that?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't sleep at all. After listening to Meihua's report, she suddenly stopped.

"Red Moon Rakshasa, one of the four major Rakshasa in Taiyin Mountain, don't ask the boss, the two girls can't hold back, let's go!"

"Go, you wake up everyone!"

After a few minutes, everyone went out together, pity the horses of the two carriages, just fell asleep after eating the grass, and they were pulled out, so they had to work hard.

When I arrived at Niutou Mountain, Ye Shaoyang had already felt the presence of yin. Several horses also felt it. Because of the instinct of biology, one of the horses was stunned and screamed with anxiety.

"There is not much road ahead, let's go over!" After getting off the bus, Ye Shaoyang saw a few horses wanting to leave this place, but was trapped by the reins, swaying around, looking a little pitiful, so they all untied, After regaining freedom, the horses immediately ran away.

Ye Shaoyang rushed to Niutou Mountain, and the several trapped mountain people were still walking around the wall and wandering around. Ye Shaoyang saw that they were not in danger of life, and they did not go to the tube. They passed through the dark clouds and came to the position where Meihua was in front. Looking inside, the few haze generals and two female ghosts were still trapped in the battle. Among the arrays, Wu Tong stood still in disbelief. There was a brazier in front of the wonderful heart, and he continued to burn paper inside and recited a spell in his mouth.

The burning paper ash continues to float into the array, and the spirit of the array is added to block the steps of the guys in the Taiyin Mountain.

"Fortunately, it's not late." Ye Shaoyang took a sigh of relief, walked a few steps forward, went out from the woods, rushed to the heart and phoenix whistle, "Two beautiful women, okay, you guys?"

The two looked up and saw that Ye Shaoyang was suddenly a bit forced.

"Shaoyang... How come you are here?" Wu Tong half-turned back and murmured.

"Chasing you." Ye Shaoyang looked at her and smiled.

When Wutong heard it, he suddenly realized that he must have known the purpose of coming here, and his face was a little burned.

"What are you guys!"

The two female ghosts and the generals of the haze were trapped in the formation. Although they were only a dozen meters away from Ye Shaoyang, they saw endless wind volcanic forests, and they were struggling to find a way out. They could not see Ye Shaoyang and others. The existence, but can hear their voice, and ask questions.

"Brothers, we rushed in to do them!" Ye Shaoyang gave orders and immediately rushed over.

Wonderful heart is hurriedly shouting: "Don't come in from there, I am six heavenly gates, six different, you come in from here, I tell you the mouth of the battle!"

If you enter the battlefield with the evil elements in the same direction, they are all in the same heavenly gate. The same is true of the mouth. They can come out, and the few guys follow.

Ye Shaoyang and his entourage entered the formation in accordance with the direction of the wonderful heart, and the scenery in front of them changed, and the world was stunned.

According to the mouth given by the wonderful heart, everyone walked in the direction of pointing, and finally came out of the battle and came to the safe zone in the middle of the battle.

"Fortunately, you are here, or else we have to die here tonight." Miao Xin looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, and looked at the people around him, many of whom have never seen it. At this time, she also I have no time to inquire, and I have been constantly burning paper and printing, and I maintain the formation.

Seeing again, Wutong and Ye Shaoyang were a little awkward, looking at each other. Finally, Wutong bowed his head and muttered: "I hope you can forgive me for doing this."

"I know."

Ye Shaoyang was silent for a while and asked: "Since you have trapped them, why not?"

"I can't go, I have to constantly practice, and here, I can continue to do so. If I leave, they will soon be able to break through, and then catch up with us and go where."

"So how did you get out of the air initially?" Mao Xiaofang asked curiously.

"We were all chased all the way, but we couldn't run it. The top of the mountain was full of spirits. I arranged a simple python array in the mountain pass to trap them. I came here to arrange this. I wanted to use it. The law trapped them and then killed them. They only had two people at first. I didn’t expect a few more in the middle of the road. It’s like this. They are from Taiyin Mountain?”

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"Then why do they want to kill the phoenix tree?" The heart is even more puzzled.

"I can't say a word, let's leave this first. What do these people do to kill them?"

Miao Xindao said: "Let's go. From here, it is a different scene. I teach you the slogan. Go, let me trap them."

Ye Shaoyang left Meihua and Fengqi to protect the two girls. The rest of the people entered the battle with themselves. According to the mouth given by Miaoxin, they stepped closer to the positions of the generals and the two female ghosts.

"You are human masters? We are from the Taiyin Mountain. You must know the end of the Taiyin Mountain!" The female ghost named Haoyue said coldly.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang and his party had already walked to a place not far from them. They went one step further and immediately entered the same illusion as them. Over there, Miaoxin stopped the operation of the formation, and the illusion disappeared. Ye Shaoyang was opposite to the female ghost named Haoyue. He smiled and said: "Taiyin Mountain is right, I am killing Taiyin Mountain!"

After saying that the sword was rushed up.

The female ghost turned and changed, her mouth ripped open, and a tongue with a rancid smell rushed over Ye Shaoyang, and the ends were separated. Like the legs of the octopus brother, several strands were separated and squirming.

"The trough, this stinky, girl, you can look at the long, why not brush your teeth?"

Ye Shaoyang reached out and fanned his mouth. A magical charm hit the past and wrestled. When the charms burned on the female ghosts, Ye Shaoyang’s consciousness felt the fluctuations caused by the ghosts of the spiritual power and the female ghosts. Every cell is excited.

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