Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2339: The 2341 edge is not strong

"The scholar saved me!" Just happened to be a real person who flew to the place where he was not far away. He had to ask for help from him.

He drummed up the evil spirits in the body. As long as the wooden real person dragged the front of Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan real people in front, he was sure to rush out. However, the real person just gave him a look and did not stop. Even if I didn't want to stop, I flew over to the Red Moon Rakshasa.

There is no self-satisfied person in his heart, no one, only one of the Red Moon Rakshasa.

He rushed to withstand Wu Jiawei and shouted to the Red Moon Raksha: "No time, go!"

Red Moon Rakshag looked down at the musk, only one ignition star had been burned, but had no choice but to take up the eyeball and fly toward the void crack...

The wooden real person is based on Wu Jiawei, and he is not in love. The volley has a road mark and flies away.

Bai Qi also chased over, but gave up to catch up with the real people, but went to the self-satisfied stalker who fled, slashed and fell on the head of the self-satisfied.

Since the Supreme is not a person, not a demon, but the soul of the ghost domain, there is a body development in the human world. Under the shackles, the head is immediately opened, and a spurt of the true spirit in the neck cavity is swift. Turned into a pool of pus and blood...

Only two eyeballs flew out and landed on the ground, still dying in the direction of the wooden real person leaving.

Death is not eye-catching.

Ye Shaoyang and Sibao suddenly felt relaxed and fell to the ground together, and they immediately became soft.

"You don't chase, it's boring to chase them!" Ye Shaoyang said with a gasp, put his hands in front of him and saw that he was not burned. This is reassuring and sighed: "What is the eyeball, so terrible? ""

"Ghosts know, anyway, I will have to catch this old woman one day, and use Bodhi to fire her to burn Orleans roast chicken wings!"

"You...all right?" Wu Tong was attached to see their situation.

Ye Shaoyang shook her head and smiled at her. "It's over, you are fine."

"They... Why are you killing me?"

"Tell you again slowly." Ye Shaoyang sat up.

Xu Fufei came and Ye Shaoyang saw him and smiled. "It’s time for the ancestors to come. Thanks to you, you pit the account that I crossed here. I think even. When will I send me back?"


“At the moment?” Ye Shaoyang was a little excited. He glanced at Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan Zhenren, who were chasing the real people in the distance and the Red Moon Raksha, and said: “That, we are so drunk tonight, ""

"It’s too late, the yin is chasing me. I am coming back and kicking them away. Otherwise, how can I get there at this time? But they are searching all the way. At this moment, I am afraid that I will arrive. My mountain seal can only be used again. Once, you must leave now!"

Immediately... leave?

Ye Shaoyang swallowed a slobber and said: "I was looking for you to discuss it. After returning to our time, go to Leichi. Now that you propose to leave, let's go."

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly greeted Mao Xiaofang and others, and the three or two words said the situation.

"This is going to go?" Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan's real face with obvious loss.

"Boss!" Meihua desperately rushed to Ye Shaoyang's arms. "I will wait for you for a hundred years. After a hundred years, we will meet each other..."

"Hello, stay alive, don't kill people, don't get caught by the Master..." Ye Shaoyang snorted.

The buns jumped on Meihua’s shoulders and held her tears in her neck. These two days, the two of them stayed together in the Yinyang mirror for a long time. The buns had already seen her as their sister. He wanted to Ye Shaoyang’s departure is very reluctant to Meihua’s nature.

"Shaoyangzi, the mountain is far from the road, so it is different." Mao Xiaofang stepped forward on Ye Shaoyang's shoulder, and the two stared at each other, all of them were very reluctant.

"I still want to go to see Cui Yunjie, go to her to have a good drink with you, but it is too late..." Ye Shaoyang secretly sighed, life is always inevitably parting, he is very afraid of leaving someone else, But it is still at a different moment.

"Tell me for her, tell her the truth."

"You... are you going?" Wu Tong looked at Ye Shaoyang slyly.

"Yes, I..." Ye Shaoyang looked at her and didn't know what to say for a while. "Why are you going to be chased? They will tell you, in the future, you have to protect yourself... After a hundred years, we Goodbye."

"A hundred years later." Wu Tong muttered this sentence.

"You..." Ye Shaoyang also wants to say goodbye to the wonderful heart. Miao Xin smiled at him. "Do not worry, I must take her to a good place, heaven and earth, I will not be traced."

"You are a geologist. I believe in you."

Ye Shaoyang turned back and wanted to say something to Wu Tong. At this time, a yin wind blew from the direction of the mountain pass, accompanied by a fierce roar, like a beast, but the sound was very far away, and it was very shocking, as if From the distant times, through the time and space, some people's minds were shaken at the place.

"What voice!" Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Hey," Xu Fu said.


The first sacred beast of the Yin Shi listened, actually came to the world?

"Hey, I can sense my position. We just need to be in this space. If we go anywhere, we can't escape. So we have to leave immediately!" Xu Fu said, and took out Shan Haiyin.

At this time, a number of figures rushed from the direction of the mountain pass, there are black and white impermanence, bullhead horse face, and at least twenty or thirty silver armor warriors, lined up.

I didn’t see it, I searched curiously, and I saw the darkness in the distance, two huge red eyes, and the gaze, which made people panic.

This is the rumor that I can hear all the unknowing secrets of the Three Realms and the Sixth Road.

"Old Xu is going quickly, seeing this, I don't want to fight!" Bai urged.

Xu Fu immediately practiced and opened the mysterious power of Shan Haiyin. The golden light overflowed and surrounded everyone.

"Ye Shaoyang, where are you going!"

Ye Shaoyang heard a familiar voice coming from the direction of Yamaguchi. Turning his head and looking at it, it was Xiao Yiyun. He suddenly understood that he did not want to expose his relationship with himself. Otherwise, he would not be in front of the gods and gods. Way to say goodbye to yourself.

"You have the ability to come, after a hundred years, I am waiting for you!" Ye Shaoyang followed his voice and deliberately said. Two people look at each other and say goodbye to their eyes.

The power of the void has already been produced, and the gangsters still have some distance, and the chasing is definitely not catching up.

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