Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2350: 2352 to the sinister 4

Maybe, all this is a cause and effect.

After their traversal, the power of the runes on Shanhai’s seals has been completely exhausted. Xu said that it is clear before, that is to say, no one wants to pass through later, unless they can re-use the runes to support Shanhaiyin, but this requires the emperor. It is basically impossible to do it yourself.

That is to say, it is impossible for him to return to the Republic of China. It is impossible to see Wutong again. Everything about her can only be dealt with by Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuanzhen. They will be the result, and they are completely powerless.

Forever... can't you see them?

Ye Shaoyang looked at the starry sky outside the window and suddenly thought that he did not know that they were with the same age, did they see the same starry sky?

In any case, everything in the Republic of China has come to an end. I have finally returned to the era of my own time. Everything is still waiting for myself to do. Leng Yu is waiting for her own rescue.

Ye Shaoyang looked down. From the high buildings, you can see all kinds of buildings and lights. Everything is so familiar. Ye Shaoyang opened his arms and took a deep breath. He suddenly understood the truth: no matter how many times he reincarnates. No matter who you are in your life, it is the past, the cause and effect of the past, and what you have is this life!

Every human being has a responsibility for every world!

Ye Shaoyang stood in front of the window for a long time, then went back to the table and asked Lao Guo to tell what happened after he left. When the melons talked about the things that met the cold jade and talked to her, Guagua Pay attention to seeing Ye Shaoyang, his fists clenched, his face was full of gluten, and his anger was overwhelming.

Ye Shaoyang hit a heavy punch on the table, and several cups flew up, and the tea splashed everywhere.

"Shaoyang..." Xie Yuqing grabbed Ye Shaoyang's hand and clenched it hard.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and calmed down. He sighed: "I understand what Lengyu is thinking. She doesn't want to drag me down, but it is too deceiving."

Lin Sansheng advised: "Shaoyang, you are calm, and conversely think, this also proves that Lengyu is safe now. We just need to hurry before they get married and save the cold jade. It must be long-term. Arrange slowly." Then he turned to ask me, "When did they get married?"

Ye Shaoyang slammed the table again and angered: "What is married, don't say the word, I am awkward."

Lin Sansheng said: "What do you use, get married?"

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

Guagua Road: "18th next month, the lunar calendar."

Ye Shaoyang stunned, and then I remembered that I had forgotten the date, and confirmed the date with Guagua. I had already walked for one month and ten days, and recently I had a winter.

"There are still half a month. In this half month, we have to do a lot of things... First of all, to help Xiaojiu recover, that, who have you seen the wind recently?"

"Before Xiaosu called me and said that several sects went to Maoshan to find cockroaches. Later, two disciples of Xingyuenu went, and they were forced to fight at the top of the mountain. They also played the baking soda, and the road appeared, and a kill was killed. One, then disappeared." Lao Guo said what he heard.

The disciple of Xingyue slave killed one of the abolished one...

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly, and this kind of thing was only done by the wind. At the moment, I found the snow agate ring from the backpack. This ring also passed through to the Republic of China. He also tried it, but could not activate the rune power above. Holding the ring in his hand, Ye Shaoyang injected a sigh of relief, and soon, from the inside of the ring, it seemed to have a response from the distant sky.

Thinking of the face of the wind, Ye Shaoyang smiled from the heart.

Since he knows that he is here, he will come soon.

Ye Shaoyang continued to discuss with the group and determined that there are three things that are most important at the moment. The first is to go to Xuanyuan Mountain, the Lei Pool, to help Xiaoji recover the soul, and the second is the Longhua Club on Longhu Mountain. According to the information of Lao Guo, this time. The Longhua meeting will select a chief disciple of the magical world to lead the human world to deal with the robbery.

The third thing is to go to the Tianjie Mountain in the zero world and rescue the cold jade from the hands of Hou Qing.

Among the three things, for Ye Shaoyang, the least difficult is Longhua.

According to Lao Guo’s investigation, Xingyue slaves collected some talented disciples from the human world more than a decade ago, secretly cultivated them, and deliberately did not show the mountains leaking. Nowadays, these disciples have grown up and become used. At that time, the so-called chief disciple will be robbed.

This so-called chief disciple is a false name for many people. It falls on the head of the human master. In fact, there is nothing. It will not be too much to care, but once the spell guild is taken away, it will be different. They can pass. This disciple went to a lot of things in the magical world... So what is the chief disciple of this, Ye Shaoyang, if he doesn't want to, he will definitely fight.

In fact, this set of Xingyue slaves has been played once in the Republic of China a hundred years ago, but with the death of Zhang Xiaohan, her plan failed. Now it is nothing more than another, but Ye Shaoyang also believes Since Xingyue slaves are interested in coming back again, it is sure to find a genius that is more powerful than Zhang Xiaohan, otherwise it is completely unnecessary.

Longhua will be held, and there is still a week, Ye Shaoyang wants to smash the thunder pool in this week to help Xiaoji recover.

I heard that the plan of Lei Leichi, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, they are all eager to try.

"Boss, you are not in these days, we are all in the Qing Dynasty, killing those stinky zombies all day, it really doesn't mean anything, we should do something big!" Guagua jumped over Ye Shaoyang's shoulder and said with a brow.

The buns saw it and jumped to the other side of his shoulder. They held Ye Shaoyang’s neck together, and they couldn’t open it. Ye Shaoyang was annoyed.

"In other words, this action is to go to Xuanyuan Mountain to make trouble. You know the Xuanyuan Mountain. The practitioners in that place are all non-human, so this action is very dangerous. When everyone is careful, everything will listen to me."

Everyone nodded, and there was no fear or worry on his face. Only full confidence.

"You are really big, go to Xuanyuan Mountain Leichi..." Xiao Yiyun looked at Ye Shaoyang and smiled. "I have been in the Yinsi for hundreds of years, I have never heard of a Master who dares to do this. But there is really no such thing in this world." Things!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "It’s not me, it’s us. From ancient times to the present, it’s a ghost-picking alliance.”

When I said this, Ye Shaoyang’s heart also gave birth to a passion. The Ghost Federation... The organization that was founded by oneself, along the way, has done a few earth-shattering events. Fortunately, everyone is still there.

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