Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2352: 2354 wind means 2

"Yeah, you still need... Gong Gong, you help me, take me to the door of Xuanyuan." Ye Shaoyang smiled. "Don't open your jokes."

Yang Gong said: "This is a good saying, it is only on the Xuanyuan Mountain. There are countless strong people. It is far better than the human world. Even if you get to the Leichi, you still need time to spend the thunderstorm. When you are bound to be surrounded, how can you retreat?"

"So I insisted on coming back first and looking for your help." Ye Shaoyang glanced at the wind and said, "Go with me?"

Daofeng looked at him with a facial expression and said: "You are more and more playing, and you can't play with you. First, go to the Qing Dynasty, now you have to hit Xuanyuan Mountain?"

"I rely on, what are you talking about, you have a share of the previous thing! You just can't go."

"When did you leave?"

"Just tomorrow, I will clean up."

"Tomorrow?" The three men of the road stunned.

"Yes, the sooner the better, I have something else to do. Oh, right, Dragon and Tiger Mountain Longhua, can't you go?"

Road wind: "You can go anywhere you can."

"What do you mean, if I don't go, let the disciples of the spell guild win the stupidity than the name, which is not good for the human world."

The road wind did not say anything, spread out the palm of his hand, spewed out a black gas, and there were a few faces in the middle, which were distorted in pain. Look carefully, a total of five, four men and one woman, all look Look in his twenties.

Everyone screamed and went to watch.

"these are……"

"The Xingyue slaves received a disciple in the world. There were a total of seven disciples. I was killed by one before. This is five of the other six."

The road wind said this very flatly, but the people who listened, including Ye Shaoyang, looked at the five distorted faces one by one. The five people should be said to be five ghosts. Among them, it should be felt that Ye Shaoyang's existence of a person, crying one by one, making a miserable expression, asking them for help.

"The five people, I killed with Nangong Ying, we spent a few days to find out the identity and movement of these people, just as they acted together tonight, I was killed together."

Yang Gongyu took the remark and said: "It is also a coincidence. We acted tonight and immediately received your information from Shaoyang. This came over. Now Xingyuenu still does not know the death of these people."

"You...how are you going to deal with these ghosts?" Ye Shaoyang murmured.

"Xingyue slaves may use Soul Soul to help them rehabilitate their bodies, or as ghost servants, and wait for me to use their **** seas to **** their repairs, and then send them to the Yin."

"This... If the Xingyue slave knows, the consequences seem to be serious."

People have painstakingly searched for seven descendants in the world and cultivated them for more than ten years. As a result, they were killed five times by night. They also killed one before, leaving only one seedling...

I thought about it for a moment, if I was a slave, I was afraid to be mad.

"Brother, you...this is a bit too embarrassing."

"The bottom of the pot is paying." The wind and cold looked at Ye Shaoyang and said.

Yang Gongyi went on to say: "The spell guild is not as simple as you think. The so-called help of the world of magic is just an excuse."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I know that they want to rule the world of magic."

"You are wrong. This is not a source of dispute. They are persevering to want to enter the masters' spells. I am afraid that there is a deeper conspiracy. If they are allowed to become a climate, we will have no chance. Shaoyang, you think about it. Now, in the Battle of the Qing Dynasty, Taiyin Mountain has also begun to act. For the magical world, this is an era of the last law. Only prevent it before it, completely attack the spell guild, and give them no chance!"

"What do you mean by not giving them a chance?"

"People in the spell guild, see one kill one." The road faintly said.

Ye Shaoyang is stunned. In this case, only the road can be said to be exported.

Ye Shaoyang indulged for a while and said: "Well, you can make sense, just... I can't just casually start with people. After all..."

"I didn't let you do it, no one allowed to do it, I came." The wind interrupted him and said quickly.

Ye Shaoyang and other people listen to this, but it is just speechless.

Lao Guo sighed: "The wind, oh, you go to the Zhao prison to rob the white, offended the sinister, not to mention the world, you have done too many things that violate the morality of the Master, the empty world, even the boundless world You have been offended, or the kind of hatred that can't be reconciled at all. You are now provoked the moon and slaves. You... I am worried about what you will do in the future. Do you have to wander in the ghost field?"

The road turned to look at him and said: "What is it?"

Lao Guodao: "You think for yourself, now Taiyin Mountain and Yin Shi each occupy one side, and they can't be unified. You can't unify your valley of the wind, and those small separatist regimes can exist. If the Yin Shi annihilates Taiyin Mountain in the future, it is bound to To sweep these forces, what should you do in the valley of the wind? If you say something big, if the Taiyin Mountain wins... Yes, the ending is the same."

Yang Gong said: "You can go to my chaos."

Lao Guodao: "If the yin is going to crusade, even if you don't crusade, you are still there."

The wind looked at him and said: "I am doing things, just asking for innocence, no matter what the consequences, you should not worry about me."

Lao Guo opened his mouth and finally sighed and said nothing.

Lin Sansheng said: "Dongfeng, how are the strengths of these disciples killed by you?"

"A land fairy, a master, three quasi-land or Zen master."

Everyone **** in air.

These five people walk together, let alone in the world, even in the Qing Dynasty, it is also a force that cannot be underestimated. Even if you encounter a few of the twelve gold fairy tales, you can’t beat one. come out.

The road wind killed them all...

Lin Sansheng said: "This is indeed much more powerful than that of a hundred years ago. No wonder the same plan, Xingyue slaves have to go twice. It seems that she is not willing to fail in the Republic of China. I want to come back again. However, it is still easily killed by you. What I am thinking is that when Xingyue slaves made plans, did they ever think about this result? If you think, um... I mean, does she still have a backhand? ”

In one sentence, everyone is introduced into deep thought.

Lin Sansheng is like this. He is used to thinking backwards. He always finds the problems behind him through the details that others can't notice.

The Taoist meditation is half-baked and said: "Twenty years ago, I also said that it was not obvious. Even ten years ago, I was far from the world and was forgotten by everyone. Xingyuenu never used me as an opponent and really made her feel threatened. It’s Shaoyang.”

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