Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2357: 2359闯山1

"But I am coming." Bi Qing said slowly. "You should know why I am coming. This world, since there is me, there should be no you."

Su Mo looked at her, biting his lip and said: "I have not reported the big hatred, but I am unwilling."

"I take revenge for you, I am you, everything about you belongs to me, including love and hate."

Su Mo did not live freely and retreated. He slowly shook his head. "But I have three souls and seven sorrows. I was born to my parents. Even though I was created by you, **, has made me a real creature, you... ...not qualified to destroy me."

"The tree is a hundred feet, the roots and leaves are the same root. You don't understand this truth, it's nothing more than a greed. Do you want me to do it?"

Su Mo looked at her, slammed her teeth and turned and ran.

Bi Qing did not move, and the lotus flower composed of the auras that had been born with his own pace had flown over and blocked Su Mo’s way.

Su Mo looked up and shot six purple characters, hovering in the air, one hand fiddling, six purple characters together to form a cross, was pushed out by Biqing, hit the lotus on the opposite side.

With a bang, the lotus is broken.

Su Mo crossed the blockade and ran wildly toward the distance.

"You also have some skills. I don't have a smelter in hand. If you run away, maybe I can't help you, but you are my god, no matter what you do, it will not be my opponent." ”

When Su Mo heard Bi Qing’s words, he still ran forward with a sigh of relief. Suddenly he felt something wrong. He looked up and saw the lotus flowers and the pieces of petals that had been broken by themselves, and they were combined into a huge lotus flower. Hanging on top of your head without falling, the petals are not broken. During the time, Su Mo felt a huge suction, as if to **** away his three souls.

She tried to resist, but although this suction came from the outside world, it seemed to lurk in the depths of her heart, leaving her nowhere to work, and she did not know how to resist.

"Flowers bloom and fall, all have timing. The moon is missing, the cause and effect are accompanied. Bodhi is in the heart, colorless and unbounded..."

A sentence of scriptures, knocking on his own heart, Su Mo's expression gradually stagnate, gave up the resistance, the three souls and seven scorpions as if they were shells, gradually left the body and flew toward the lotus...

"Bold demon!"

A road sprinted in the air and hit the lotus. Biqing did not check for a moment. The lotus was shot down and looked up. See two princes coming. At this moment, Su Mo’s consciousness suddenly woke up, and the soul returned to the body, turned to look at it, and shouted: “The two sisters saved me!” ran towards the two.

"Su Mo Shimei, who is this?" The two just wanted to start, suddenly saw Biqing and Su Mo looked exactly the same, curiously asked.

"I don't know, let's talk about her first!"

The two priests nodded, each holding a sword, rushing toward Biqing, Su Mo also followed, three people attacked Biqing.

Biqing resisted for a moment, and saw that the strength of these two people was also general, so they used the spiritual power to make a lotus flower again. They held it in their hands and beat it back. They suddenly blew the lotus flower and the petals flew like snowflakes. Three people flew toward Su Su.

"Liansheng twenty-three, the film is not the same, the leaves fall like a snow, bow down to worship three clear! Disease!"

Twenty-three lotus flowers, gathered together, combined into a "mountain" word, hitting three people.

The two Lishan disciples saw a surge of momentum and hurried back, each sealed and resisted with a sword.

The petals collided with the sword and produced a huge force. The disciples who were in front of the position flew out. The disciples in the back were shocked and stunned. The word "mountain" suddenly changed shape and became A storm composed of petals, instantly entangled her body, launched a crazy strangle.

The disciple struggled desperately and suddenly felt a cold face and reached out. It was a petal stuck in his eyebrows, and he couldn’t tear it. Between the haste, there are more petals attached to the face.

"The law is returned to the sect, Tianyuan is one, twenty-three students, the smoke is gone! Broken!"

Bi Qing stopped printing, her hands jerked out, and the petals stuck on her face suddenly gave birth to the roots and reached into her eyes and skin.

"Ah," the disciple made a scream of tears and rolled up on the ground.

The petals that grow out of the roots continue to **** her flesh and blood, become fuller, grow fast in the position of the eyes, and grow two blood lotuses.

Bi Qing's hand waved, two blood lotuses flew back to their hands, and then looked at the Lishan disciple, the body quickly withered, turned into a pool of pus...

Su Mo looked at him and trembled.

"Qiu Shimei!!" The disciples who were shocked by the bloodshed screamed.

Biqing giggled, throwing the blood lotus out and hitting Su Mo.

Su Mo came back and raised the injured Lishan disciple from the ground and ran away from the trees.

The **** lotus blossoms, countless lotus seeds, shot like them at the mans, the speed is very fast, the eyes will hit their backs, suddenly a hurricane blows, the nearby pear trees are shaking, countless petals are flying Falling, a storm formed, blocking those lotus seeds.

A figure, landed on a recent flower tree, white clothes like snow, long hair fluttering, is a heroic woman.

"Fan Shijie! Qiu Shimei was harmed by this demon, and her soul was taken away by her. Fan Shijie revenge for her!" Shrinking in Su Mohuai, the disciple cried.

Fan Lihua was furious, and Chong Biqing said: "I have never been rushed to our mountain gates for hundreds of years, and you are enchanting!"

Bi Qing sneered and said: "When I got it, you haven't born yet, even if it is the old mother of Lishan, you have to call me a ancestor, what do you think!"

Fan Lihua was furious, his hands were constantly printed, and the trees around him shivered. More petals fell from the branches, and they condensed into a storm in front of them.

Illusion flower sea?

Biqing converges on the heart and calls the two blood lotuses on his shoulders. It is also a printing practice. He intends to make a hard fight. Suddenly, a change of movement comes from outside the flowers.

Someone has arrived, there is more than one.

Biqing hesitated, and manipulated two blood lotuses to fight against Fan Lihua. Fan Lihua manipulated the storm composed of pear flowers and greeted them.

One side is a lotus flower, and the other side is a pear flower. Two storms collide and make a loud bang, and the petals flutter and spread out over time.

Fan Lihua's figure spurt out, through the petals, looking around, has disappeared from the shadow of Biqing.

"Su Mo, you have a kind of hiding in Lishan for a lifetime!"

(End of this chapter) (s:)

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