Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2366: 2368 Thunder Pool 2

Fighting, Ye Shaoyang sold a flaw, pretending to be forced to retreat, the old monk thought that organic can be awkward, can sacrifice the Buddhism big handprint, call Ye Shaoyang's heart, Ye Shaoyang backhand will yin and yang mirror.

The old monk sneered.

Ye Shaoyang shot slowly, but also cursed, only fear that his spell was finished, his big handprint has already hit him, and he is determined to win.

However, Ye Shaozhen did not have a curse, but took a yin and yang mirror to the old monk, a figure flew out from inside, followed by a second, third...

The members of the Ghost Federation, which were hidden in the yin and yang mirrors, flew out in one breath and rushed to the old monk.

The old monk had a slap in the face, and he was returned to the gods and surrounded by the group. Everyone was welcome, and all kinds of means greeted him. The old monk is still strong, and he can't stand the siege of so many people. He quickly recruited and was pushed to the ground.

Ye Shaoyang rushed over, and once he went down, he took the old monk out of the distance, and the man fell in the distance. Although he quickly got up, but the people were not hurt, he looked at the group of people like a wolf, and he didn’t know. Thinking about it.

"Throw them all out, don't hurt people!" Ye Shaoyang shouted.

As more people joined the battle, the battle immediately turned sharply. The seven or eight Pangu were under the group, and they fought back and were driven out from the thunder pool.

Ye Shaoyang and others did not pursue, but according to the previous plan, the four treasures unloaded two sacks, took out the folding shovel shovel in the waist, separated the bag, and a huge smell immediately filled the air.

"What is this!" The old monk also smelled the sour taste and called out.

"Chicken feces, dog feces, horse manure, and the most stinky pig manure." Ye Shaoyang squinted at him.

"What!" The old monk and a few Pangu around him were shocked and stunned. Then the face turned red and roared: "How dare you use such a scorpion to pollute the Xuanyuan Holy Land! It is a sin to die."

The old monk rushed over while roaring, but the words had not been finished yet. The four treasures used a shovel to shovel a pile of manure mixed with various flavors and threw it at him.

The old monk was shocked, and he waved his sleeves and bounced off the feces. He was fine, but he was still smothered by the stinking venom, and then he saw Ye Shaoyang, as long as it was human, it was ready. The cotton swab plugged the nose.

"Ah!" Just a glimpse of his sleeve, a small amount of discerning clothes that fell on the side of the plate, although only a little, is enough to make these people feel that they have been smashed, these Pangu, long years in Xuanyuan Mountain was refurbished, where has touched this kind of stolen goods, one by one, regardless of the image, screaming and screaming, I don’t know how to do it well.

"There is no reason to do this, together, stop them!" The old monk slammed down with the squad, but the harvest was the four treasures of several shovel feces, although this time there was preparation, the use of swaying, but the momentum of progress Also blocked, I was at a loss.

"What are you waiting for, spray them again!" Ye Shaoyang shouted to Xie Yuqing.

On the other side of the four treasures, a shovel shoveled the manure out and piled it on the edge of the thunder pool and extended it.

This is exactly the part of their plan. When we discussed the action last night, I thought that the most difficult thing was that during the time when I really snatched the thunder pool and helped the small Jiudu to robbery, the other party will surely come and rush. At the beginning, Ye Shaoyang could not move. It could only be kept, and the small nine-toothed robbery succeeded. Therefore, this requires a very powerful array to delay the time as much as possible.

Ye Shaoyang and his party wanted to come and think. In the end, Lao Guo suddenly thought, and he thought that there was no way to stop the attackers. The only way is to take the sword away from the front: instead of fighting with them, they will find some manure. Sprinkle a circle around the thunder pool, so you have the mixed stools of these two sacks.

The human master can't touch these stolen goods either, or the mana will be lost in a short time, so Lao Guo gave them all rubber gloves, and the four treasures came along.

With them, these Pangu 僧, or other creatures in Xuanyuan Mountain, are self-deprecating, absolutely do not want to touch the filth of others, today, they really gambled to win: the old monk and several Pangu Although the gas has to vomit blood, it is not screaming, but no one dares to go ahead.

Although this is a bit damaged, but in order to be small, I have to do it.

"You are so filthy to the Holy Land, you can't help it!" The old monk's hand sticks into the ground, cold and cold: "You can't walk today!"

Ye Shaoyang and others looked at it and saw the hillsides on both sides. The monks rushed down and rushed toward them. There are dozens of people watching.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and no longer groaned. He flew up to the Leichi, and the land that was in the middle of the "storm" was also an island. Ye Shaoyang took out Donghuangzhong, but for a time he didn't know how to start. He remembered the voice of Lin Sansheng: "Take the East Emperor's clock in the middle, try the airflow below!"

Ye Shaoyang did it.

The airflow that came from the water surface of the entire Thunder Pool immediately fell on the surface of the East Emperor Bell. The face symbol seemed to be brighter, as if it were illuminated by a spotlight.

Ye Shaoyang used the mind to drive the East Emperor Bell, became a person so high, everything is more clear, and you can see that there is a light in the flow.


The old monk and the dry plate were old, heard the words of Lin Sansheng, and saw the real thing of Donghuangzhong. They were all stunned. They were in Xuanyuan Mountain for a long time. Although some of them have meat, the principle is human, but it is not from the human world. Many things on earth don't understand.

Before the East Emperor Taiyi flew, the most holy instrument left in the world, as long as it is a creature like the magical world, has not heard of it.

For a time, these people have forgotten the attack.

"What happened, no response." Ye Shaoyang stared blankly at Donghuangzhong, sitting inside the small nine-lap, and there was no change.

Biqing suddenly said: "Ye Shaoyang, you jump to Donghuangzhong interview for a try!"

"Don't!" Xiaojiu stopped, but Ye Shaoyang had jumped and jumped to the top of Donghuangzhong. Just sat down and felt a strange power in a moment, coming to his own Donghuangzhong, passing through his own Body, then go to it.

"Boom!" A thunder sounded and rang in the ear. Ye Shaoyang looked up and looked at the water vapor in the group, as if there was a thunder, so he went down.

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