Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2375: 2377 says to do 1

This is the most shining moment of Lao Guo’s life.

The first inventor of the spell world. Well deserved.

But when it comes to this solution, the original design inspiration is to save money...

When Lao Guo talked about it with great enthusiasm, because the strongest person of Shanshan Zen Master was broken, the strength of both the enemy and the enemy suddenly subverted. Lin Sansheng called on everyone to retreat into the circle of dung. I have spared no effort to resist the siege of Pan Guzhen.

It is also because the crisis was temporarily lifted, and Lao Guo had the time and effort to speak such a large passage.

"Finally," he said, sticking out his finger and looking at the mountain master. "I just want to say a word, to believe in science, and sometimes the mind is more useful than mana."

"This is forcing! I am serving!" The pony yelled and climbed directly onto the back of Lao Guo, covering his neck with both hands.

Lao Guo stretched his hand and wiped his hair. He said in an understatement: "a piece of cake."

Lin Sansheng shouted: "The battle is not over yet. Let's hold it together!"

In a word, the atmosphere of a little relaxation was tightened. When everyone responded to the enemy, they turned their heads and looked at the East Emperor Bell. Ye Shaoyang and Xue Qi sat back to the top of Donghuangzhong. Xue Qi’s expression was better, Ye Shaoyang’s face was Like white, it looks very weak, as if the gods and souls have been drained.

Although there have been numerous injuries before, and painful resistance has been carried out under difficult circumstances, in the eyes of everyone, Ye Shaoyang has never seen such a situation as before, and it seems that there is a feeling of being very close to death.

It is not the death of the flesh, but the broken of the gods.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang can completely practice the use of suffocating gas to offset the power of the robbery. People can immediately slow down. However, the most cruel part of the process of robbery is the inability to use mana: Ye Shaoyang’s current role is the medium. The power of the demon thunder is directed to the East Emperor's bell to help the small Jiudu robbery. If you use the suffocating gas, you can resist the demon mine, but in this way, the meaning of the robbery does not exist.

He can only rely on God to die, bear the demon, and the thoughts of those undead...

"Fortunately, Xue Qi helped him absorb some of the power of the demon, or he was afraid that he could not stand it." Lin Sansheng muttered.

"Then we will go together, everyone will stand together!" The pony said that he was going to pass, was stopped by Lin Sansheng, and he gave him a glance: "People Xueqi has no soul, can bear the thunder, how do you go, When you go, you are flying away!"

"That... are we waiting here?"

Lin Sansheng glanced at Ye Shaoyang, and his eyes were full of worries. He muttered: "It is only by himself. We can keep it for him."

Shanshan Zen Master was broken and fell on the ground. His expression seemed to be contemplative. He was silent for a long time. He nodded and said slowly: "The human spell has not been seen for hundreds of years, but it has talents, but... Micro-small surgery."

When the pony listens, he doesn't do it. He yells: "The old vulture, don't push it again. You are now broken, and there is nothing to wear. You are arrogant, come and come, follow me. Fighting shirtlessly!"

If, before, the pony did not dare to speak out, but the eyes are different, the Shanshan Zen master is broken, can not be used, now is an ordinary ghost, the pony immediately play the instinct of bullying and fear, screaming.

Shanshan Zen master glanced at him, suddenly reached out, pinching the middle finger, a golden light appeared in his fingertips, turned into a wave of water, slowly flowing down, the whole body was wet, and the manure on the sputum was also cleaned.

"Master Zaga, Dawei Tianlong, Prajna Paramita!"

Shanshan Zen master recited the spell and walked slowly toward the Leichi. Every time he took a step, the water wave on his body would erode the three-inch place in front of him. When he walked into the dung heap, he immediately rushed out the manure. Not on the body.

A group of people in the ghost-caught alliance, they were all scared, and Wu Jiawei, who was closest to him, reacted in the first time and rushed over with the sword.

Shanshan Zen master put his hands together, staggered up and down, and the fingers of the golden light, formed a "卐" in front of the body, Zangfeng sword with a strong power, stabbed in the word "卐", just let the mountain The pace of the Zen master paused, and Wu Jiawei was immediately shaken back several steps.

"how is this possible!"

The pony screamed. "He and he are not broken, can't do it. What the hell?"

The rest of the people are looking forward to the looming Shanshan Zen master.

"I know." Four treasures suddenly opened. "He is a sage, or a higher realm!"

Sayādaw! ! !

These two words seem to be a hammer, and they are in everyone's heart.

The order of the disciples of Buddhism is: Shami, Bhikkhu, Master, Zen Master, Master, Luohan, and Zun.

The corresponding to the Sayādaw is the immortal of the Taoist temple, which belongs to the unknowable realm. Although it is only a realm with Luohan, it is a world of difference.

"How do you know?" Wu Jiawei asked.

"Buddha disciple, after the rumor has been cultivated into a sacred person, it can really reach the point of 'no body, no dirt, no dirt, no'. His body, existence or not has no meaning... The wind is also the realm, this realm, Not what we can understand."

"What should I do?" asked Xiaobai.

"The mana is always exhausted." Four treasures bite their teeth. "Get together, the ants lick the elephant! Anyway, stop him from getting to the thunder pool!"

Everyone rushed over and practiced each other to prevent Shanshan Zen Master from approaching.

Lao Guo and Xie Yuqing went up to the ground, so they kept the gaps on both sides of the dung heap and sprayed the manure on the Pangu to prevent them from joining the battle. Yang Gongyi and Jianwendi also left their help, temporarily blocking the numerous Panguyu that swarmed.

However, despite the ghost-catching alliance, the strength of Shanshan Zen Master is far more than any opponent they have encountered before. Even though everyone is together, it only affects his speed. Under the eye-catching golden light, he is unable to get close. Even the South Palace Shadow can not help him.

The Zen Master is walking very slowly, but still walking step by step and unswervingly...

The power of the Savior cannot be stopped.

As the gods became more and more exhausted and almost fell on the verge of falling apart, Ye Shaoyang’s consciousness disappeared, leaving only an unyielding thought, almost instinctively, in the final insistence...

This last **** was also infiltrated a little bit, like a boat that was swaying in the storm, completely submerged in the waves, leaving only the last one of my masts, and gradually submerged in the water, only a little It will be completely submerged...

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