Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2377: 2379 I am the knife 1

The road wind volleyed, and the Shanhe community's shackles immediately curled up, like a snake, surrounded by a clear body, clinging around in a circle.

In the Qing Dynasty, a very terrifying force broke out, resisting the attraction of the Shanhe Society, but because it was completely unprepared, it was too close to the Shanhe Society’s map, and did not escape in the first place. The road was chasing after it. Don't relax for a moment.

Qing has to resist the suction, but also to escape from the wind, the loss of mana is great, the speed of flight is getting slower and slower, and the distance from the Shanhe community is shrinking. Finally, his legs are sucked by the Shanhe Society. Going in, resisting for a while, no longer struggling, the body gradually fell into a whirlpool, was sucked into the waist by the Shanhe Society, and the wind caught the two ends of the Shanhe Society, and forced him to wrap it in...

"The wind!"

A scream was made, and the light flashed somewhere in the picture and then disappeared completely.

Seeing that they were sucked in by the Shanhe Society, the Taoist priests who had been entangled with the twelve disciples lost their hearts and bones, and then fled to the mountains without fighting.

The ancient evil spirits led the twelve disciples and immediately chased them.

"I have to chase." The road faintly said, he did not think that he really washed the Beidouguan. Before that, he said that he also gave it to the Qing listening, so that he sent his disciples to besiege themselves and alleviate Ye Shaoyang. The pressure over there.

"Congratulations to the Lord, I have collected it." The ancient evil spirits took the lead and flew without a chance.

"Not at all. It was just a slap in the face of the Shanhe Society. He was already gone."

When the ancient evil spirits and other people heard it, they suddenly became shocked and looked around, but they did not see the shadow.

"But why don't you see the trace?"

"He used the Dao Fa, and replaced the deity with a avatar. He broke the robbery and the Yuanshen was seriously injured. How can he stay here?"

The road wind glanced in a certain direction of the mountain forest, rolled up the map of the mountain river community, and flew toward the thunder pool.

"I don't believe it, can't stop you! You all let it go!"

In front of the Leichi, Nangong Ying suddenly burst into a bang and rushed all the way to the side. He handed a Buddhist seal to his hands and shot it against the Shanshan Zen master.

Shanshan Zen master also raised his hands and slammed his hands with Nangong Ying, and suddenly there was a wave that could almost break the void. The pace of the Zen Master was stopped.

The two men joined hands and looked like two wrestlers who were full of strength and entangled.

On the face of Master Shan Shan, with a sad smile, looking at Nangong Ying, he slowly said: "I was in the river of the way, and I have more contact with your Shura, the Ashura, among the three souls, the most It’s violent and aggressive, I see you today, and it’s not true. The Tibetan Buddhism has onceified you, and if you are obsessed with this, then this is not empty, but you can see my Buddha if you break through the sky. Prince Ashura, like you. How can I go to the pure land of the mother-in-law?"

Nangong Shadow cold and cold road: "You said that you are pure land, where are you, have you been?"

Shanshan Zen Master said: "If there is no pure land, why do my people practice? Proof of the mixed yuan, since the flight can be upgraded."

Nangong Ying sneered aloud: "Masters thought, how can we prove the mixed yuan?"

"Slim and self-cultivation, but greedy and ridiculous, it is the avenue of the avenue. If you want to hear the words, then put down the butcher's knife, practice in my Xuanyuan Pure Land, in order to see the avenue."

Nan Gong Ying smiled and said: "But I can't put a knife."


"Because, I am a knife myself."

After Nangong Ying finished speaking, he shouted and his hands forced forward.

"Amitabha. The scorpion can't be taught." Shanshan Zen master refers to the palm, gently flicking in front, and the Buddha's light is shot, and the enchantment of Nangong Shadow's suffocation is formed.

Countless Buddha light, worn from his flesh.

The body of Nangong Ying immediately seemed to be roasted, and suddenly it softened and turned into a pool of blood and landed on the ground.


Everyone present at the scene saw this scene, and it was completely shaken. He stared blankly at the pool of blood on the ground. Suddenly, the pool of blood was slowly condensed, and the longer and taller, the huge figure formed by blood. There are two or three meters high, the first-born one-horned, glaring and stunned, looking fierce and evil, looking down at the mountain master.

"The true body of Ashura!" Four treasures marveled.

"What happened to the real body?" The pony was puzzled.

Sibao explained to everyone:

The Ashura family, from the blood pool of the Styx, is the essence of blood itself, the blood is not dry, the gods are not destroyed, under normal circumstances, it belongs to Xiaoqiang who can't die.

But once they show their true body, it is a struggle between life and death. Using their own blood as a source of spiritual power, they fight and consume their own blood. The repair can be improved in a moment, but if the blood is exhausted, the gods will be wiped out...

After listening to everyone, I looked at Nangongying with a stunned look. Lao Guo said, "This kid is doing this, this is not a battle of life and death. Why is this?"

If it wasn't for Nangong Ying, but any one of them would do this, it would not surprise other people: they and Ye Shaoyang, a good brother of life and death, sacrificed for their brothers, of course.

However, Nangong Ying has nothing to do with Ye Shaoyang. He is only being asked by the wind to help fight. He does not need to be so desperate to put his own life into it.

"I know."

Wu Jiawei looked at Nangong Ying and slowly spit out this sentence.

"Because he is a knife, the meaning of his practice, his heart is to fight." In the face of the doubts of the people, Wu Jiawei explained.

Nangong Ying is not here to help, he just heard that there are masters here, come to fight, and the core of the battle is desperate. There is no need for any deep hatred, and it is a sigh of relief. If he is embarrassed at this time, his heart will be broken. Even if he returns alive, there will be no more achievements in the future.

Although Wu Jiawei is not as extreme as Nangong Shadow, he is also a warrior, so he can understand Nan Gongying's practice.

Over there, Mt. Shanshan looked at Nangong Ying, who was several times taller than herself. She was completely afraid of it and had no expression on her face. She continued to take a step forward.

The body composed of Nangong Ying's blood suddenly broke open and turned into countless blood drops. In the middle, Shanshan Zen master was wrapped in the middle, forming three reverse-rotating ripples, madly consuming the power of blood.

Shanshan Zen master stood still, hands folded together, slightly separated, palm formed a triangle, the golden Buddha's palms rushed out, gathered at the top of the head, forming a golden flower, resisting the consumption of blood.

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