Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2386: 2388 iron plate piece 2

Lin Sansheng sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed and said: "There is no main peak of Xuanyuan Mountain..."

Ye Shaoyang stunned and said: "Do you know?"

"The mountain is the clear dojo." The wind came in from the door and said.

Seeing him, Ye Shaoyang stood up and stared at him. He looked for a while and said, "I don't have any good thank you, let me know."

The face of the road is slightly awkward, as if it is not suitable for this kind of joke, slightly bowed.

Yang Gongyu took over the words and said: "The road is right. The Taoist temple on the mountain is Beidouguan... The opponents we met at that time were actually only two gangs. One gang is a disciple of Beidouguan, and the other is Pangu. Oh, oh, those two beasts should not be with them all."

Ye Shaoyang listened to her saying this, sinking up and saying: "What is the relationship between Beidouguan and Pangu?"

"It doesn't matter, they should all belong to the power of Xuanyuan Mountain. I guess that this mountain monk is guarding Leichi. The other two gods, 80% are in other places, have their own responsibilities..."

Lin Sansheng said.

"As for Beidouguan, it is only a private private dojo. Such a dojo must have a few places in Xuanyuan Mountain. Xingyue slave is his sister, but... since you can invite the two ancient beasts to fight, explain the status Still quite high."

Four treasures: "He is a younger sister, and his status may not be higher than him. Moreover, the two ancient beasts, who are talking and acting, are obviously forced to obey her assignment."

Lin Sansheng nodded. "I have heard that Xingyuenu is only the last of the seven elders. Maybe... she has any tasks. I still remember that she repeatedly mentioned Xuanyuan, which may be like ancient times. When things like the sword of the square, no matter who holds it, anyone must cooperate with the dispatch."

Yang Gong said: "What is her mission?"

Lin Sansheng said: "You think about it. She has always been the representative of Xuanyuan Mountain in the world. I guess that her task is very likely to lead the spell guild to occupy the human world."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly. "According to this, our main opponent is her. But in all fairness, she is still a duty, and the means used to occupy the world is still relatively soft. It is not directly conquered by force."

The road sneered coldly: "If it is by force, the human world will fight for death, can she become a thing?"

Lin Sansheng said: "The road is that they are not benevolent, but their purpose is to encroach on, not to kill, even if the human world is not an opponent, but if these wizards are dead, they occupy the human magic world, what do you mean? ?"

Ye Shaoyang cares for a moment, thinking for a while, said: "That depends on you, why are they so obsessively trying to occupy the human world? Didn't do it a hundred years ago, failed to succeed, and have not given up yet."

Lin Sansheng sinks into it. This problem is not something that can be thought of by the mind alone. Others naturally don’t know.

Ye Shaoyang always feels that there is something more mysterious and unknown. There is no clue for a moment, but he has to give up and then recall the passage of this battle. Although the ending is very good, it is really too dangerous. It is.

"Fortunately, we are not going to the main peak of Xuanyuan Mountain. It is such a mountain and Zen master and Qing is so powerful. If we come back more, we really have to be wiped out."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "Before we went, we really thought things too simple. Fortunately, everyone gave strength."

Lin Sansheng smiled slightly. "In my opinion, I didn't think things were too simple, but... things went wrong. Shaoyang, we are ambushing."

He never said anything to him, not only Ye Shaoyang, everyone in the room showed deep doubts.

"When we went to the Leichi, Pangu was already waiting for us. When we were robbing, they flocked, and there was a Beidouguan. So many disciples, all of a sudden, came up... The most weird, It’s the two different beasts. In their capacity, even if there is a Xuanyuan order, it’s impossible to transfer them casually. Think about it?”

"Not bad... Finally, Xingyue slaves rushed to Leichi, and in a flash they mobilized two ancient animals. Oh, yes, there are those thundering generals, and more than a dozen! Now I want to come, really ambush It is impossible to come on temporarily!" Four treasures suddenly realized.

Ye Shaoyang just wanted to speak, and suddenly someone knocked at the door. Everyone has a sigh of relief. Basically, acquaintances are here. Who will knock on the door outside?

"Oh, it's my takeaway, you continue." Zhou Jingru said that he went out, and after a while, he walked in with a big bag. "Shaoyang was awake and awake. It was weak. I ordered porridge and ordered it." A lot of everyone drink together. Shaoyang, what porridge you drink, there are porridge, lean porridge with preserved eggs, and shrimp porridge. You haven't eaten more than one day, drink porridge. It is better for the stomach."

Ye Shaoyang said thank you. Zhou Jingru took out a bowl of porridge and fed him with a spoon.

"I will come by myself. Thank you." Ye Shaoyang took the bowl and suddenly remembered something and asked her: "I remember you are abroad, just came back?"

"Well, I arrived yesterday, you should eat it first, don't talk."

Ye Shaoyang felt warm and warm, and took the porridge and finished drinking it. On Zhou Jingru said: "I will discuss the business first, and I will talk to you later."

"Well, you said yours." Zhou Jingru sat quietly and looked at him.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Lin Sansheng and said: "What we said just now, oh yes, there is an ambush, but this is not possible. We decided to go the day before the departure. How could Xingyue slave know... Is anyone monitoring? We are not?"

"Impossible." The four treasures immediately denied. "We are all here. Within a hundred meters of the radius, there is no possibility that there will be ghosts and corpses close to each other and no one will perceive it. Unless it is a strong man like Xingyue slave."

"Even if she is, she can't leave no trace."

Ye Shaoyang believes that no one does not have the strength of the wind. No creature can approach him without being aware of it.

"But there is no other possibility. We have not told the outsiders." The orange said with a sigh.

Everyone looked at each other, and each face showed a strange expression, and they looked at each other, but no one spoke.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Impossible."

Suddenly, everyone understood the meaning and nodded.

Jianwen Emperor stood at the door. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but say: "How is it impossible? Someone of you must leak it."

I wrote it last night and forgot to post it. Really dizzy... Sorry. This is yesterday.

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