Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2395: 2397th wearing a cloud arrow 1

As long as he can hold him, it is so close to the sinister, the army is coming, and the ten whites can't stop it, but... At the crucial moment, the snow magic of the Taiyin Mountain, with a dry hand, arrived, and there is no encirclement When it was formed, it would be saved from the white, and went to the Taiyin Mountain together. The people in the Yin Shi went to catch up, but where to catch up.

After Ye Shaoyang and others listened, they were shocked and could not speak.

"Xu Fu and Bai Qi, actually colluded with the people of Taiyin Mountain..." Xiao Yiyun murmured.

"This is impossible." Ye Shaoyang said, "I don't believe it."

Xiao Yiyun said: "I don't believe it either. I just said that I was standing in the position of the Yin Shi, because the Yin Shi encircled them both, and it was also a temporary action. There was not much time for the layout. How did the Taiyin Mountain get the news?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Maybe Taiyin Mountain also pays close attention to both of them."

"But the yin will not think so, they will think that the two sides have colluded... Fortunately, you have not shot, or you will have to involve this matter, the situation is complicated."

Xiao Yiyun paused and said: "And what you just said, why should Taiyin Mountain pay attention to them two, the reason? Just to pull them into the gang?"

Ye Shaoyang thought about it and said: "There is only one reason."

Facing the eyes of everyone, Ye Shaoyang said slowly: "In order to get the mountain seal."

In a word, everyone is stunned.

Xiao Yiyun took a breath and thought for a while, saying: "But is Shan Haiyin not using the power of runes?"

"That is just Xu Fu told me. Taiyinshan has not seen Shanhaiyin. How can I believe it? Let me take a step back and say that even if the power of runes is really used up, Shanhaiyin itself is still a treasure. Whoever said that the Emperor must personally write Can the character be driven? If I am the Promise, I want to get this, at least try it."

The orange said: "That is right. This kind of instrument that can travel through time and space. If it really falls in the hands of the Promise Ghost King, I really don't know what to do. Don't say it is them. I think this thing should be human. People coveted? Even if it is a sinister, put on such a big battle to pick him up, and most of them are to get the mountain seal again."

Xiao Yiyun said: "Then they should look for Xu Fu, what are you looking for?"

"Before you ambushed Xu Fu, it was too close to the yin, and the people in Taiyin Mountain would not dare to come over, then only put hope on the white body."

Xiao Yiyun listened to Ye Shaoyang saying that his brow wrinkled and said: "You mean to say... Shan Haiyin may be on the white body?"

"Xu Fu knows that he has to be arrested. It is very likely that he will secretly hand over Shan Haiyin to Bai Qi at the beginning and let him break through."

"No, Shan Haiyin is not without the power of runes. What to do, he surrendered Shan Haiyin, and the crime can be lighter."

"He did so much against the yin, and it doesn't matter. The old man must have thought of this day long ago. As for why he left Shanhaiyin, I don't know, but I am sure that Shan Haiyin is not on him. ”

“How come you see?”

Ye Shaoyang looked around and took out the cinnabar pen, and recited the curse in the mouth. While stroking the line, he used the Maoshan mystery to divide the space. Although there seems to be no difference, they are in a small range of this rectangle. It has become a temporarily closed space, and has no connection with the outside world. Even if you listen, you can't hear what they are saying.

With Ye Shaoyang's mana, this space can last for about ten minutes, but this is enough for them to make it clear.

"What are you going to say?" Xiao Yiyun was so shocked to see Ye Shaoyang's such cautious move.

"Do you remember the few spells that Xu Fu finally told me?"

Everyone nodded together.

Xiao Yiyun said: "I am still curious, what magic did you learn with him?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "Dog, he didn't teach me any spells at all!"

Several people are stunned.

"That... why did he say this, is it a mistake?" said the orange frowning.

Ye Shaoyang laughs.

"At the beginning, I was also inexplicable, but I think that Xu Fu's memory will not be so bad. It is simply something that is born out of nothing..."

Xiao Yiyun said: "What are the four spells?"

"The Eight Diagrams Two Births, the Bodhi Tree, the Mountains and the Seas, and the Four Elephants." Ye Shaoyang remembers the spells and the like.

Xiao Yiyun and others have pondered a bit, completely do not understand.

"How can there be such a spell, across the two Buddhas, is this really a spell?" Xiao Yiyun expressed doubts about the authenticity of the mantra. Gossip is the foundation of Taoism. Bodhi is the Buddha's. To explain, it is also Taoist. Although the four elephants are also used by Taoism, the roots are in Buddhism...

Who is this kind of spell to listen to? Can it really work?

"I don't know this. I don't understand the meaning of this spell. However, I think it is related to Shan Haiyin, because in addition to Shan Haiyin, Xu Fu has no other secrets."

Everyone believes in this possibility.

"The first thing to do is to make sure that Shan Haiyin is not in Xu Fu." Xiao Yiyun said.

"This is going to bother you to help me explore and tell me back."

Xiao Yiyun waved: "You don't have to look back, let's go to town together, I will help you ask, you will know immediately, after all, they catch Xu Fu, the first thing is definitely to find Shan Haiyin."

Ye Shaoyang also agreed, so everyone went into the capital city and went straight to the Sen Luo Temple. As a result, I walked halfway, just in time to meet the black impermanence, and saw Ye Shaoyang, stunned, and quickly walked and said: "I am going to take you..."

Ye Shaoyang stunned.

Black impermanence took a picture of his mouth, "Hey, say shun, not take you, is looking for you..." Then I looked around, and the capital city is like a city in the world, as long as it is a ghost in the dead city. No matter whether it is a ghost or a ghost, except for the special section (such as the reincarnation of the door), the rest can be walked everywhere, so there are many ghosts coming and going.

"It's not convenient to talk here. Let's change places... Go, come with me."

Black impermanence strodes in front of the road, with Ye Shaoyang and his party went to the ghost market, here are all for sale, more people, black impermanence to bring them into a restaurant. It is the largest restaurant in the ghost city, named "De Yue Lou."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the name and became familiar with it. He said to the orange: "Is there a moon in the world, is it in Suzhou or Hangzhou?"

The store Xiao Er heard and said: "Yes, we are here, the ancestors of the moon-roots bosses of the people, and here are the old ones, even if they are the branches of the moon building."

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