Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2418: The 2420 corporal forbidden land 1

"I secretly investigated it. I didn't say that I won't let you go. Listen to me. If you want to go, you have to make a good plan. You can't hold the same attitude. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. In fact, he really didn't think much. Four treasures, Pony, Lao Guo, these three are his first brothers (except women), he still remembers to investigate a spooky incident, the four treasures came to help, two people sitting on the mountain chatting experience, although After that, I experienced so many lives and deaths and sufferings, but Ye Shaoyang did not know why. He remembered the deepest, but this time it looked like a bland experience.

At that time, they opened their hearts to each other. Since then, they have been life and death brothers. After all, the various life and death crises that have gone through together are inevitable.

"With regard to the combat plan, you have to see the military division before you can discuss it together. No, he can't."

The experience of several previous wars is still vivid, especially in the recent battle of Xuanyuan Mountain. From finding Leichi to tactical arrangements, Lin Sansheng has made great contributions.

Four treasures nodded and said: "Sansheng is a good comrade, that is, emotional, more persistent."

"You are not attached."

"I... well, let's talk about business right. I just haven't finished yet. I heard that Tianfu Mountain is surrounded by clouds and it is a very secret place. Even if there is no guard, outsiders can't go in." ""

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he immediately frowned and said: "Is it harder than the Taoist method of Taoism?"

"That may not be, but... the key has never been in. Oh, it should be said that if you go in, you will not be alive, and you will rush in. You will not find the entrance for a while, even if you find it, others will also Waiting, how can you save people?"

Ye Shaoyang is silent, and the four treasures are right. If you want to save people in the old nest of the corpse, you can only attack it. You must quickly cross all obstacles and reach Tianzhushan to have a chance...

Ye Shaoyang said: "So, we still have to find someone to squat in the past, and then come back and take us over?"

"That kind of place... can you still get back when you explore the road?"

Ye Shaoyang thinks about it too.

When the two men talked about it, Guagua was watching TV, and neither of them noticed that his face was slightly wrong.

"Hey, Gua Gua, the last time you brought back the news, it’s not that Houqing took you to see Lengyu. It was at Tianzhu Mountain." The four treasures suddenly remembered this matter.

"Ah! What's wrong!" The muscles on the face of the melon are somewhat stiff.

"Do you still remember the way of the past?"

"I... I don't remember." Guagua stared at the movie screen and shouted.

The four treasures came over and said, "How much do you remember, at least talk about what the road to the mountain looks like."

The face of melon was showing a distressed look. I looked down for a long time and said: "I was dumbly all the time. Afterwards, I was given it by him. I didn't see it at all. I felt like a jungle, trees everywhere. I walked through but it doesn't mean I can remember that the place is the same everywhere. If no one leads, it is impossible to find it."

Guagua looked at Ye Shaoyang and said with some timidity: "And they may have become married."

"What are you talking about!" Ye Shaoyang scolded.

Guagua will not say it immediately.

Four treasures to Ye Shaoyang said: "In fact, it is not important to be married or not. They are a zombie alone, and they can't be jealous. Oh, yes, zombies don't seem to have that function? I haven't studied this..."

This topic is awkward, Ye Shaoyang is speechless. Of course, zombies can't be embarrassed. Without that function, they can't have children.

Sibao patted Ye Shaoyang's shoulder and said: "I understand what you mean, mainly because of the name. If you become someone else's wife, you are doing polygamy... Of course, the situation here is a bit complicated, actually taking the wife. The person is him, but ah... the most important point, you think about it, even if you go up the mountain and see the cold jade, she will not go with you, what do you do when you arrive?"

Ye Shaoyang was silent and said: "As long as she sees her, she will definitely follow me."

The four treasures shrugged and did not express their views.

"Right, where did the white eyebrows go, how have you not seen these days?"

"Oh, he went to see a friend before, and he left, saying that he is coming back these days."

Ye Shaoyang did not care, and thought about how to go to the sky to abandon the mountain in his mind, until knocking on the door outside, opening the door to see Xie Yuqing.

"Do you want to be together?" Ye Shaoyang asked the four treasures.

Sibao stunned Xie Yuqing and said: "Don't go, such an ordinary spiritual event, I can't go. I have an appointment at night."

Guagua has to watch TV and has not followed. To put it bluntly, it is too low to dislike this kind of spiritual event. If you can’t afford to be interested, Ye Shaoyang will go alone, and naturally there will be no danger.

Ye Shaoyang left them and set off with Xie Yuqing to go to the mountain village.

莽莽 Jungle. Like the towering trees in the tropical rainforests of the world, they are row upon row and look at them at a glance.

But unlike the life-like performance of the human forest, the trees and leaves here are mainly black and red. In the jungle, there are no birds called insects, birds and beasts, and some are only layers of black fog. And a variety of ferocious forests mixed with them.

There are also zombies. The cultivator has just been formed, crawling on the ground like a beast, and knowing how to shuttle between the jungles.

Here is the center of the zero world, surrounded by dark forests around the Tianshan Mountain. There is no life here, only death and stench.

But for those cores of the corpse, this dark forest is the best place to protect their safety.

In the absence of the first tie collar of the corpse, no one, no creature, can escape through this piece of death from the forest.

Tianzhu Mountain, in the middle of the dark forest, among the peaks and mountains, the tallest one. There are countless caves on the mountain, but the three caves at the highest point live in the three corpse kings, Hou Qing, Win Gou and Nuwa.

After Qing went to the peak, he came to the outside of a cave. The location of the cave was the forbidden land of the corpse. Without permission, no one was eligible to come here except the three corpse kings.

A figure slowly came outside the hole, opened the five elements of the stone on the door and went inside.

At first it was a dark cave. The more you went forward, the more light there was.

In the deepest part of the cave, on the large open space, the wall is inlaid with many night pearls to illuminate the entire space. In the middle is a pool of water, there is a small island, there are a lot of trendy furniture, except that there is no wall and floor, everything is the same as the common room.

A slender beautiful woman was sitting on the sofa reading a book, listening to footsteps and not looking up. (s:)

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