Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2420: The 2422 corporal forbidden land 3

"Your fiancee?" The winning hook suddenly burst into laughter, but there was a scream in the hoarse voice. It sounded very weird. He moved two steps and squinted at the cold jade. He said, "How do I hear that? Is she the fiancee of the human master Ye Shaoyang?"

Hou Qing knew that he was looking for something, too lazy to take care of him, looking at the squatting figure standing behind them, and said in a majestic voice: "Come here."

The man, who was sincere and fearful, walked over from the son-in-law and the winner, and slammed into the ground.

"Is you bringing them?"

"God, the Father and the Virgin asked about the message of God, and they dare not hide it..."

The three corpse kings, unified by the zombies, are called the Lord, but in order to distinguish, Hou Qing's exclusive title is God, winning the hook to the father, the son-in-law as the saint.

Yan Lengyu still knew these titles for the first time, and thought about it in his heart. These three titles are extremely noble, and they really can't distinguish between high and low.

Win the hook: "Don't blame him, without him, we can't enter your cave."

After Qing ignored it, he said to the zombie: "You are the only one who can enter this cave. It is a great trust. Now, you have failed this trust."

The zombie shuddered and could not speak.

"You go to the blood pool yourself." Hou Qing faintly punished. Amazed by the coldness of Yu Yu, he once heard that Hou Qing said that in the dark forest, there is a pool of blood, known as the source of the corpse, the source of zombie formation (the zombies on earth, most of them only in the corpse Instead of turbidity generation, the corpse army is constantly born from here. If there is a big mistake made by a zombie, thrown into the blood pool, it is equivalent to re-engineering, God is still there, but the physical body of cultivation And the repairs are gone, and the body can be reborn after a few hundred years... just like other living souls flying, it is the worst end.

Just because the other two bosses came to look for him, they were decided by life and death in a sentence, and Xiao Lengyu was also stunned. Although she can also see that Houqing did this, it was actually venting the dissatisfaction with the winning hook on the unlucky zombies, but after all, it was his close-knit men, and doing so... it was a bit cruel.

However, the zombie did not mean to refute, as the ancient courtiers were given a sentence, but also to the Lord's grace, and then turned and left.

Winning the hook and the son-in-law did not look at it, nor did they say anything to the zombie, as if it was completely unrelated to them.

When the episode is over, win the check on Houqing and say: "I heard that Ye Shaoyang has returned. Why don't you let her go?"

"Big brother, are you talking about your dreams? She is my fiancee, why should I let her go?"

Win the hook and smile coldly, "After the Qing, you forgot who you are, you are the most noble existence of the corpse, how do you marry a human woman, how to serve the public? It is simply a laughter. You say that you let the three sisters How to do?"

After Qing looked at the son-in-law, said: "You mean this too?"

The woman said: "I don't care." Then I looked at the cold jade with great grief.

Hou Qingdao said: "I know what you think, but these things will be fixed with you in the future." The eyes fell back to win the hook, "Big brother, you don't forget, she is a reincarnated ghost boy, she stays here. It is very helpful to us. Now the war is not clear. In the future, whoever is floating, everything is undecided. I am doing this, and I am prepared for the future of the corpse."

Winning the hook, he said, "You don't want to tell me this. I have waited for a thousand years. It is for this day, killing the so-called monks on the battlefield, sucking their flesh and blood, don't tell me anything else. But if you are the king, you can't marry this human woman, otherwise I will kill her!!"

Hou Qingdao said: "Who I am, don't tell anyone."

The winning hook suddenly rushed forward, and the five fingers suddenly became slender as the claws of the animal, and they slammed into the abdomen of the queen and stirred it up. "I am your big brother, your thing, I am the master! I can't let you marry her. You can't be jealous!"

Suddenly, the hand was pulled out, and there was a **** dripping on it. "If you insist, I will kill her!"

Hou Qing suddenly raised his hand and grabbed a hand on his face, leaving a few blood marks. "This incident, I will deal with it, and do not say this, but now the Air Alliance, assembled in the air, intends to regain lost ground in Yungu, I ambush the soldiers in Yungu, but this battle is crucial, Lishan and mother Shake the fairy and other golden celestials will participate in the war, this war, you have to go to the big brother you go! You are not early to remember to shake the fairy?"

"That little girl." Winning the hook and licking the lips, immediately flowed out of the ram. "Her flesh must be very tender, I have been married for a thousand years, this time, I want to eat her in front of those people!"

Hou Qingdao: "The words are so, but you have to be careful. Everything has my decision, you are not allowed to be stubborn."

"Well to say, all by your command, I will supervise the war in the past!" When it comes to fighting, the winning hook is very obedient to the arrangement of Hou Qing, and he is completely different from the one he just made. It’s hard to understand that Leng Yuyu looked at the performance of the brothers.

She did not know that the brothers had a clear division of labor, and there was no first or second distinction between them. It was only the battle. Everything was dominated by the late Qing, which has always been the case for thousands of years. For Hou Qing’s arrangement in the battle, although the winning hook will make a sensible move when killing red eyes, it will definitely not be violated in the overall situation.

He knows that he is an idiot in this respect, so he will only charge for the battle. As for the control of the war situation, he fully trusts the judgment of Hou Qing and has never doubted it.

"That woman." When I won the hook, I looked at the cold jade, and I was hesitant on my face.

"You will go to the layout first. After this war, everything will be decided! Big Brother is a woman, or the future of the corpse is important. There must always be a primary and secondary!"

"Good, I will go!"

Win the hook completely peace of mind, turned and left.

The female niece looked at Houqing and smiled coldly. "You are so dragged, it doesn't mean. Winning the hook, she will die."

"You go to the west line to guard. This is leaving." Win the hook does not want to say nonsense.

Nüwa also did not refute, squinting her head, smashing cold jade revealing a sinister smile, and then drifting away.

After Hou Qing and so on, they all left, and then they turned to look at the cold jade. The scars on the body are gone, and the blood is gone.

"Are you okay?"

Hou Qing shook his head. "I am the corpse. As long as I don't seal, the body will be seriously injured. It will recover. My weakness is not here."

In the cold heart, I said, "You have no weaknesses."

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