Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2423: 2425 leads the Taoist 1

Yan Lengyu really has an urge to try it.

Since the First World War in Stars, everyone has said that she is a reincarnated ghost child. Only she does not believe that she can't believe it. She can feel her own knowledge, there are some memories that are not their own, but they are messy. In recent times, these memories will jump out by themselves, just like dreaming, playing in the mind, she also tried to find some from it. Clues, but can't be connected in series.

The problem is... even if she can't explain the source of these memories, she can't just convince herself that she is a reincarnation.

Yan Lengyu sighed, and finally put down his fingers.

She is not afraid of death, she has long thought about death, but think of Ye Shaoyang... Although she has been worried about not bringing trouble to him, what she is worried about is that if Ye Shaoyang knows his death, he will not be able to hold it. The meeting was in a state of chaos and made some crazy moves. Therefore, she only had to humiliate and secretly waited for a result that she did not know.

The cold jade sat on the ground and cried with a sullen face. She has always been strong and has a fragile side.

Suddenly, she thought of the upcoming battle that Hou Qing said. Ye Shaoyang Bacheng will participate, and for his own sake, the son-in-law and the winning hook will definitely do it for him.

The two corpse kings teamed up, Ye Shaoyang is naturally not an opponent, in case... 芮Lengyu took a deep breath and quickly formed a thought in his mind: must find a way to inform him!

She wiped a tear and stood up and looked around. She is not sure if she can fly out of the corpse of the ban, like the post-Qing, and figure out, there are layers of the Tianshan Mountain, and there is a foggy dark forest outside, which is impossible to escape.

Must think of a way!

Yu Lengyu calmed down and began to think, and his face recovered a little bit of the past temperament and temperament.

Empty world, an unknown hill.

The airspace is vast and innocent, and it is far from the boundary river. There is still no atmosphere of smoke, no matter whether it is a space alliance or a corpse, no one pays attention to it.

On the top of the mountain, there are two huge cypress trees, and there is a small temple under the tree. It is said that the temple is really uplifting. In fact, it is a few broken houses. There is a small yard in the middle. It is planted with a huge ginkgo, yellow leaves, and looks very simple.

Lin Sansheng, by the inspiration of the token, flew to the mountain and came outside the temple. A bronze bell hangs on the door, and the name of the temple is written on the grass: Wuchang Temple.

On each side of the doorpost, each line is engraved with a line of words. Lin Sansheng looks at it carefully. The right side reads: The impermanence is the law of birth and death; the left side is: life and death, and silence is fun.

Lin Sansheng carefully read it and muttered to himself: "Nothing is gone, how can it be fun..."

"Six clean, it is silence, everything is disillusioned, and there is no trouble." A heavy voice came from inside. When Lin Sansheng looked up, a monk came out.

Lin Sansheng looked at it and suddenly stopped. Like this ruined temple, even in the human world, it should be accompanied by a drooping monk, who seems to be dying, in line with this artistic conception. But the monk in front of him, but the long five big three thick, one face across the flesh, looks like a murderer, holding a brush of ink and ink in his hand, how to look like a sorghum.

However, his eyes are peaceful and kind.

Lin Sansheng said a head of the book, saying: "Xiaosheng lost his words."

The monk smiled and said: "There is nothing to lose words. After all, this is the way I realized. I have nothing to do with you. You have your own way. In the words of your door, the road is very good. If the road is one, On that day, people still know what to do, and they all look for an old monk to explain."

Lin Sansheng heard this hearty speech, could not help but smile, just want to speak, a girl came out of the temple, it is Li Linlin. Before Lin Sansheng came here, she went to the Valley of the Wind to find her. But I heard that she has gone to the airspace and went to the Master, so I found it all the way.

Li Linlin saw him, his eyes immediately gave off his brilliance, and he waved at him: "Brother, I know you will come, you come, oh yes, I will introduce you, this is the Zen master, very good A master. Master, this is my brother Lin Sansheng. I also mentioned it before Master."

Lin Sansheng went up to see the ceremony with Zhishen Zen Master, staring at him and thinking about his legal name. "Chi-Shen... Master is a Song Dynasty person."

Zhishen Zen master beheaded.

Lin Sansheng stunned, "Don't you be..."

"Can't say." Zhi Shen Zen teacher smiled and waved his hand.

Lin Sansheng knew that he must have guessed it. Looking at Zhishen Zen Master, he immediately felt different. He smiled and said: "Does the master really cut everything?"

Dr. Zhishen smiled and did not answer. He took a gesture of asking for Lin Sansheng and then walked into the yard.

Lin Sansheng followed.

Under the ginkgo tree in the courtyard, there was a stone table with a chessboard on it, an old man sitting at the stone table and staring at the chess game. Looking at the back, Lin Sansheng recognized his master, Guangzong Tianshi.

"Master is so happy." Lin Sansheng walked to the front of Guangzong Tianshi, kneeling beside him, looking at the face of Guangzong Tianshi, feeling intimate.

Guangzong Tianshi glanced at him and said: "I am not letting people bring you words. I have done the best with you, so that you should stop coming to me."

Lin Sansheng said: "Master, where is this? One day, the teacher is the father for the rest of my life. I used to go through Shaoyang for a hundred years before, and I was trapped there for more than a month. So I came back soon, and I immediately came to see Master. ""

Guangzong Tianshi asked him to say something about what happened during this time. After listening to it, he was not surprised. After a long period of indifference, he turned his head and smiled at Zhishen Zen Master: "Old brother, you used to give the Fox King a slogan." But it is wrong."

Zhishen Zen teacher said: "There is nothing wrong with the assertion, and it is resurrected and died. It is not in the life frame. How to break it. The resurrection of the Fox King is also a great opportunity. It seems that she is also a robber."

Lin Sansheng’s heart moved and asked: "You always say that you should rob the robbery. What is the catastrophe?"

"Heavenly robbery, naturally turned upside down, breaking everything..." Zhishen Zen master shook his head. "It has been immersed in the family for many years and is not fully penetrated."

"So what did you participate in, can you talk about it?" Lin Sansheng was full of expectations.

Dr. Zhishen sat down at the other side of the stone table and said slowly: "Do you know the origin of the robbery?"

Lin Sansheng shook his head. "I don't know anything. I always hear you say that the robbery, but no one tells me the truth, my master has not taught me this."

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