Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2430: 2432 shadow 4

There was a light in the room, and a girl was tidying her hair against the mirror in the closet. Ye Shaoyang recognized that she was a pretty pretty host before, and was about to continue into the other room. The girl sorted her hair, sat on the bed, and started... changing clothes.

The room only has oneself, the sister doesn't care, just take off the skirt, and then take off the stockings... Ye Shaoyang glances at the big white leg, swallows the mouth with force, innocence, indecent assault... Ye Shaoyang forcibly resists the thought I was going to change a room. At this moment, the sister’s phone rang, picked it up, and immediately connected, immediately screamed: “Lin always...”

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is moving. Is it Lin’s boss in the dialogue between the old and the young?

Involuntarily stand and continue to listen.

The girl took off her skirt and had to wear a pair of jeans to wear. Because she answered the phone, she didn’t wear the pants and squatted on the bed. Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but stare at her buttocks wearing only underwear, and she was quite awkward... Although it was not as hot as Biqing, it was also very attractive.

The sister didn't know that she was being yy, and she talked about the phone very much and reported on the activities tonight.

Ye Shaoyang posted in the past, listening to the phone with her in her ear, listening to the voice of Lin, should be more than forty old men, hoarse voice, and the sister asked about the details of various activities.

"Oh, Lin, ah, you can't easily call me, how can you say this, do you want someone else?" The sister began to spoil.

"Oh, I have to think about it forever, but the above requirements, it is necessary to report anything, and I am also a business official."

Sure enough, there is a rape...

Ye Shaoyang listened to what Lin’s figure was, and the brain made up a fat-headed image. Then look at the girl in front of him... mainly the lower body, suddenly indignant, it’s really good cabbage to let the pig arch.

"Are you finished with the official business, hey, Lin, ah, people are changing clothes now, they are all getting out of the light..." The girl changed her position, lying on the bed, tilting her legs.

The general Lin immediately came to the interest and ran around on the phone, but Ye Shaoyang felt that the temptation he received at the moment was not as big as himself...

After the two people talked about, they are all unbearable content, Ye Shaoyang heard red face, feeling no more meaningful clues, sprouting retreat, did not wait, the sister suddenly turned to look at himself, with a look of doubt.

"Small s goods, I don't talk, shy?" Lin is still screaming.

"No, how do I feel that there is someone in the room... I felt like this before, as if someone was peeking at me."

The sister of this sister is quite keen.

The performance of God's thoughts in some aspects is actually the sixth sense that people often say. This feeling is very wonderful. Sometimes someone will feel flustered or scared inexplicably. I feel someone staring at myself behind, but no one can turn back. ... Sometimes, the ghost is really behind you, but after all, there are very few people with yin and yang, not everyone can see.

And even if she has yin and yang eyes, Ye Shaoyang is sure that she can't see herself, so she is very relieved, but they don't have any useful information on the phone. After listening to it, they can only learn the techniques of chattering... Ye Shaoyang intends to withdraw, At this moment, Lin Lin always comforted the sister: "Baby, you are allergic, don't be suspicious, nothing."

"No, I... I really feel someone staring at me in the room..."

"You, you love to think, you think, even if there are other places haunted, how can the building be haunted, the upstairs is not the image of the ghost mother-in-law."

"Yeah... that's probably my sensitivity, oh, there's no such feeling now."

Ye Shaoyang has slipped...

Along the way to the second floor, look for the image of the ghost mother.

I thought I had to look for it again. As a result, from the first floor to the second floor, Ye Shaoyang immediately felt the aura that had infiltrated from a certain room. He went straight to the outside and went outside, pushing the door, and suddenly it was like a day. ......

What shines is a statue.

The statue is placed in the shrine of the wall. At the moment, in the eyes of Ye Shaoyang, it is like a two-watt bulb, emitting a dazzling light to the surroundings. Shot by this ray, Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt hot and even had some stinging. My heart was shocked.

Is it a true God?

The gods have a natural power for ghosts. This is also divided into two situations, one is the **** of the major religions, the other is the statue of the great man, and is also born with righteousness, the ghosts and gods do not dare to invade. But the same idol, the strength of spiritual power is not the same. In the final analysis, the power of the idol is not from the **** itself, but from the will of the believer. It is more straightforward, that is, there are many people who burn incense and worship. The more the gods will gain from the incense, the stronger their spiritual power.

Ye Shaoyang perceives that the statue in the room is so strong that it is far superior to the general idol. No wonder the former ghost forest always said on the phone. With this statue in this suppression, the average ghost does not dare to enter this house.

However, he is not a general ghost. The most important thing is that he is a human master and a spiritual fairy who hangs his name. Even if it is a soul, he is also blessed by Sanqing. No matter what the sect of the sect, it is hurting. Not the spirit of his own, but the statue in front of him, but let his soul feel the sting, Ye Shaoyang is very puzzled, and the gods have gone.

The closer to the gods, the stronger the feeling of burning and tingling, but for Ye Shaoyang, it is also within the acceptable range (if there are any gods in the world that can press themselves to be close, then the spirit must also wipe the neck) )).

In front of the gods, Ye Shaoyang stares at the statue. This statue is made of non-gold and non-copper. It is made of glaze. It is finely crafted and vivid. The image is an old lady, with kind eyes and hands, and a two-faced gesture of the Buddha. It represents the vision of a vain.

At the front end of the shrine, there is a spiritual card with the words "Compassionate world blessing the heavens and the gods".

Guantian Tuas?

This head...and the two preceding suffixes are too big?

Ye Shaoyang’s heart swelled and stared at the statue in front of him. It was discovered that under the statue, there was a black wooden shelf, octagonal, and each corner had a symbol engraved on it. There is a straight line that strikes the opposite corner. Interlaced in the middle, the statue is in the middle.

These eight symbols are flashing golden light, illuminating the middle line.

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