Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2432: 2434 shadow 6

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and rushed to run the soul resistance. He forced the shadows back around, and pulled out his feet and fled to the side, but the shadows seemed to follow the bones, and they spread again.

Ye Shaoyang did not recruit, and shouted the name of Xie Yuqing to the car, but did not know whether the car was too closed, or the shadow of his body isolated the space, Xie Yuqing did not hear it, and looked at the phone in the car.

The speed of the black shadow attack is getting faster and faster, and the legs are suddenly submerged and climbed to the waist. This time, Ye Shaoyang wants to pull out the legs and can't do it. He can only rely on the soul to constantly resist the erosion of the shadows... What special things, so difficult!

Ye Shaoyang secretly snorted, but his heart was nervous. He knew that he was afraid to turn over the ship in the gutter. Sadly, he is the soul body at the moment. He wants to activate the soul seal and find someone to help him. It is really called. It should not be every day.

"Ha ha……"

There was a sneer in the ear, and then a voice that was not male or female. "Dare to use the soul to break into my Holy Spirit, you are a little human wizard, and you are enough..."

The sound could not be heard from where it came from, full of embarrassment.

Ye Shaoyang was full of fear and pleaded with a bitter tone: "I am just curious, I am just a folk mess, and I want to let the fairy go."


Ye Shaoyang glared at the time of his reply, suddenly closed his eyes, and recited a curse in his mouth: "There are three or seven souls, the spirit of the soul is good and bad, the spirit of yin and yang, the crape of the vitex is broken! Broken!"

Suddenly blinked, the whole body spurred a red aura, passing through the darkness, and the dark fog that was so thick that it could not be turned out was a lot thinner.

"Well?" In the shadow, an exclamation was made.

"Mom, I really thought that Grandpa is a good bully. Who told the ghost that I can't use it?"

Ghosts can't use spells. This is the basic principle of the world's spells. There are always exceptions. There are spells in the Maoshan inner door spells that can be displayed with ghosts, but only the land cards can be used. It is very consuming of the power of the soul. Ye Shaoyang was not willing to use it before. Even if he used his own power of souls, he could only perform it once in a while. He used to save his life in an emergency. Second, he also wanted to see it. What means does the other party have?

"Who are you?" At the moment when Ye Shaoyang passed through the shadow, he heard the voice in his ear.

Ye Shaoyang smiled coldly and knew that the other party was trying to use the dialogue to drag the time. The spiritual power of the trick was already dissipating, and the shadows were gathering again.

In terms of intrigues and tricks in specific battles, Ye Shaoyang is an expert-level person. Naturally, he will not be fooled. He does not care about it at present. He quickly rushes through the shadows and runs into the car. As long as he can return to the flesh, there is nothing to be afraid of.

However, he is still a slow step.

Just as he touched the door, the shadow in front formed again, and Ye Shaoyang rushed over, but he was caught by the shadow...


Ye Shaoyang snorted and his own soul and soul was damaged. He couldn’t do it again. He felt that his legs were tied again. This time, the shadow spread faster and ran across the waist. Come.

Ye Shaoyang only launched the power of the spirit of participation, resisting the power of the shadow.

"How can ghosts be practiced, who are you?" The shadows chatted in the ear.

Ye Shaoyang ignored it and shouted the name of Xie Yuqing, looking at Xie Yuqing in the car.

Xie Yuqing didn't hear it. He didn't lift his head to play with his mobile phone. He also had another man in the three rows of pit pesticides. He used Li Bai, and all kinds of deep pits sent his head. He and another man dared to speak out.

"Oh, it’s dead again, why don’t you both come to save me!” Xie Yuqing slammed down the phone and looked back at the body of Ye Shaoyang’s back seat. He said to himself: “He hasn’t come back yet.”

At this time, I was also dead. When I heard Xie Yuqing’s words, I looked up and looked down. The eyes fell on the hood and frowned. “It’s strange, there are no trees and buildings in front, how to cover the engine. Is there a shadow?"

"Nerve!" Xie Yuqing did not look at it, Li Bai was resurrected and continued to fight.

"No, head, look at it so strangely. How does this shadow move, like a person."

Xie Yuqing was shocked and looked up. Through the window, I saw a scene described by a sly: a large shadow, dangling on the hood, looks like a human shape, and then looks far away. Look, the moon in the air, the moonlight is projected obliquely, but there is no tall building in the middle that can project shadows...

Is this what is going on?

"Hey, will it be related to Ye Big Brother?" Hey, the words have not been finished yet, Xie Yuqing has already rushed to the back seat, a hand stuck in the leaf of Ye Shaoyang, press hard.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang's soul has been spread by the shadows, to the position of the neck, the body so into the shadow of the part, they feel the cold and numbness of the invasion of the soul.

If the shoulders and head are also submerged by the shadows, the three souls are annihilated, and I don’t know what the consequences will be. But Ye Shaoyang is also a poor man, and there is really no way.

Suddenly, his soul felt the powerful suction from the car, and that was the call of the flesh to the soul. This kind of power is a force that transcends nature. Unless it is destroyed in an instant, it cannot be resisted.

"See you later." Ye Shaoyang smiled, and the soul passed through the shadows and entered the body.

Ye Shaoyang slammed up from the seat.

Xie Yuqing had a hand in his hand and was observing his face. Ye Shaoyang sat so fiercely, Xie Yuqing couldn’t get back, and the two faces were just put together and the mouth was attached.

Xie Yuqing squatted for a few seconds, pushed him away, wiped his mouth and replied: "What are you doing so rash!"

Ye Shaoyang pushed the door open and went out with one foot. As a result, the foot did not step on the ground, but it seemed to step into a mire, the center of gravity was lost, and the person fell forward.

However, Ye Shaoyang's reaction was also extremely fast. In the moment of falling over, a hand hurriedly grabbed the door handle, and the body hanged on the door of the car, looking down at the car. The side of the car reflected its own shadow, and it was under the car. The foot of the foot just stepped in the shadow. From the height of the flat land on the side, this foot has already stepped on the ground below, as if the car is not below the ground, but the bottomless abyss.

"Shaoyang, what's going on!"

Xie Yuqing returned to God and turned back to push the door on his side and tried to get off.

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