Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2434: 2436 culvert overturn 2

"What is that?" Xie Yuqing asked dumbly, and she has not completely recovered her. He and his colleague were even more aggressive and looked at Ye Shaoyang with a pale face.

"I don't know what it is." Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "It is a kind of evil that I have never seen before."

"You...have not seen it?"

"I have never seen it before, but I can be sure that it is related to the shadow, at least it can simulate the shadow of the person." Ye Shaoyang recalled the battle, but it was also a bit scary. Before he was a soul state, he was reflected in the shadow. The more I feel weird, I don’t understand the means of attack of this evil thing.

Xie Yuqing is even better, saying: "How come there are evil things you don't know?"

"I don't know much. There are millions of ways to cultivate evil things. The form is naturally different. It's just... this guy is really amazing." Ye Shaoyang shook his head, and he had to admit that he was underestimating. . At first, I was in a state of soul. I couldn't use all kinds of means. I don't have to say it. Later, the soul is in the flesh, thinking that I have played it. The result is still in such awkward situation... It is mainly unfamiliar to the other side's attack. Means, and the physical instrument such as the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword, does not harm it.

"I didn't expect it. I thought I would do it for you. I didn't expect to encounter such awkward stuff. I almost filled myself in." Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to smile.

Xie Yuqing listened to him saying that he was somewhat proud. "Yes, fortunately, I responded quickly. I took a flashlight and took a photo. Remember, my sister saved your life!"

Ye Shaoyang gave her a look and did not refute it. In fact, although she was all **** in front of her body, she was in a desperate situation, but she was not really able to sit still. He had at least two or three hands to fight back. For example, the light of the sky is only costly, and he does not want to use it at the last moment.

"Don't say anything else, what should I do now?" Xie Yuqing said in a positive color. The two men looked at the house through the window.

The top floor of the house is still lit, so far away, there is still enough bright light to shoot out, which means that it is not an ordinary lamp. And the light didn't shine before, but it was also lit up in the process of being chased by the black shadow. This shows that the shadow is not only one, but also an accomplice.

Ye Shaoyang sneered.

Xie Yuqing looked at him like this and said: "Dry, do you want to kill again?"


"The problem is, you are not playing that... what it is."

"Not a fight." Ye Shaoyang corrected. "It is a means of attack that is not familiar with it for a while. You... Do you have a legitimate reason to search the house?"

Xie Yuqing looked at the two people and said: "There is no search order. I want to go in, but it may cause trouble. You must go in?"

"Forget it, let me go. You don't get off the train. This car has my **** character. I don't believe it can come in at once." To be on the safe side, Ye Shaoyang left the red candle in the car. In any case, they should not go out, push the door and get off the train, and quickly go around the back of the house, and look at the three-story building. With the memory of the previous soul, find the room with the gods, and then take a step After the wall, turn over and go straight to this small building.

Hook Soul became the best tool for crimes here. Ye Shaoyang used it to hook the window sill on the second floor. He pulled it hard and pulled it in very easily. After doing it, he went straight into the room and went straight to the house. In the building, I didn’t meet anyone in the way. In fact, he was deeply in the heart but wanted to meet the evil thing. There was no other reason. He was dissatisfied. This time he touched some of the other’s means. If he played another game, Ye Shaoyang Do not believe that you will lose.

Well, you are also invincible.

The result did not happen.

The room where the statue was enshrined, the door was wide open. Ye Shaoyang stood outside the door for a while, sure that there was no ambush, and so on. Then he went in and opened the flashlight from Xie Yuqing and went straight to the gods.

The gods are still there, but the gods that are worshipped are gone, including the wooden board with the strange characters on the face of God.

Ye Shaoyang took a photo, and the room was empty. There was nothing else. Needless to say, the statue must have been hidden by others.

Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to smile, not to stay for a long time, returning to the original road, leaving the house...

In a room on the third floor, a man looked at Ye Shaoyang's over-the-counter fitness shadow and muttered: "Shi Bo, I don't understand why you are hiding from him. A human master, why is it worth your scruples? ?"

He turned back, the room was empty and there was no one. The man looked down at the shadow he had shown in the moonlight, but his face was confused, but with full respect.

"He is not a normal mage," the shadow said. "He has at least two pieces of nine-segment light, at least one of the great sects."

"This way..." The man frowned. "But it’s not a sect of a certain sect. It’s not your opponent. You just stunned him."

The shadow smiled. "Do you think that I am winning the prize? Then you are wrong. He has a backhand. It is not that simple to deal with him."

"If I had allowed Shi Bo to let me go before... I don't believe that he can't kill him."

"You are too young to look at him." The shadow said faintly.

The man smiled and said: "Maybe Shibo is too careful. It is just a human master."

The shadow did not say anything.

The man smiled and said, "The disciples lost their words." Then he changed the subject and said, "But he seems to have noticed us and will definitely come again."

The shadow was silent for a long while, saying: "You don't have to panic about this. You should follow him first and find out his identity."

"Yes." The man said so, but his eyes were somewhat disapproving.

Ye Shaoyang took the car of Xie Yuqing and returned all the way. He called Lao Guo on the road. He met him at his home. Although Lao Man couldn’t do it, but he was well-informed and belonged to the academic school. He knew about all kinds of evil things. Still in his own hands, Ye Shaoyang wants to ask him if he knows this strange thing.

When I drove the car, I sent Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing to the downstairs of the community. When I got off at Ye Shaoyang, the two men were very nervous and asked Ye Shaoyang to give a bit of amulet, for fear of the shadow of the evil form to find their troubles.

Ye Shaoyang actually knows that this is basically impossible, but he still gave them two pendants of bloodstone. This thing has little effect on dealing with powerful evils, but it is also a psychological comfort for the two.

(Tomorrow yin and yang division red envelope, I wish you all a happy new year!)

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