Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2437: 2439 Shadow Charm 2

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's very simple. He doesn't know who I am, or I don't know me at all."

Lao Guo stunned and said: "You mean, this Holy Spirit will not be directed at you even if it is made by the spell guild."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Why should you target me, if you are targeting me, you will come directly, what is this thing?"

Lao Guo nodded slowly.

Everyone is still discussing this matter. Ye Shaoyang’s cell phone, which was charged in the house, rang. In the past, when I picked up my mobile phone, it was a phone call from Wu Jiawei.

"Where did you go, I haven't seen you for a few days." After the phone was connected, Ye Shaoyang asked.

"I am going back to Shicheng, Shaoyang, are you at home, I used to look for you."

"Come on, just come over and eat the mess."

Lao Guo went on to clean up the mess. Xie Yuqing wanted to go back to the unit to write a report, but it was too late to decide to stay and linger on a nightingale while waiting for the pesticide.

"This little soldier Zhang Wei, very powerful, is as exciting as me. The Japanese have caught him many times and have escaped..." Guagua watched TV with Biqing and explained the story to her.

"Why should the Japanese arrest him?" Bi Qing asked curiously.

"This, ah, long story, because Grandma sacrificed to protect the old Zhongshu, the scorpion went to the county to find Luo Jinbao, to participate in the Eighth Route Army ..." Guagua, a scripture, the key is that Biqing heard a serious.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the side and felt that it was so funny, but she also felt that Biqing was very cute at this time, completely subverting the image of her former murderous evil thing, and could not help but ask: "Bi Qing, How many people have you killed?"

"Killing?" Bi Qing stared at the TV screen and didn't lift her head. "Too much, I don't know, but they are all Masters."

Ye Shaoyang’s mouth twitched and asked: “Why kill?”

"They want to kill me, I can only kill them,"

This reason can not be refuted.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and said: "Then you are a cult."

Bi Qing chuckled. "So, are you going to overtake me? Hey, who is this person?"

"This is Saito, the Japanese devil." Guagua explained.

Ye Shaoyang sighed a little and said: "I feel that your nature is not bad, not a murderer, but you are staying with me, it is really inappropriate, you know, hey, I am talking to you!"

Biqing completely devoted himself to the TV drama and was too lazy to care for him.

Ye Shaoyang is considering whether or not to pull the electric brake. At this time, the advertisement is released. Bi Qing turned his head and looked at Ye Shaoyang. He looked confused and said, "What did you just say?"

Ye Shaoyang was helpless and had to say it again. After listening to Biqing, there was an intriguing smile on his lips.

"Ye Shaoyang, have you still not given up your identity as a human master?"

"I was originally a human master. Everyone is responsible for the devil."

"A good demon guard, you should handle your own things first."

In a word, let Ye Shaoyang think of Qi Lengyu again, secretly sighed, silent for a long while, said: "Do not say that these are useless, anyway, I can not beat you now, but you remember, I will definitely Send you to the Yin Shi sales account."

"Always waiting."

Ye Shaoyang sat up from the sofa and asked, "I ask you, your brother went to Shura, why didn't you follow the past?"

"Why am I going?" When I mentioned this topic, Biqing’s eyes suddenly showed a color of sorrow. "My smelter is still in the hands of the stars, and I have to go back! I have a god." People who have changed their lives and refuse to cooperate with me, how can I give up?"

Ye Shaoyang remembered Su Molai and said: "What good is it to fit with her?"

Bi Qing glanced at him and said: "You really don't know or don't know, you are divided into gods, metamorphosis is human, not to help you avoid the robbery, just to cultivate... I am practicing in the world for many years, one body repair It’s not weak, if it’s a fit, she’s done it all to me, how can I give it up. Unfortunately, she is hiding in Lishan. I don’t have a smelter, not an opponent of Lishan’s mother, and can’t hold her.”

Speaking of this, the words turned, "Do you think that I am coming to you, just telling you your Master's business?"

"You want me to help you."

"Not for me, Xingyue slave is your common enemy. We cooperate, just like a hundred years ago, when I took the smelter, I took the road."

Ye Shaoyang stared at her and said slowly: "I will overtake you to the sinister when I am, I am serious."

"Then I will kill you." Bi Qing looked at him provocatively. "I am serious too."

Xie Yuqing is playing games in the heat, and he does not raise his head. "You, you can't move it and kill it. If you don't understand what it means, come and cut it with me. I teach you."

Everyone can't understand what she is saying and she is not interested.

"Right, when it comes to your smelter, I think of a thing. When you used the smelter to collect me, there was a voice in it that helped me break your battle. I always wanted to ask you, where the head Is it the seal of a mage?"

Bi Qing’s expression of a sudden realization of the realization: "Sure enough, he helped you escape."

Then he said: "That is a mage. It is very deep. In the same year, the master of the smelter used it to practice. He was wanted by the spells. Many mana came to the door to deal with him. He died in his hands. Finally, A Taoist who came home halfway through the road, repaired to a very deep, almost killed the owner of the smelter, the owner of the smelter was seriously injured and fled, this priest rushed, divided a sacred mind, into the smelter, because of the corpse There are five rows of blessings in the tank, and this sorrowful mind cannot be eliminated.

Originally, this priest wanted to determine the whereabouts of the sacred urn by virtue of his perception of God, but the owner of the smelter had taken it with him. Later, the priest went to the Qing Dynasty for another, more important thing. When he never returns, his gods have been left in the smelter, because the constraints of the five elements will not disappear, but they can't escape.

Later, the smelter had experienced several masters until it fell into my hands. I originally wanted to refine this sacred god. But this sacred thought is because of the memory of the priest, and I know many anecdotes in the magical world. It was fun, I left him in the smelter, I made a deed, I want to get back the smelter, and part of the reason is for him. After all, I have been in the tomb for many years, he is my only friend. ”

Bi Qing finally finished the rumor. After Ye Shaoyang listened, he was more curious. He asked: "What is the name of the Taoist you said?"

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