Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2448: 2450 town Yuan Daxian 2

"Hit him a peach blossom!" Ye Shaoyang shouted.

At this time, the Bodhi Zen master finished the vernacular, summed up two sentences, let everyone go on to discuss.

Ye Shaoyang and Wu Jiawei gathered together, and then saw that everyone was looking at them, Ye Shaoyang was a bit embarrassed. "Amount, you are here, the leader has finished speaking, don't you applaud?"

Xiao Jiu snorted and avoided laughing.

Ghost face mother-in-law said: "The Bodhi Zen Master just summed up the situation in front of him. As the master said, the corpse is invading now, and the big bangs come together. I am gathered together today to discuss the way to fight against the corpse. Nowadays, the corpse is assembled on the south bank of the boundary river. The intention is clear. What good strategies can you have? Which one will say first?"

Everyone looked at each other, and no one spoke. Suddenly the curtains outside were pulled open. Two disciples walked in and said to the ghost-faced mother-in-law: "Lingtai Fangzhongshan Town Yuandaxian is coming!"

Everyone was shocked. Even the old mother of Lishan, who had been keeping her eyes closed, opened her eyes and looked at the hole.

“Zhen Yuan Daxian?” Ye Shaoyang and Wu Jiawei looked at each other and were more surprised than everyone else. This name is so eloquent.

The old man who planted ginseng fruit in the Journey to the West, the ancestor of the immortal, and the super-forked character who sang Sun Dasheng

This town Yuan Daxian is not a character created by Wu Chengen. It is true in history. According to legend, it was the early Tang Dynasty. It was called the ancestor of the immortal. Later, it was cultivated into a positive fruit. It became a **** of Taoism. After Zhen Yuanzi, that is, after the closure of the gods, he was honored as the Yuanzheng of Zhenyuan, and a few of the living people were enshrined as gods, and their status was not low.

However, he did not inherit in the human world. When the Taoist book said that he was flying, he only took away two Taoist children, called the Qingfeng Mingyue. It was a kind of sudden departure, and then left the last words, summed up and created by his life. The spells are made public, so that all the disciples of Taoism can practice. In the age when the portal is serious and the competition is strong, it is a feat for him to do so. The impact on the development of Daomen magic is huge, and it is because of this. After that, the talent respects him as the ancestor of the land fairy.

However, his own sects were in the mountains, but because of the dynasty, and without any martial arts spells, they gradually declined. Finally, after the war and the dynasty changed, they finally drowned in the long river of time and lost their inheritance.

Ye Shaoyang always thought that this town Yuanzi should have already reborn, or flew to the Shura community. I didn’t expect it to be in the air. If it wasn’t for the name and the martial art, Ye Shaoyang thought it was another Zhenyuan Daxian (but this name is generally not likely to be taken by anyone).

When is there more such a man with a fork in the air?

"Come on!" Grimace mother-in-law is also returning to God, and her expression is even a little excited.

The two disciples immediately stepped forward to pick up the curtains, and everyone looked over. At this time, Ye Shaoyang felt that there was some change in the yin and yang mirrors. When he turned around, Lin Sansheng got out.

"Are you out to dry up?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"Zhen Yuan Daxian, I have been listening in the inside. I want to see the truth."

During the speech, a figure walked in, wearing a black and white robes, and covered with a sky-blue cloak, wearing a velvet towel, it looked not old, the white beard was hanging down to the chest, full of red light The eyebrows are faintly filled with a purple gas, the real fairy wind bone.

Zhenyuan Daxian This is the legendary Zhenyuan Daxian.

"Don't tell me, it's quite like the one in the Journey to the West." Ye Shaoyang handed his chin and murmured.

"I feel a little thin." Wu Jiawei also made a comparison.

Zhenyuan Daxian slowly walked in, with a smile on his face and a hand on his chest, like a flower-like flower. This is a kind of etiquette when the people in the door face more people and are inconvenient to say hello. There is a condescending attitude, generally only the elders who are highly respected will use it. If the average disciple dares to do this, he will be killed as a pretending person.

Ye Shaoyang, everyone has stood up and said hello, even Xiaojiu and Lishan's old mother got up and nodded.

"When I learned that Daxian was out of the customs, I had to offer a French slogan before. I didn't expect Daxian to come. Now I am coming to the sect of the sect, and I am very honored. This is a courtesy." Ghost face mother-in-law smiled and salute, after all, this meeting is She presided over, can go to Zhenyuan Daxian, and also feel that there is light on his face.

"Wang Hao is polite." Zhenyuan Daxian also paid a gift.

Grimace mother-in-law immediately added a chair and placed it in the middle of the seat of Xiao Jiu and Li Shan’s mother.

When Zhenyuan Daxian stepped forward, the curtains behind him were picked up. Two Taoist children came in. They were all ten-year-old boys. They were very delicate and had two small cymbals on their heads. The other held a incense cage and walked over with him. After Zhenyuan Daxian sat down, he stood behind him.

After Zhenyuan Daxian sat down, they smiled at Xiaojiu and Lishan.

"Da Xian has not seen for a long time, congratulations on the exit, it is time to visit, but now the autumn of many things, it is really inseparable, the big fairy is strange." Lishan's mother is gentle, screaming, with the flying scorpion seen from the former Ye Shaoyang completely different.

Zhenyuan Daxian also said a few words of politeness, and then turned to Xiaojiu, saying: "When I entered the customs, the Fox King was still in the world, I have never seen it. Today I heard that you are here, just to see you here. ”

Xiao Jiu hurriedly said: "Da Xian is serious. I originally planned to visit Daxian in the past few days. I didn't expect to see it here. Daxian is a cultivation of this Yuan, and I must have improved the mana. I am very happy." Speaking of politeness is also a serious matter.

Zhenyuan Daxian slightly decapitated, politely, his eyes fell on Ye Shaoyang and Wu Jiawei, and asked: "These two are"

Xiaojiu introduced them both.

Ye Shaoyang and Wu Jiawei got up to see the ceremony. After all, they were seniors. As a courtesy of the younger generation, they still had to.

Zhenyuan Daxian first looked at Wu Jiawei, his eyes falling on the sword hanging from his waist.

"Wu Daoyou, can you take a sword to see?"

Wu Jiawei hurriedly solved the Tibetan sword and even the sword. He handed it over and said: "This sword name is named after the sword. It was passed to me by my master."

Zhenyuan Daxian took over, did not pull it out, stroked the scabbard, and looked at it in detail.

Two boys in the back of Zhenyuan Daxian also came forward to watch, and one surprised said: "This is the frosty sword! The Luogong Yuanzu was worn by him!"

Zhenyuan Daxian nodded and asked Wu Jiawei, "Have you sent this sword to Lushan?"

Wu Jiawei nodded innocently. "This is what my master passed to me. The sword is unnamed, but it is very popular with me. I use it as a name. I don't know that there is such a big reason." ""

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