Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2463: 2465 Truth 1

Ye Shaoyang glimpsed, recalling the process of chatting at the time. Qingyunzi said a lot of pointing his own words. At that time, he felt strange. Now he wanted to come. At that time, he decided to go to the Shura community. Can you tell me the truth?

Ye Shaoyang immediately thought of the answer:

Qingyunzi must be worried about his own retention, not letting him go. Before Qingyunzi died, he had to go to reincarnation. He was trying to catch up with him and only kept him... Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang felt a little sad inside and asked the wind: "So why don't you keep him?"

"How do you know that I have not tried?"

Naturally, I couldn't stay. Ye Shaoyang thought about it too. Qingyunzi didn't want to stay before. This is the second time. It is probably the mind that has been decided. No one can stay.

Next, the road asked about Ye Shaoyang's experience in Bo Yuedong and his recent plans. Ye Shaoyang said truthfully. After listening to the wind, I was silent.

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said, "I know that you don't want me to save the cold jade. If you don't want to help me, I can understand, um, I will die if I am too big."

The wind glared at him. "You threaten me? What do you have to do with me?"

"Oh, then what you said, then I am dead, don't think about me."

The road winded a black line, reached out and grabbed his chin, forcibly let him look at himself and said: "What are you proud of, not just trying to force me to help you."

"Looking in the trough, you let go, so many people look at it... I am not a girl." Ye Shaoyang can't get rid of it, hit him with his fist, and feels more like a girl when he feels good, so the wind has released him, saying "You never thought about it. If you let her save her, then everyone will chase you all the time. What do you do?"

"Of course I thought about it, I can take her away and go to a place that no one can find."

“Is there such a place?”

"Yes, we can go to the Shanhe community map, where there is a vast space and a completely strange world, no one can find it."

The road sneered coldly: "You intend to escape?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Please, what is it that I evade, what is the thing I have to do. Dealing with the catastrophe? Dealing with the Promise Ghost King? The corpse? Or the Spelling Guild?"

This is not a personal matter. Why should I be responsible, I can't choose the life I like, with people I like? ”

When the wind listened to him and asked him to ask questions, he was not angry at all. Instead, he calmed down and said: "Of course you have the power to choose. All the time, everything I have done is to relieve your pressure and share your responsibilities... But the person you chose, she is a reincarnated ghost boy. If she is fully awakened, she will open a passage to the Taiyin Mountain with her body, let the Promise Ghost King come to the world. Is this what you want to see?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "This question, I thought of it when I was in the Republic of China, so I want to take her to the world of the picture, where it is isolated from the human world. Even if the ghost king comes, it will be great to kill us. What else can it do? Law came to the world, but I think, the ghost king should not be interested in occupying the wild world?"

When the wind heard him say this, he was speechless.

Ye Shaoyang patted his shoulder and said: "I said that before, I was just rushed by your words. In fact, I thought about it. After I rescued her, I thought she was hiding in the mountain river community. I followed. You will deal with the Promise Ghost King, or any other forces, and wait for it all. After the catastrophe, I will go to the Shanhe Society to accompany her. You can also go together and live together, how good."

The wind frowned and looked at him, and could not help but sneer. "Do you think things will be as easy as you think?"

"It's not easy, but people always have ideals. Try it, don't try to know. This sentence is what you taught me."

The eye of the wind began to change.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed his hand and said: "This is my bottom line. It is also the best way I can think of. You must help me. You, and Leng Yu, you are the most important person in my life, I I don't want to break with you for her, the wind, you understand."

The wind smashed, opened his sleeves, turned and looked out the window. After a while, he said, "When do you act?"

Ye Shaoyang was full of heart, secretly clenched his fists, walked behind the wind and looked at his thin back, saying: "When Xiao Jiu and the military divisions laid out their layout, once they started the war, they would attract a large number of troops. When I passed It’s the only chance to abandon the mountain and go to the desert to save the cold.

"But you don't know how to go through the dark forest."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the melon on his shoulder and said, "I will always know. I will contact you when I am, and I will not talk about it later. You must help me this time."

The wind turned around and Xiao Yang smiled. "You say that every time."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "No matter, anyway, you promised me."

The road was speechless and said: "Then I will go first. There are too many things in the ghost field, and I can’t leave it for a moment. Call me when you are in action."

After that, the road went to the window sill.

"Brother!" Ye Shaoyang suddenly called him.

The wind turned his head and looked at him doubtfully. "What else?"

"Nothing, let yourself be careful, don't worry me."

The road was a little awkward, bowed slightly, and ran away without saying anything.

Ye Shaoyang stood silently for a while in front of the window. Guagua has been kneeling on his shoulder and comforted: "Do not worry about the boss, anything will always find a solution, at least we will always be with you."

Ye Shaoyang reached for a shot on him and said nothing.

After this incident, Ye Shaoyang couldn't sleep anymore. He didn't leave any traces of the fire that had been messed up at home, but he used a lot of medicines when he fought with the moon, and then Biqing jumped out of the bathtub. With a body of water, I got all the ground, and with those medicines, even the people who are so dirty with Ye Shaoyang can't stand it anymore, and they will greet me and clean up the room.

As soon as he looked up, he suddenly saw Biqing standing next to him. Ye Shaoyang asked: "How about you dragging me?"

"what did you say?"

"Mopping the floor, don't tell me that you don't know what you mean." Ye Shaoyang explained to her, Biqing looked at him with amazement and said: "You actually want me to help you, I am not a village woman. Have you seen a goblin who has worked well?"

Ye Shaoyang is speechless. "Go, then let's play."

"Give me your phone!" Biqing reached out to him.

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