Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2465: 2467 Truth 3

I don't want to be lost in the dark forest and miss this opportunity. Take a step back, even if I don't know how to pass the dark forest, I will break in, and it will be easier to hang up when you think about it... Think about it yourself. ”

Guagua, biting her lip, said: "Boss, I know how the dark forest passes."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and smiled on his face.

"I know you will say it." Ye Shaoyang sat up and said, "Let's say, how do you know?"

"When I was just caught in, I didn't know where I was going, I didn't remember how to remember, but because the dark forest was a maze, and then Qing Qing promised that the donkey couldn't kill me, so I only sent me out... When I was separated, the voice reminded me of a sentence, let me pay attention to the road.

This sentence makes me pay attention to safety, but I am so smart, of course I can hear the meaning of this sentence, he is the way to let me pay attention to the next time.

In the dark forest, the suffocating air, the accumulation in the air, no way to fly from the air, want to enter and exit, can only pass through the dark forest... Go back all the way, I carefully remember the road, remember it in my heart... I thought of it at the time You will one day go to the sky to abandon the mountain, rescue the blind man, and think about waiting for you to come back and tell you, but then I thought it was too dangerous after I thought about it, so I kept hiding..."

Speaking of this, Guagua looked at Ye Shaoyang with pity and pleaded: "Boss, I hope you don't blame me."

Ye Shaoyang touched his head and said: "Stupid child, how can I blame you, I know that you are also good for me."

Guagua nodded and said: "Because I have weighed it, I think this is the best way to get the best of both worlds. After all, this is also the choice of Xunzi, and then you will not die..."

"This is not the best way. I believe that she is not really married to Houqing. I don't believe in killing me." Suddenly, Ye Shaoyang thought of something like an electric shock and said: "Wait, what did you just say? Is Leng Yu reminding you to pay attention?"

Guagua nodded.

Ye Shaoyang sat up straight and said for a while: "That said, she still wants me to save her!"

"This... I think back to the look of the blind man at that time, it should be serious."

"In the face of Hou Qing, she certainly said that, or you said, why did she let you go, just to tell me through her that she is getting married?"

Guagua tried to look at him. "Is that right?"

"Cold jade is very clever! Her IQ is a level with the military. She is looking for you and reminds you to remember the road. It must be for the future I will save her one day!"

"This... boss, I don't think it's that simple."

Ye Shaoyang restrained his emotions and thought about it carefully. He also felt that there was a lot of embarrassment in this matter... Ye Shaoyang wanted to come and think about it, but he couldn’t think of a certain result, but these are not important. Now the most important thing is to save people. Come out, as long as Lengyu can return to his side, all these motives and everything are meaningless. At that time, I can completely let her shrink into her arms and tell the story of this period of time. It is also a kind of happy……

Ok, now I think this is still a little early. Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the emotions, calmly analyzed the situation, and asked me, "You said that the dark forest is a labyrinth. It was originally intended to prevent outsiders from entering. You only walked once and remembered completely. Staying on the road?"

Guagua Road: "In the woods, everywhere, there is no direction at all. Even if there are 10,000 people going in, there may be 9,999 people who will get lost, but only I remember the way!"

Ye Shaoyang frowned at him and said: "I doubt."

"Oh." Guagua has unlocked the knot, and the person has returned to liveliness and said very proudly. "Because I found the law."

"What rules?"

"In the dark forest, there are many roads. If you don't go out for a while, there will be several roads, and then only one is correct... If you go wrong, it is estimated that you will make a mistake and go wrong. It is difficult to get back to the right place. We came out all the way. I counted it. I passed a total of seventeen roads. The most abhorrent thing is that these roads are exactly the same, without any signs, and there may be more than seventy or eighty roads in some places. It’s impossible to remember to live by hard note."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly and said: "It turned out that I was thinking before, that the person who is so smart, can not leave such a large loophole."

"Yeah, he carried me all the way. He wanted to cover my eyes. Later, he thought about it and told me to forget it, because no one can remember to live."

Ye Shaoyang's brows wrinkled deeper and deeper. "You say so, I doubt if you remember correctly."

"Absolutely not! Boss, I thought at the time, no matter how complicated, there must be certain rules, or how do they go out? So I noticed that after two or three roads, I finally found it. The law...that is, the trees are different."

"What?" Ye Shaoyang did not understand.

"Every road junction, there are tall trees on both sides, the varieties are not the same. They are all varieties of ghost fields, similar to humans, eucalyptus, cypress, bodhi, etc., every time there is a ramp, as long as there is a point Fork, the varieties of trees on both sides must be different. I don't know if the zombies are also distinguished by this. Anyway, I wrote it down. There are a total of 17 places that need to be turned. Every time I turn, I remember the species. It!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him silly. "you sure?"

"Of course." Guagua patted his chest.

'But... I feel most people, um, most of the creatures, things like trees, can't remember so clearly? No, it should be said that the light can be distinguished from each other." Ye Shaoyang thought for himself. In addition to the common trees such as paulownia, willow, and eucalyptus, other trees may not be recognized even if they let themselves see for half an hour...

Guagua nodded: "Yes, right, so the stinking zombie of Houqing didn't defend me. He would think that I can remember it."

"The question is, how do you remember to live?"

Guagua picked up an eyebrow. "I want to know?"

Ye Shaoyang gave him a slap on his head. "You are enough. You can clearly say things in a single breath. You sell them and sell them now!"

Guagua licked his head and picked up his mouth uncomfortably, but he quickly recovered his feelings and got up and said: "Don't say it is seen, even if it smells the smell of each tree, I can tell the difference... ... boss, you forgot my identity, I am a beggar.

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