Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2470: 2470 Hangzhou trip 1

After the car started, Lao Guo introduced the situation. The branch of the Holy Spirit Society in Hangzhou was in a village in the city. A landlord drove away the tenants and contributed a five-storey building to the Holy Spirit. Use, almost every day has organized activities, but quite secret, Lao Guo is also looking for information from local friends, asked the address.

"Other things are good to say, if the shadow is there, how are you going to deal with it?" Xue Qi suddenly asked.

Ye Shaoyang is a dumb person.

This problem, when I first came back to the movie, Ye Shaoyang thought about it: To say that shadow (for the time being), the strength is actually not necessarily stronger than myself. If it is too strong, then the situation is There is no need to take it away, but I have been being beaten, or because the attacking means of this enchanting is too unique, I can’t touch it...

However, Ye Shaoyang is still the first time against the legendary shadow, even after thinking for a long time, still can't think of any way to suppress his special ability.

Lao Guo Shen Yan said for a long while, said: "Little brother, I heard you describe the process of fighting. I went back and thought for a long time. The most powerful place of the shadow is that it can use the shadow to make a illusion. It can be big or small. Can be short... Well, my description is a bit exaggerated, but that means it is, that is, as long as he is provided with a shadow, he is invincible... Maybe we can try and let ourselves have no shadow?"

Ye Shaoyang listened to him doing this, his heart slammed, no shadow... As long as there was no shadow, the special ability of the enchantment did not play. In theory, this inference has no problem, Ye Shaoyang thought carefully, saying: "I want no shadow. , then the environment needs absolute darkness, can this be done?"

Lao Guodao: "It depends on where it is, outdoor, generally not, unless the weather is particularly cloudy, you can't see the moon and the stars, there is no light around... This is hard to do, only indoors, no windows Or, if you close the window and have walls on all sides, it is possible to create a space with no light at all."

Xie Yuqing said: "Then we will find a place like this, and lead him in the past?"

Lao Guo smiled and said: "I haven't finished it yet, there is no light at all... The special ability of the enchantment is not played out, but we are completely invisible, how can we fight with him?"

In a word, let everyone jam.

Xie Yuqing was angrily saying: "You won't finish it all at once, it's a waste of water for a long time. It turned out to be a useless idea."

Lao Guo’s staller said: “I just provide a way of thinking. I can’t do it without saying a way.”

"No, this method works." Ye Shaoyang said: "Without light, I can still see evil things."

Everyone looked at him confusedly.

Ye Shaoyang pointed to his Yintang point and said: "I can use the light of the sky, as long as I open the sky, not only if there is light in front of me, I can detect the existence of evil."

Xie Yuqing listened and asked: "It's like a thermal sensor sight? But you don't expose yourself. Isn't it unnecessary to use this?"

“Why is it exposed?” Ye Shaoyang is puzzled.

"Ah, don't you say the light of the sky? Just Guo is not talking about it. Once there is light, can the shadow be visible?"

Ye Shaoyang laughed. "The light of the sky is the name of a spell...not really shining."

"This way, really, it is the light of the sky, the name is not true." Xie Yuqing muttered.

"The amount is actually shining, but it is the aura, not the real light. It is impossible for the aura to shine."

Lao Guo took the remark and said: "However, a place where there is no light is not easy to find. Even if you find such a place in advance, if people do not follow, it is in vain."

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "What good way do you have?"

"I turned the encounter into an ambush." ​​Lao Guo said decisively, "create a place like this in advance, then lead him to the past and play with him."

When everyone heard it, they felt that this method was good.

"But if he finds that he can't beat it, what to do if he escapes, then he is guarding outside. We will be beaten as soon as we go out, and we can't keep squatting in it." Xie Yuqing raised questions.

Ye Shaoyang said: "The problem is not here. If it is a small room, it can be arranged in advance. Seal this place in the autumn. Once the goods come in, immediately activate the array and let him go in and out. Kneeling inside, and fighting with us."

Xie Yuqing said: "But the strength of the other party is very powerful. What if you are on top of you and rushing out of the battle?"

"This is generally not the world's mage, the best thing is to arrange, or rely on hard work, how to fight those high-level evils."

The power of the human array is proportional to the time of the array. The longer the time is, the finer the formation is. The array of methods and spells are used to solve the array. Once activated, the mana is far away. Far more than the mage of the array itself, generally unless there is too much strength than their own strength, there is the possibility of rushing out of the formation.

As long as the time and materials are sufficient, Ye Shaoyang does not think that his own array can be forcibly broken by the shadow.

"Guo brother, when you get to the place, you have to prepare some materials for me." Ye Shaoyang said.

"No problem, we have to act at night. After the day, there is time."

Ye Shaoyang originally thought that it was driving directly. As a result, Xie Yuqing drove the car to the high-speed rail station, saying that he did not want to drive a few hundred kilometers of cars, and it was much faster to do high-speed rail.

"Then she did, she did not have an ID card, can not buy a ticket." Ye Shaoyang pointed to Biqing.

Xie Yuqing is also a bit embarrassed, looking at Biqing said: "This is also easy to handle, but to grievance her, take handcuffs, pretend to be a prisoner, I can communicate at the station, directly to the car."

Biqing was watching a TV series and didn't lift her head. She didn't even hear what she said.

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said: "Still forget it, wear a handkerchief or something, it is estimated that she will not do it, or I will come."

"What do you do?" Xie Yuqing asked.

"It’s okay to put her up."

Xie Yuqing looked at him doubtfully, just about to open, Ye Shaoyang took out the yin and yang mirror, discussed with Biqing, let her go in for a while. She is a goblin, and she can enter the world of mirrors with her body.

Ye Shaoyang originally thought very simple, let her go in and hide for a while, waited for the high-speed rail to come out again, but Biqing heard that the mobile phone could not be brought in, and lived and disagreed from one space to another. Relying on the power of the spirit, it is directly transformed into the material that the space allows, but the mobile phone is an electronic product. There is no signal in that space, and it is not impossible to use it.

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