Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2472: 2472 City Village Inn 1

Xue Qi and Bi Qing stayed at the hotel.

After going out, Xie Yuqing said that the time is still early. Now, if it is past, it is really meaningless. She proposed to go to the West Lake for a long time to go.

Ye Shaoyang thought that he was also rare to have such an opportunity. He was a tourist, so the two men took an express train on the Didi and came to the West Lake.

New Year's Day hasn't arrived yet, because it is winter, there are not many tourists in West Lake. The two followed the crowds of the sparsely pulled. When they came to the broken bridge, Xie Yuqing let him stop. The two stood on the bridge and took a picture. .

"I haven't been to the scenic spot for many years, I feel so happy." Xie Yuqing expressed her feelings.

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"Of course, the police are very busy, especially the criminal police. After I became a policeman, I was not in contact with travel. I have been to Hangzhou three times. They are all picking up suspects. They always want to visit the West Lake, but they don't have time. I didn't expect to come with you for the first time."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this, and felt a little touched. He leaned on the railing and looked away from the nearby tourists for a purposeless sweep. He sighed: "I also like this feeling very much."

"What do you feel?"

"In the middle of the crowd, I feel like an ordinary person."

Xie Yuqing took a look at it and said: "When ordinary people have something good, every day, rice and oil, go to work, I don’t know anything that has nothing to do with my life. I used to be like that. Ever since I met you, I realized that the world is still There are so many secrets."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged: "For the magical world, you are just an outsider. Just look at it. Of course, it feels fun. It is different to me. I am a mage. I have to be born and died. Some things don't want to be done, but they must be done. Do it. I want to be an ordinary person..."

Xie Yuqing listened to him so hard, and originally wanted to comfort him a few words. Ye Shaoyang suddenly shook his head and pretended to add another sentence: "There is an old saying that people are in the rivers and lakes, and they are involuntarily."

Xie Yuqing smiled and reached for a moment on his head. He said, "Don't pretend."

The two walked along the West Lake and continued to fly to the Linyin Temple. The incense of Linyin Temple is extremely prosperous, and there is a constant stream of incense in the mountains.

"I heard that Linyin Temple is very effective. I don't know if it is true or not."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "The burning of incense makes this kind of thing, it is the heart and soul, but first you have to believe in the Buddha, it is useless to hold the Buddha's foot temporarily."

The two went all the way, Xie Yuqing wanted to go shopping, Ye Shaoyang's Taoist identity, naturally can not enter the temple casually, Xie Yuqing did not go.

"Right, the monk of Linyin Temple, how about the mana?" Xie Yuqing asked curiously.

"Not all temples are martial art houses. Most temples, Taoist temples, and monks in the temple are not practicing magic. There is no Linyin Temple, but there is a small temple in the back hill of Linyin Temple. Listening to my master is a hidden The martial art."

"This way... Is Jigong a mage? Isn't he Linyin Temple?"

"I haven't finished yet. Jigong is a spell learned in the temple behind the mountain. He is very talented and has a great understanding. Later, it is said to prove that the Yuanyuan Avenue is a pure land."

"Oh..." Xie Yuqing looked arrogant and paused and asked: "What is the sermon?"

"How would I know."

"You don't know?" Xie Yuqing was surprised.

"Of course, if I know, that is the sermon. If I have no evidence, I certainly don't know."

Xie Yuqing thought about it and thought it was too.

The two men strolled on the mountain for a while, then went down the mountain. After passing the Yue Temple on the road, Ye Shaoyang went in and worshipped. He came out from the door and walked for a few tens of meters away. He suddenly stood and looked at him behind his face.

Xie Yuqing looked at him doubtfully and said: "What happened?"

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a long time, suddenly stretched out his right hand, dipped in his mouth, dipped a beak in the left hand palm, kept picking up, and when he reached the little finger, his finger suddenly trembled violently, how could he not press the thumb? .

Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly. "It turned out to be a demon."

Xie Yuqing said: "What do you mean?"

"There is a demon following me."

“Ah?” Xie Yuqing looked around and looked forward, pointing to the old man who was sweeping the floor at the entrance of Yue Temple. “Is he?”

"Don't say, you can't see, I can't see."

Xie Yuqing looked at her heart and looked at Ye Shaoyang in a foolish way.

Ye Shaoyang said: "This demon has followed me. Before, I had a feeling of being peeped. I was very confused at the time... it was true." Seeing Xie Yuqing looked nervous and said: "Don't be nervous, it You shouldn’t want to hurt, or you’ll already get started.”

"That... why is it following you?"

"I don't know." Ye Shaoyang threw a copper coin on the ground and rolled it under his feet. All of them fell down. Only a piece of copper coins swayed on the ground and did not fall.

Ye Shaoyang looked up in the direction of the copper coin and said: "It has already escaped."

Xie Yuqing looked up and saw nothing. He said, "You can't see?"

"Can't see."

"So how do you know that people are demon?"

Ye Shaoyang raised his left hand and said: "I just pinched the meridian view, I can feel everything in the vicinity of ten meters, the index finger is the ghost, the **** is the corpse, the ring finger is the evil spirit, the little finger is the demon, the little finger If you can't bend, it's natural that the goblin is doing it."

Xie Yuqing still puzzled and asked: "How do you know that there is a fairy at your side, why didn't you feel it before?"

"Before it was always by my side, but it condensed and demon, almost no leakage, even if it was me, I ignored its existence, but its demonness still did not fully converge, there is a little bit, because it has been maintained I was paralyzed, but when I entered Yueyue Temple, I felt a change of breath in the vicinity... I didn’t care about it at the time. When I came out here, I felt a little demon, and it was certain that there was something evil.”

Xie Yuqing looked at him slyly. "I don't understand why it is going to leave you when you enter Yueyue Temple?"

"Because there is the ancestral hall of Yue Wangye, there is a statue of Yue Wangye in it, and it is enshrined by incense, and it has a strong sense of heaven and earth. Generally, evil elements simply do not dare to go in."

"The world is right..." Xie Yuqing turned to look at the Yue Temple.

Ye Shaoyang took out a grapefruit leaf from his belt, squeezed out some juice, rubbed it on Xie Yuqing's face, and then pointed to the Yue Temple.

Xie Yuqing looked at it and suddenly shocked: Above the courtyard of Yue Temple, there was a large red cloud-like place. At first glance, it gave people a sense of glory, unspeakable feeling, and the body made a shock. , said: "This is the righteousness?"

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