Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2474: 2474 Poor Master 1

"Perfect venue." Ye Shaoyang praised.

"You turn the lights on first, and it’s scary."

Ye Shaoyang turned on the light, touched a few charms, placed it on the table, and then scratched his fingertips. He painted four characters with his own blood and put it on the door. He said: "This is good, there is this. The blood is in the air, and without a quarter of an hour, no evil can enter."

"Ah, don't you want to introduce that enchantment, but people can't get in..."

"Pig, you, this blood is used now, I want the gods to go out, remember not to let anyone come in, if there is any strange movement, you will marry me, I will be able to come back immediately."

Xie Yuqing nodded again and again. He is careful.

Ye Shaoyang took off his shoes and went to bed. He sat down on the knees and was about to practice. When he looked up, he saw Xie Yuqing looking at himself nervously. She smiled and blurted out: "Come and kiss me for encouragement."

"Beauty, go. Be careful."

"Well, I will be back soon." Ye Shaoyang began to practice. After a few seconds, Yuanshen left the body and flew out.

Xie Yuqing also took off his shoes and went to bed, kept vigilantly beside his body and waited quietly for him to come back.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound on the wall behind him. Xie Yuqing immediately shook her waist. Someone next door?

The thought just came up, and there was another muffled sound behind him. It seemed that someone was pounding the wall.

Because the wall is plasterboard, it is not strong, so the sound is very real. Hey, the wall of the plasterboard... Xie Yuqing's brow suddenly wrinkled, and the sensitivity of the detective made her realize a very small detail.

She immediately put her back on the wall.


It was a muffled sound. But... the plasterboard behind him was not at all trembled.

Xie Yuqing took a deep breath and the sweat of his body stood up.

This is the wall of the gypsum board. When I entered the house before, because the door was too hard, the wall trembled a bit, but just... the big sound, by the way, is the wall of the plasterboard, even if it is a cement wall, it should It will be shaken, but it just has no movement...

Is it not the people on the wall?

After a bang, after a long time, there was no sound on the wall, and Xie Yuqing’s nerves were still tight. Suddenly, a very small voice came from the wall, like... nails On the wall.

Keep moving.

Then there was a low sob, just at the end of the wall, it sounded very far away, and the voice was very small, even men and women could not hear.

It seems that it is really haunted...

Xie Yuqing couldn't help but imagine the picture at the wall: a ghost with a horrible appearance, is scratching the wall with his fingers... Although he has always been with Ye Shaoyang, he has seen many horrible ghosts and evils, but this fear The instinct still exists, the most important thing is that Shaoyang is not here now...

How could it be so clever that I just came in and haunted next door?

Looking at the bed as if she was sleeping, Ye Shaoyang, Xie Yuqing realized that the appearance of the ghost next door is likely to be related to him, maybe it is to deal with him.

This thought just happened, Xie Yuqing immediately pressed the **** on the hole in Ye Shaoyang's person, but did not press it. The ghost in the next room, so many strange movements, if you really want to be unfavorable to Ye Shaoyang, why not come directly? But what do you mean by drumming up so many strange movements?

Xie Yuqing, one of the people who pressed Ye Shaoyang, touched the nail that Ye Shaoyang gave him, and caught it in his hands. He listened attentively to the movement next door.

Ye Shaoyang didn't know what was happening in the small hotel. His gods drifted into the building.

A total of five floors, Ye Shaoyang glanced at it, from the top to the bottom are quiet, simply looking for the first floor.

Yuanshen can go straight through the wall. There is no restriction in the general place. Ye Shaoyang starts from the first room and passes through one room. He finds that there is no one on the first floor, but it is not a place to live at home, but In the warehouse, there is a bag of rice, oil, and the room is full. Two or three rooms next door, also a warehouse, piled up with a variety of small gifts, a bag.

In the last two rooms, Ye Shaoyang immediately felt the familiar atmosphere:

The two houses are all stuffed with paper, incense and candles.

If the things piled up in the first few rooms can be explained as opening a supermarket, these papers and incense prove that they have not found the wrong place.

There can be no supermarkets and the like, so many incandescent candles will be scented, and individuals are even less likely.

Ye Shaoyang turned around on the first floor and went to the second floor. The second floor was still a warehouse, and some clothes were smashed. In short, no one.

Ye Shaoyang turned to the third floor. Here is the real bedroom. There are two people living in each room. Some are sleeping, some are finishing the incense sticks, and the yellow paper is cut into pieces and folded into ingots.

Ye Shaoyang paid attention to it. It seems that these people are dressed in the most common kind in society. They should be the workers at the bottom. However, when doing this work, they are very pious and do not look like they are hired. It should be spontaneous.

Among them, there were two origami sisters. While they were origami, they talked in the conversation. Ye Shaoyang stayed for a while. The two discussed the arrangement of the evening activities and the matter of rotation.

From their dialogue, Ye Shaoyang heard it. These work are all spontaneous. They live in the village of this city. They usually work in nearby factories. Today, because they don't have to work, they come here to help themselves. Usually, whoever has the time to work will come.

Ye Shaoyang stood still and listened for a while. The two girls examined the ingots that they had folded. They said, "Almost, I will send them out. By the way, I will give my mother a fragrance. It is estimated that the incense is burned."

Finished with a lot of ingots to go out.

Ye Shaoyang immediately followed the past, followed the sister on the third floor, opened a door lock, Ye Shaoyang followed, saw that this is a fairly large room, but unlike the first floor, where the raw materials are stacked, all here is the cut Good straw paper and folded candles.

After the girl’s ingot was put down, she went up to the fourth floor, and Ye Shaoyang followed, and the girl opened a lock. Did not wait for Ye Shaoyang to follow up, after the door opened, a golden light, overflowing from the crack in the door, Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt the spirit burning, as if the body was burned, and hurriedly flew far behind, not dare to approach.

Strong strength!

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. This room must be equipped with a place like the squad, which has no harm to the human body. Ordinary people can't see this golden light, but they have a powerful power for all evil things and spiritual bodies. Ye Shaoyang sighs and loses his own yuan. God's power is strong, otherwise the moment of opening the door, his own **** may have to be washed away.

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