Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2481: 2481 idol 2

Wang Ping returned to God and suddenly asked: "Two, are you coming to investigate the Holy Spirit?"

Xie Yuqing was shocked and said: "Do you know the Holy Spirit?"

"Sure enough... no wonder you have to take the gods." Yan Lei said with a wry smile, "This area is our jurisdiction. Naturally, I have heard of the Holy Spirit. We are also investigating, but they have strong defenses. We have nothing to do, we can't find any clues, but I don't understand. You are not a Shicheng police station. Why are you investing in us?"

Xie Yuqing shrugged and said: "This is not easy to say one or two sentences. Since you know the Holy Spirit, I will not hide it. I will tell you all the clues when I find a place."

The two were very happy and asked to find a room in the small hotel. Wang Ping originally wanted to call someone to bring the boss back to interrogation, but Ye Shaoyang said that it was useful to stay with her, so she was sent to the next room. At the same time, Wang Ping called for reinforcements... After all, it was a hotel. I have already lived in a few people. Now the boss is detained. If there are guests who are staying or leaving the store, it will be very troublesome. Someone needs to coordinate.

After the boss was sent to the next room, Xie Yuqing briefly introduced the cause and effect of the incident, but did not introduce too much to Ye Shaoyang's identity, only to say that it is a person in the magical world.

After listening to Wang Ping and Yan Lei, they were shocked. They did not blame Xie Yuqing for not telling them the truth before. Instead, they felt that they ran so far to investigate their local cases. I am very grateful.

"This ... high man, although we have never seen a spell, but this boss is right now to you... that is called practice, you have nothing, this is enough to explain your mana."

Ye Shaoyang screamed. Sure enough, in the eyes of ordinary people, all who have a little spell are high. But for his own sake, this matter is too small to be worth mentioning.

"This leaf... Mr. Ye, is this boss also a spell?"

"That's right, but it's not a mage, it's at the fan level, it's a simple one or two."

The two face each other, listening to this, I feel that Ye Shaoyang is unfathomable.

Wang Ping said: "With regard to this Holy Spirit, we are also investigating. There has been no clue. Now that you have a clue, we can't ask for it. Is there anything I can help?"

Xie Yuqing thought for a moment and said: "There is really one thing to look for in your investigation. You can help me investigate a high-ranking second. It’s a wealthy businessman here. I don’t know the real name."

Wang Ping and Yan Leihu glanced at each other and smiled. Wang Pingdao: "Higher and second, no need to investigate, all the police officers on our side do not know him. But he is not a developer. It should be regarded as a contractor. In the early years, he was fishing for the front door. Hangzhou's famous heaven and earth, he opened. He involved several cases, recently dug up, people have been arrested, is the matter of last month, now people are in the detention center. How does the Holy Spirit do things he also has? ”

"If the intelligence is correct, this branch of the Holy Spirit will be built by him."

The two policemen were shocked.

Wang Ping pointed to the proprietress who was put down on the bed and said, "Mr. Ye, what are you doing to stay with her here?"

"Ask her some questions."

Wang Ping said: "Oh, she must know something, but she may not be willing to say it, or send it to the police station. We can ask her slowly, not afraid of her not saying."

"No, I have a way."

Ye Shaoyang got up and closed the doors and windows, and pulled the curtains up. Although there was no room next to the room where the goddess was enshrined, the room was dark and dull.

Ye Shaoyang went to the boss and reached out to remove the charm on her face. The proprietress is like a sudden wake up, and seeing Ye Shaoyang in a blink of an eye, immediately open up, a variety of vicious language greetings.

"Spreading woman. OK, I will let you experience it for a while." Suddenly greeting the dead parents, Ye Shaoyang is also very upset.

"You have the ability to kill me, you are a bastard!!" The proprietress is still unpredictable.

Ye Shaoyang took out a red candle from his backpack and ignited and walked over to the boss.

Drop wax?

The two policemen stood up together, Wang Ping said: "Mr. Ye, this can not be done, although it is not a formal trial, but it can not be used, or it can not be accounted for."

Ye Shaoyang didn't make a sound, put the red candle on the small coffee table next to the bed.

The proprietress looked at the red candle and Ye Shaoyang’s eyes, and he was nervous. He said: “What are you doing for a beast!”

"You will know soon. No, Mom, you call me a beast, I shouldn't promise you."

Ye Shaoyang is very upset.

The proprietress still wants to continue to groan, Ye Shaoyang suddenly raised a hand, took a picture on his shoulder, then slammed it and said: "Come out!"

A translucent figure was picked up by Ye Shaoyang from the boss's body. She didn't wait for her to come back. Ye Shaoyang left her hand and a red line passed from her neck. Pressing on the wall, the right hand quickly found a copper. Nail, take a shot on the wall, send the hand, the figure has been nailed to the wall.

It is the boss wife.

Ye Shaoyang took out the grapefruit leaves and let Xie Yuqing give the two policemen their eyes. After the rubbing, the two people saw the scene in front of them, and they were scared to sit on the bed, look at the figure hung by the red rope, and look at the seat. In the bed of the proprietress, the body of the proprietress is now completely motionless, his eyes are scattered, looks like a dead person.

"This... is this her ghost?" Both of them trembled.

Seeing their appearance, I know that it should be the first time to see a ghost. Ye Shaoyang regrets letting them stay at the scene, but there is no way. After all, the case needs their help. It is always difficult to try to drive them out when they are trying to judge the ghost. If you ask something, It is also very troublesome to tell them to them.

The proprietress was tied by a red string and hung on the wall. At first she did not know how to resist. She looked at Ye Shaoyang and pointed out that Ye Shaoyang pointed to the bed. The proprietress turned her head and saw her own body. She temporarily opened the heavens and knew it all at once. The expression suddenly changed.

"You killed me……"

The proprietress grabbed the rope with both hands, her legs screaming in the air, struggling hard.

"You, you actually killed me, you are a beast, I will not let you go!"

"Please, you are already a ghost now..." Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "And I didn't kill you. As long as you answer a few questions, I will let you go to the flesh and continue to be a human being, otherwise... you are afraid to eat. It hurts."

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