Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2491: The 2491 mysterious helper 1

Another soul was beaten out of the body and flew out of the distance.

"Shaoyang, Shaoyang, how are you, nothing!" Xie Yuqing shot while screaming upstairs.


A shuttle bullet was quickly finished.

Xie Yuqing began to change bullets.

Although a shuttle bullet went down, there were not many people who were knocked down. However, because the movement was too big, many people who were intoxicated in the curse were awakened and turned to look at Xie Yuqing.

Once they stopped the curse, the crescent of the eyebrows disappeared immediately.

"Come on, come and catch me!"

Xie Yuqing replaced the bullets and continued shooting.

A lot of angry people came up to catch her.

Xie Yuqing retired to the door, changed a magazine, just about to shoot, suddenly felt that the two legs sank, looked down, is his own shadow! Actually moving, two dark hands grabbed their legs, and then the upper body suddenly stood up, facing his head, creating a strong suction.

"Yu Qing!" Ye Shaoyang shouted. In the moment he felt, he felt a light body, and the shadow that trapped himself under his body flashed away and rushed to Xie Yuqing.

Because the pressure disappeared by a large part, Ye Shaoyang’s curse rushed out of the smog, and a man stepped over the railing and jumped straight.

There is a paulownia tree in the yard, the leaves are gone, but the branches are still there. Ye Shaoyang is also looking at the jump before going down. The soul is volleying, hooking a branch and slowing down the momentum of the fall, but he is the fifth floor after all. Jumping down, the inertia is strong, both hands from the middle of the hook to the end of the rope to the end, when landing, only feel the pain of two palms.

I also couldn’t take a look at it. Ye Shaoyang rushed toward Xie Yuqing with the spirit of the soul. When the road encountered people blocking the road, it was a whip.

But after all, he is a human being. The absolute speed is much slower than that of the shadow. When I rushed to half, I saw that the scene that happened before stood up from her, and my head was facing Xie Yuqing, which produced The suction force almost pulled out her god.


Ye Shaoyang shouted in excitement, pulled out the Qixing Longquan sword, just about to throw it out, and was afraid of even hurting Xie Yuqing. At this moment of hesitation, Xie Yuqing suddenly released a silver light and shot it in the shadow. Body.

The shadow is originally the shape of the shadow. It is diluted by the silver light.

Ye Shaoyang saw this clearly, and Xie Yuqing held the nail in his hand. At the moment, he took a sigh of relief and rushed to the past. A dark gold charm hit the past and was attached to the shadow charm.

"Nine 曜 顺 顺 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The nine-star charm, instantly activated, turned into a nine-point starlight, the division in the shadow of the body, constantly flashing, spiritual power filled with it, the nine-point starlight has become a long line, and then only heard a loud bang, originally The black shadow that was diluted to half was immediately shattered...

Ye Shaoyang flew past, grabbed Xie Yuqing's hands and said nervously: "Is it okay?"

"I have nectar nails, nothing, ah, look at them!"

Xie Yuqing pulled Ye Shaoyang hard and turned to look at the believers of the Holy Spirit. They looked at them both with angry eyes. It seems that they have not figured out what happened in front of them.


Xie Yuqing yelled and pulled Ye Shaoyang, and the two ran out of the door.

"Catch them!" The believers did not know who shouted a scorpion, and everyone came back and chased them out together.

Ye Shaoyang and two people ran together on the road. Xie Yuqing took out his mobile phone and called Wang Ping.

The phone is almost seconds connected.

Xie Yuqing talked about the situation in three words. At this time, the two had already gone out of the alley and ran to the outside road, looking back, followed by a group of black people.

"I am going to go, I was chased by so many people for the first time!" Ye Shaoyang said with a sigh of relief. Just look at it in the past and feel a little gangster movie.

"For a while, Wang Ping said, they have already mobilized people."

"So many people, big brother, how to support?"

"It's not for you to fight with them. We ran around the village in the city, let them chase after them, and wait for a large number of policemen to arrive, there is nothing we have!"

"This... are they so stupid?"

"They don't know that we are going to call the police, and then people will lose judgment when they are angry. Run!"

Xie Yuqing is a policeman. He was agile, and Ye Shaoyang did not need to say that Maoshan ran faster than anyone else. The two ran around the village in the city. At first, there was a series of noisy screams. Later, the voice went farther and farther. Ye Shaoyang looked back and suddenly broke down. At least one third of the dozens behind him. Already tired to kneel on the ground, some people do not give up, clamoring to catch up.

"Let's run too fast, slow down." Xie Yuqing reminded him that the two slowed down slightly, stayed at the level that they could see but couldn't catch up with them, and circled around the village in the city. It’s like running at night.

"That movie, was you wiped out?" Xie Yuqing asked as he ran.

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said, "This is a bit strange. Speaking... Although my nine-star charm is very powerful, the shadow should not be so weak."

Xie Yuqing said: "Are you referring to the one you met last time?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "At least the strength is several times different, so... I doubt if these two are the same one."

Xie Yuqing heard it, "Is there two more?"

"There is one nonsense, there is one, or where does this come from?"

The two men talked while running, and in the unconscious, they had circled around the village in the city. As soon as they saw the front, they were happy: there were several people in front of the road, all of whom were followers of the Holy Spirit. I ran myself, but I couldn’t move without physical strength, and I lost my goal. I was either squatting or standing on the side of the road.

"Come on! Run!"

Ye Shaoyang shouted and ran past them.

These people were shocked first, and when they found out that he was, they immediately caught up in anger, followed by a run, and squatted on the side of the road, and accelerated to catch up. They were almost incompetent, and they were easily stumbled by Ye Shaoyang...

The whistle of the police car sounded from far and near, Xie Yuqing ran with Ye Shaoyang, and the police car came in three. Xie Yuqing stopped the police car and immediately called Wang Ping. At this time, there were several believers who were not afraid of death. Come over, grab it directly by the police and press in the car. (s:)

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