Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2513: 2513 Strategy 1

In the half bowl of millet porridge that was not finished, a layer of worms was drilled in a dense way. It looked like a meat cockroach, but it was bigger. Look carefully, there are two forefoot feet on it for climbing.

Zhang Wusheng pinched a black bug, pinched it with two fingers, and a black mucus flowed out. Zhang Wusheng smelled it before his nose and said a word: "Hey."

Ye Shaoyang stunned and immediately retorted: "I can't be jealous. I saw evil things with my own eyes. Is there a fake?"

Zhang Wusheng gave him a look and said: "Hey, plus evil things... If I guess it is right, this is the doorman, also called Gu Shen, a black witchcraft from the north..."

One of his disciples heard this and couldn’t help but say: "Master, you must have roots, and the ancestors' magical powers, ugly can't grasp the roots?"

This is a term in the spell world.

Like poison, cockroaches may be colorless, odorless, and hard to detect for ordinary people, but any cockroach has roots that can be understood as a kind of evil that can be perceived by humans. Different cockroaches have different roots, such as gold silkworm cocoons. It will give off a trace of stench, the geese will change the color of the food, etc. As for how to hide the roots, it is difficult for the lieutenant to find out. This is also a great learning in witchcraft. .

But in the end, there is one point. The roots are the ones that follow the 蛊 and cannot be completely eliminated. From the point of view of the spell, the roots of the roots belong to the range of evil spirits. The deeper the master's mana, the sharper the perception of this evil spirit.

This is also a kind of balanced performance of Tiandi Avenue. If there is no root, an ordinary wizard can kill a master who is a high-level wizard with ordinary cockroaches. Then no one will practice magic and go to learn witchcraft.

How to hide the roots as much as possible, and how to be keenly aware of the roots, this is a contest of "one foot high and one foot high," and there will be some accidents, unless it is offensive. Wizards, otherwise the general mages will not be wary of being shackled at all times, for a moment, and there are also rumors.

However, with the mana of the Taoist real person, even if there is no fortification in advance, it will not be so easy to be lied. Therefore, the question of the disciple also said the voice of many people present.

Zhang Wusheng sighed: "This is not a general embarrassment. The root of this kind of valley **** is to make the food more sweet. Besides, there is no special feature. Unless it is checked by the spell, it must not be discovered."

When the words came out, everyone was shocked.

Let the food become more sweet... Ye Shaoyang suddenly wakes up, "No wonder! I smelled the smell of this millet porridge before, it was very rich, I thought it was a long time..."

This kind of roots is really hard to prevent!

Zhang Wusheng said: "This valley **** is not a general witchcraft. It is said that only some hidden witches in the north will be..." Zhang Wusheng stared at the half bowl of rice porridge on the table. Climb it out, but once you leave the porridge bowl, it will soon die, the body melts, becomes a drop of green mucus, sticks to the table, and looks disgusting.

Lao Guo frowned and said: "Even if you are a lieutenant, you will not be able to use the power of your ancestors..."

"All said that it is evil!" Zhang Wusheng did not sigh with anger. "The **** of the valley, was made into a container, sealed inside the evil thing, once the locust enters the body, the seal will also open, the evil thing is put Come out... I guess it must be like this!"

The evils are sealed in the locusts...

Ye Shaoyang suddenly got a bit stunned, this means... it’s just too bad, but Zhang Wusheng’s speculation is very likely. What is this god, it’s very powerful, plus the evil thing... The key point is that the cultivation of the evil thing is also extremely deep, and once it appears, it is in the body of Daoyuan, and it is caught together with the locusts inside and outside.

This is the real thing of Daoyuan. However, before he died, he blew himself up with the evil spirits. It was estimated that the other party did not think of it. At least, he also maintained his last dignity as a generation of masters.

Zhang Wusheng’s cell phone rang at this time. He took it and glanced at it. Then he switched on. After half a minute, he said nothing, he kept listening. He finally hang up and sighed: “I used to go to Longyunge to investigate. Just gave me a reply, the one that sent the pickles was dead, seven holes bleed, and was killed by evil things..."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked: "Send a takeaway?"

"I heard that after you finished speaking, I suspected that there was a problem with the food. I immediately went to Longyunge to investigate. The food at Longyunge was no problem, but the special meal delivery of an errand in their store was dead."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said: "It seems that there is a problem in the process of delivering food, so it is not easy to check..."

"There is no evidence of death!" Zhang Wusheng slammed on the stone table, and the strength of the road directly fell off the stone table. However, he is also a flesh-and-mortem. After a fist, his fist is drawn by a corner of the stone table, and blood is dripping down.

Some disciples took out a pack of paper towels and wanted to help him bandage. Zhang was born and pushed away.

"Go away!"

Zhang Wusheng held his hands on the stone table and screamed at the sky.

Everyone dare not speak out, not even comfort.

Zhang Wusheng vented a little, holding his hands on the stone table, his head hanging down, and he calmed down for a while, suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Shaoyang, saying: "My uncle has been guarding the tower here for many years, and there has never been any resentment with anyone. In one step, even if someone wants to harm him, when can't he, why should he wait until the day you come?"

Ye Shaoyang squatted on the spot, did not wait for the opening, the disciples of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, and the evil things that lived in the Wan Yao Tower, hula and surrounded him.

As long as Zhang Wusheng gave a command, they would rush to it and tear Ye Shaoyang.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, Lao Zhang, what do you think of my younger brother!" Lao Guo made a movement that made Ye Shaoyang very moved. He rushed to him and opened his arms to keep him behind him. He has the strength to protect Ye Shaoyang, just a subconscious act.

"Uncle Shi." Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes on Zhang Wusheng. "You didn't know me the first day. Do you think I will harm my ancestors?"

Zhang Wusheng snorted and sighed: "I know that this matter has nothing to do with you, but everything is up to you. If you don't come, how can your ancestors die? You don't give me a statement today. Wizards, I want to get out of my Dragon and Tiger Mountain!"

This talk is spoken, and everyone in the place is eyeing Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang quietly looked at Zhang Wusheng and said: "You don't have to say that Daoyuan really died because of me. I will be responsible for this matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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