Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2522: 2522 knot knot 2

Ye Shaoyang immediately said that he did not need it, but Master Yigu insisted that he had to promise.

In the evening, Master Yigu told Ye Shaoyang to use the US group to call a few dishes, and accompanied him to drink a glass of white wine. During the period, he talked with Ye Shaoyang about his own past events, as well as the past events of Xiao Lengyu and Hu Wang.

If not the master of a valley, Ye Shaoyang has forgotten the existence of Hu Wang.

Master Yugu suddenly turned his head and said: "Awang this kid, although you don't say it, but I already know that he is dead, but still stay in the world, Shaoyang, I ask you to help, if you meet in the future To him, he must... kill him."

Speaking of this, Master One Valley sighed and his eyes were a little moist. Ye Shaoyang's heart is also a bit uncomfortable, but he also understands the meaning of Master Yigu: Hu Wang is now a half-soul ghost, even a ghost corpse, killing Hu Wang, in fact, for him, it is also a relief.

Ye Shaoyang promised to come down, but in retrospect, since Hu Wang’s escape from himself and Lengyu last time, he has never heard from him. I don’t know where he is going now. It’s not easy to find him.

This dinner, the real father is still quite awkward, and he said a lot. Ye Shaoyang thinks that he is a long-term person, more depressed, has been patiently cooperating, has been eating more than nine o'clock, the father is sleepy, Ye Shaoyang Help him to go to sleep, then go to the next door to rest.

Lying in bed, Ye Shao** couldn't sleep, and found a thing from the pocket of a round copper coin-sized thing, a thin piece, translucent, with a blue light.

"What is this?" Guagua was originally on the window sill, looking at the night scene bored, and occasionally looking back, watching Ye Shaoyang play this strange thing, and immediately asked to curiously.

"Copper money." Ye Shaoyang replied.

"Copper money? Hahaha, boss, don't tease me, how can this be copper coins!"

Ye Shaoyang got up and drew two charms, which were respectively attached to the door and the window to avoid being ridiculed by the evil things. Then he went back to the bed and sat down with the strange thing that would shine. He said: This is the copper money that I gave to me on the mountain before the military division."

Gua Gua, said: "The military division has cataracts? Is this copper money?"

"No, this may be the copper coin in the empty world. It will become like this when it comes to the world. After all, he is a ghost. If he is as light as a human being, how can he bring the copper money on the human body? He must find something casually... probably The copper coins in the empty world will be like this."

“Make it a way...” Guagua frowned. “I don’t understand, why is he doing this?”

Ye Shaoyang said: "He said, this is the time to give him the token when I saved him. In fact, I have never given him any tokens... he is nonsense."

Guagua is even more puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang said: "I have been thinking since I came back. Why did he do this, there was nothing in the middle, then I thought of Xu Fu... When he was arrested, he also told me a spell without any reason. The military master knew this, he Do, maybe I want to express a meaning to me... He is involuntarily, or what he is doing, what is the hardship."

Guagua slammed his head and said, "But why not just say it?"

"I want to go, he may be worried about being watched, or for any other reason. In short, he can't just say it... However, he finally said that the soldiers are not deceived, it seems to mean something... but I still don't understand him. What means."

Guagua said: "I will help you think."

"Forget it, with your IQ, there is nothing to count on, let's play."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a long time without any clues, simply no longer think about it. If Lin Sansheng really wants to tell himself something, he will definitely come to the door. Besides, he did order to kill thousands of creatures, no matter what the reason, this practice, himself Can't accept it.

Still don't think about it...

"Guagua, how have you been practicing recently?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"Oh, okay." Guagua cracked the back of his head and suddenly jumped to the window sill. "Boss, you are busy first, ah, no, you sleep for a while, I will go back and go back." Going out, no shadows.

This child... is fun. Ye Shaoyang shook his head helplessly, holding the so-called copper money in his hand, leaning on the bed and thinking quietly.

In the latter half of the night, Ye Shaoyang fell asleep, stayed up until the morning, and woke up to see the mobile phone. It was more than ten o'clock. He hurriedly got up and went outside after washing. The babysitter Aunt heard the movement and came out from the kitchen and said, "Mr. Ye, you wake up. It is."

"What's wrong?" Ye Shaoyang looked at her and looked wrong.

"I don't get up yet, I don't feel like something wrong. He usually gets up at seven o'clock."

Ye Shaoyang took a heart and said: "Why don't you call him?"

"He doesn't sleep well. Don't bother him when he sleeps. I saw you drinking last night. Maybe he is drinking too much late..."

Auntie is still chattering, Ye Shaoyang has already walked to the door of Master Yigu, trying to push the door, and the result is locked.

"Is there a key?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"No, oh, but I just cleaned up the room and saw a key on the coffee table. I didn't have it before..." said to take Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang inserted the key into the keyhole, twisted it, opened it, pushed the door in, and immediately had a familiar breath.

This kind of breath is not noticeable to ordinary people, but he is familiar with him as a mage. This is dead.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart trembled and rushed to the bedside. The master of a valley lay on his back on his back, his hands on his abdomen, his face was serene, but his face was not angry.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and walked over. He grabbed the master's wrist and confirmed the pulse. Yes, it was dead.

The body was already cold, and it was inferred that it should have died last night.

Drinking last night was fine, how come this morning...

Aunt Nanny saw the master of a valley and realized what happened. She scared her mouth. Ye Shaoyang asked her to go out first. I wanted to check the body of Master Yigu and suddenly saw an open notebook on the bed. There seems to be a word on it, so I picked it up and pressed a button-shaped thing under the notebook.

Ye Shaoyang did not manage this for the time being. Look at the notebook first. This is really the suicide note of Master Yigu. It is relatively simple to write. First, it shows that he is a normal death... The lights are dry and the end of life is dead. He soon reached his life limit. Therefore, let Ye Shaoyang come over, it is to see a face, to explain some things, the most important thing is that Yan Lengyu has some personal items here, after he died, it is not convenient to hand over to others for custody, so he was specially asked to come and take it away.

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