Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2531: The mystery of the 2531 birth 2

"Just, you have to give up everything you have."

"Everything, what does it mean?" Yang Gong did not understand the concept of "everything".

"It is everything, spiritual body, cultivation, and all memory... Without memory, there will be no mystery in the womb, and then re-cultivation, in order to seek the purity of the gods." paused, the road said: " The so-called 斩元神 is not to crush the Yuanshen directly, but to clear the distracting thoughts in the Yuanshen, to reach the 'empty like' situation, without life or death, to prove.

After listening to the words of the wind, Yang Gongyi was completely stunned and slowly shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

The road smiled and said: "Simply say, it is going to reincarnate and live again."

Yang Gong’s mouth suddenly became a boss, and he was awkward. He said: “How does this make it?”

The road is silent.

Judging from the content he had realized before, this seems to be the only way to smash three corpses... But, if I go to reincarnation and grow up a little, how many years will it take? Not to mention that there may be various accidents in the middle, and it is possible to hang up at any time. For now, the war is imminent, how can you give up all this and go back to rebirth?

What to do in the Valley of the Wind, what about Shaoyang?

Of course he can't put it down.

However, it is not a sacred sect, and with its current strength, it is impossible to beat those real enemies.

The road wind feels bitter in the heart. All along, what I have been searching for is the law of the corpse, and now I have found it, but I have fallen into an unsolvable paradox.

Is this the meaning of God?

The guilt and loss in the heart of the road can not be added.

But his expression is still cold, boring, or without any expression.

However, Yang Gongyi, who is a person around him, saw his emotions from his eyes. He stepped forward and took his arm and said: "Is it possible to solve the mystery of the womb? ”

The road looked at her. "Do you have a way?"

"I don't have it, but I don't necessarily have the only way to reincarnate. We pay attention to it and ask some people. Maybe we can find a way to eliminate the mystery in the womb. You can say?"

The wind in the wind suddenly moved, yeah, Zhen Yuanzi just let himself see the heart and help himself find the doorway of the **** of the Yuan, but reborn, it is their own thought. Although this is the only way I can think of, it does not mean that there is only one way to go...

I figured this out, and the feeling of the road suddenly became a vibration. I rushed to Yang Palace and nodded. "Thank you."

Yang Gongxiao smiled and said: "You and me, thank you. In the future, we will find a way together, I believe I must find it!"

The road nodded and went outside the jungle and asked, "What are you looking for?"

"Ah, I forgot the business!"

Yang Gong squatted and rushed to grab his hand. Some nervously said: "There is a big deal! Just someone came to report, Jianwen Emperor led the army out of the customs, and played against the sinister general Zhu Xi! Not fighting, it is the kind The battle of life and death!"

There was no shocking color on the face of the road, and he asked: "Does the two armies fight?"

"No, it is singled out."

"That way, that's nothing." The wind and the wind flew up.

Yang Gongyi hurriedly kept up and said, "What is nothing? If he kills Zhu Xi, how can the yin be good to rest!"

"The two men are singled out because of their vengeance, and the yin can't say anything."

"What if Jianwen was killed?"

As the wind flew, he turned to look at her and smiled. "If he died here, it is his life. What can other people do?"

Yang Gongyi completely stunned, half awkward, suddenly thought of something, frowning asked: "Have you expected this to happen?"

"Since I heard that the Yin Shi was led by Zhu Xi, I knew that Jianwen would act."

"This... but also, the hatred of him and Zhu Xi is a bit difficult to resolve. But why don't you stop it?"

"I stopped this time, and the next time, and, why do you think he is willing to do things for me?"

Yang Gongyi frowned: "Isn't it the reward of re-creating you?"

The wind laughs.

"The last time he was an emperor, his heart was extremely high. He had always been gifted by others. He was willing to accept the gifts of others. He owed it to me, just to one day, he had the opportunity to kill Zhu Xi. If I refused, he would definitely oppose me. He Looking for Zhu Xi to single-handedly, without attacking the army, it is already a scruples of the wind."

Yang Gongyu pondered. At first, she didn't understand. Since the purpose of Jianwen was to find Zhu Xi single-handedly, he would have to find an opportunity. Why should he stay in the Valley of the Wind and think carefully? On the one hand, he was an emperor during his lifetime, he lost and died. After that, I still want to lead an army and regain the feeling of the emperor. As for the heads-up... Zhu Xi is a general of the pawn. If there is no support for the three emperors to support Jianwen, he will not have the chance to single-handedly with Zhu Xi. Basically, I was caught without being close to me...

"Where are we going now?" After talking about this, Yang Gong asked.

"Go and see, clean up the mess."

The two men pulled their hands and flew for a while. Yang Gongzhen remembered the previous events and asked the wind: "How does Zhenyuan Daxian know what is the mystery of your womb? Is he much more powerful than you?"

The road wind only answered four words: "The authorities are fascinated."

When you don't talk about what you have to explain clearly, the answer to the wind has always been very simple. It seems that talking to him is a very tiring thing. However, Yang Gongyi also understood, and then asked: "Why should he come to help you, do you know?"

"He is my former friend."

"Previous life..." Yang Gongyi turned his head and looked at him with some resentment. He said, "What is your past life, you never told me."

Regarding the origin of Tao Feng, since he was determined not to be a reincarnation ghost, from the human to the ghost domain, they are speculating, good and bad, what kind of speculation. It is said that he was the reincarnation of Lu Dongbin. He said that he was reborn in Guangchengzi. Some people said that he was the same mysterious Zuojun as the Wuji Mountain. Yang Gongyi also guessed several times, but the road never answered, how to entangle Useless.

Today, she did not report any hopes, but she felt it, and complained about it. Then she stopped looking at him and thought about anything else, but her heart was somewhat lost. My favorite person, but he does not know his origins...

"Do you really want to know?"

The road suddenly opened, and Yang Gong was shocked and turned to look at him.

"If you don't know, you are against me, will it still be like this?"

"This..." Yang Gongyi smiled at the city. "I like the road, it is you in this life. As for who you were before, I don't care. It's nothing more than curiosity. If you don't want to say it, I won't ask it later." Also, I was originally quite unbalanced, but I thought that even Shaoyang, who is closest to you, doesn't know, and it is balanced."

(The life of the road is about to be revealed... This time I promise not to dig the pit, do you expect it?)

(End of this chapter)

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