Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2549: 2550诛仙剑2

At the moment of melons in Shicheng, it is basically impossible to fly directly from the human world. The distance between the two is more than a thousand miles (500 kilometers). Guagua can't sense his exact position, but he can know that both sides have exceeded the induction. Scope, only go to the yin first, and then feel each other again, this came out from the ghost domain, came to Ye Shaoyang's room.

“What happened?” Ye Shaoyang asked as soon as he met.

"The military division sent people again, saying that the airspace has already been fought, but now it is only a tentative attack. It really has to be played. It is estimated that it will take about ten hours. Let you be prepared, wait for the war, and he will come. Notice, let us act now."

Ten hours... that is about twenty hours.

Ye Shaoyang counted the time, enough to rush back to Shicheng, so he asked me, "What about other people?"

"Xiaoqing, they are all waiting in Qingqiu Mountain. When the bosses go back, they can summon them to come, or we all go to Qingqiu Mountain. Xiaojiu said that there are no zombies in the wild mountain behind Qingqiu Mountain, and they can reach the lower reaches of the boundary river at the fastest speed. Go to the zero world."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "You go back first, let everyone wait for me, right, go to the road to find me?"

"My sister Sister Gong went. I learned that when you left, let me tell you that the road is ready. When you leave, you will notify him with a snowflake agate ring. They will come immediately."

"Oh, then it's okay, go back soon, I will be home tomorrow."

After Guagua went away, Lao Guo suddenly felt: "In fact, when a sinister is very comfortable, it can move in a moment, can fly in the air, and can do all kinds of things that humans can't do. You said, why are so many evils? Do you want to cultivate an adult?"

Four treasures: "This question is very profound. I am not good at all profound problems."

Ye Shaoyang said: "It's very simple, because it's easy to be evil, it's hard to be a human being."

In a word, Lao Guo and Sibao nodded together and said that they answered ingeniously.

The next morning, at five o'clock, Ye Shaoyang and his three men went down the mountain. In order to get back early, they bought the first high-speed rail.

"Ye Shaoyang."

Just after crossing the mountain gate, I was going to go down. Ye Shaoyang suddenly heard someone calling behind him. Looking back, one person walked down the steps. At this time, the day was still not bright. I could only see that it was a woman wearing a robes. Take a closer look, the little nun in Mount Emei.

"It's you, you call... Hey, sorry, what's your name?"

"Li Yuanyuan."

"Oh yes, but...Isn’t there a legal number for a woman, do you use a common name?"

Li Yuanyuan smiled and said: "My law says that you don't know."

"Oh..." Ye Shaoyang didn't understand this sentence. I thought you said that the common name I don't even know, but I didn't ask for it. I asked her: "So early in the morning, what are you doing here?"

"I heard that you have to go, come to you specifically."

"Looking for me?" Ye Shaoyang almost suspected that he had got it wrong.

The four treasures coughed twice, and the leaves of Shaoyang squeezed their eyebrows and made them look uncomfortable.

Li Yuanyuan took a sparkling thing from her pocket and handed it to Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang instinctively picked it up. At first glance, it was a head scorpion with silver-white beads on it. The gloss is the one that was emitted by the beads. Although he did not understand jewellery and jade, he could see at a glance that this is a good thing, immediately Just stunned.

"This thing, you take it."

"I took it? This... Yuanyuan sister, the first time I met, you sent me this thing, it is what you mean." Ye Shaoyang spoke a little.

Li Yuanyuan grinned and said: "This is not for you, it is for the wind."

Road wind?

Ye Shaoyang is even more surprised. "You know him?"

"of course."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her up and down. "You know the wind, why have you never seen you?"

"I know the wind, what does it have to do with you?"

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

"Then you know him, why don't you bring me something to bring to you, what do you have to do with him?"

Li Yuanyuan said: "I don't want to see him now... Don't ask, don't ask me anymore. In short, it will help me bring things to him. If you show him this, he will know everything. Also, Shaoyang, former You are much more handsome than you are now."

"Hey? Have you seen it?" Ye Shaoyang instinctively touched his hair. "Is it because I changed my hair? Hey, don't go!"

Li Yuanyuan has turned and went to the mountains.

Ye Shaoyang forced him for a long time and asked Lao Guo and Sibao to be equally aggressive. In the end, he could only put the beads in his bag and he planned to see him and ask him.

A few hours of running around... Before noon, the group returned to Shicheng, and Sibao and Lao Guo did not go there, and went home with Ye Shaoyang.

When the door opened, Ye Shaoyang saw a lot of people standing in the room. If he was not using his own key to open the door, he thought that he was going wrong. The living room was full of sisters. Looking at the past, Xie Yuqing, Zhou Jingru, Zhang Xiaorui Ye Xiaomeng, Wu Xiaoxun...Several sisters are there, and they wear a brighter one, plus Biqing and Qiuying, and sneak in the ear of Ye Shaoyang with the four treasures, the whole day is on the world...

"You, how come..." Faced with the full house of the girls, Ye Shaoyang was also paralyzed.

"Isn't this going to be an action? Of course, I have to come! Master, you haven't taken me to the waves for a long time. I have to take me anyway!" Zhang Xiaorui squatted with one hand and slammed Ye Shaoyang's shoulder with one hand.

"This time I am with you too!" Wu Xiaoxue said.

Ye Xiaomeng is also going to go, Ye Shaoyang can only promise to go down temporarily, and finally his eyes fall on Zhou Jingru. "you……"

"I heard that, I came over immediately. I won't drag you down, but I am waiting for you here. I have found a few cars downstairs. I also invited a few doctors. In case someone came back and was injured, I will arrange it now."

Lao Guo went on to say: "The funds for this event are given by Miss Zhou Da."

"Activity funding, what a ghost?"

"Those instrumental medicines, you think you don't want money, some are very, very expensive, I can't afford it." Lao Guo is strong.

Ye Shaoyang just wants to say a few words about him. Zhou Jingru said: "Shaoyang, I am the logistics minister of the Ghost Federation. These are all things that should be done. You said that I want to help me, remember, I must rescue the cold jade. And, you must come back safely!"

Ye Shaoyang grinned and nodded at her.

After Ye Shaoyang’s three people came back, the sisters who had been stunned were quiet, and they each looked for a place to sit and waited for Ye Shaoyang to speak.

So many beautiful women looked at themselves with their own eyes. Although they were all very familiar people, Ye Shaoyang was a bit shy at the same time. He sorted out the ideas and said: "You wait, step by step, and you haven't set off yet."

(End of this chapter)

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