Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2552: 2553 Battle of the Airspace 1

The purpose of the corpse is that these famous mountains and rivers are firmly controlled by the air forces. Only when they occupy these places can they truly occupy the airspace, otherwise they will only waste their troops.

Ye Shaoyang and his party chose to land here, in order to avoid contact with the corpse. From here to Qingqiu Mountain, we have to go back a long way. The four people flew along the river bank. It took an hour or so and the terrain became higher and became a raised river dam. After the four people went uphill, they walked for a while and could see a black figure in front of the river.

Most of them are walking on the ground, and occasionally there are several long wings that hover in the sky and seem to be investigating the situation nearby.

These are all zombies. Those who can fly with long wings are flying stiff.

"Oh, do you want to do them one vote!" The four treasures are eager to try.

"Don't make trouble, it's important to do business. We are going around the road." Ye Shaoyang led the three people down the **** and returned to the past from a distance. On the way, from time to time, they could see a set of zombies, and the number is increasing. Converging in one direction.

"Probably really fight, let's go soon." Lao Guo urged.

When I arrived at Yunshan, I heard a variety of shouting sounds across a mountain. The air flowed around me, and I used the corpse to rush from the mountain side, and I flew up the mountain.

The four climbed to the top of the mountain and suddenly rushed over to fly a zombie and swoop down like an eagle.

Wu Jiawei speeded out a sword, flying zombies passed, the intestines accompanied by the green corpse blood flowing out of the belly, the wings still fanning, and then tied down the mountain.

The four men walked to the edge of the cliff and looked at the mountain pass, and they were immediately shocked:

Under the mountain, the air front coalition and the corpse are killing the melee. The scene looks very similar to the war film seen on TV. Once in this street fighting, there is basically no rule, it is dead.

Ye Shaoyang overlooked for a while, and he sighed and said silently: "I understand the military a little now."

Lao Guodao: "How do you say?"

"Hunting ghosts is not the same thing as fighting."

Ye Shaoyang said with emotion, "In the face of war, the strength of the individual is too small. A Master is stronger, and the mana is limited. You look at these, thousands of zombies, even if you stand still and let you fight, you don't wait to kill. You are exhausted, and if the army is attacking the city, the individual strong will be useless. If you send someone to surround you, you will not be able to stop the army."

Sibao listened and nodded with emotion. He said: "Even if there are so many strong people in the air sector, in the face of war, it is still necessary to hand over to the military as a foreigner."

Four people stood on the top of the mountain and observed for a while. They rushed down the mountain and rushed from the army of the corps to the opposite side. They didn’t want to go around again. Second, they also helped the air sector to do some power, killing all the way and killing them. A few corporal generals rushed to the opposite side and continued on their way.

Along the way, I encountered several battles. The scale of the war was bigger than once. Until I passed Yunshan and entered the sphere of influence of the airspace, I could not see the zombies. Every mountain pass and the mouth of the mouth had guards in the air. Ye Shaoyang self-reported his home, and he harvested a bunch of strange eyes.

His name has spread all over the world, and the most common creatures have heard it. Naturally, it will not be difficult. The four men finally came to Qingqiu Mountain. A force was stationed outside the mountain gate. They were on standby and saw Ye Shaoyang. They went down to pay homage, and Ye Shaoyang escaped.

The little friends of the Ghost Federation are in the demon palace on the top of the mountain. Ye Shaoyang sees them all, and suddenly there is a feeling of returning home from a person who is running outside.

In the crowd, he saw Xiao Jiu.

"Shaoyang, you are coming." Xiaojiu came over and smiled and greeted them. His eyes finally fell on Ye Shaoyang's face, his eyes filled with love.

Ye Shaoyang also trembled and smiled at her.

"The emissary of the military division has just come to urge, the war has been glued. He sent people over and said that let us set off after an hour, and now it is almost the same." Meihua said.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and suddenly saw Qiu Ying in the crowd and said, "You are here too."

"I have already arrived." Qiu Ying knew what he wanted to ask, and said: "Boss, I went to the dark forest and passed. The mountains near Tianzhu Mountain are stacked. I walked around and saw only a few zombies guarding. Did not see an ambush.

However, in the mountain swamps near Tianzhu Mountain, there are some zombies and evil creatures that have been repaired as great, and they are not very active. They usually hide in their own caves to practice. However, I couldn’t get up in Tianzhushan. There was a very evil force on the top of the mountain that spread and I couldn’t get close. I looked around and I had to come back. At least it also proves that the map given by Guagua is no problem. ”

"Crap, how can my memory go wrong!" Guagua was stunned on one side.

Ye Shaoyang indulged a bit, and said to Lao Guo: "You are ready, we will leave immediately."

Xiao Jiu immediately let A Huang take Lao Guo to the secret room warehouse of Qingqiu Mountain to deploy those medicines. Ye Shaoyang looked at the small friends who were surrounded by a group. They took a deep breath and slowly said: "This action, the goal is to save the cold jade, everything is for me... all my good brothers and sisters, originally There is nothing to say, but this time we are playing a lot, we have to go to the old nest of the corpse... Everyone is careful, I am still saying that you are obeying everything, no one can do anything!"

Everyone nodded, but not one did not have a trace of fear, but the eyes were hot and full of expectations.

"Stop the blind man, go back to marry! Let's cheer together!!" The buns snorted and found no one responded, and stunned. "Forehead, this time is not to shout slogans, what to cheer?"

"I want you to say it!" Guagua shot on his head and suddenly raised his right hand and shouted: "Come on!"

"Come on, dry and die!"

"Copyed their hometown!"

Everyone responded.

The buns are pouting on the side, and the boss is upset.

"Cute you, haha, this kid is fun." The orange squeezed his face.

"Hey, I haven't found out, how are you here?" Ye Shaoyang stared at her in confusion, too many people, although she saw oranges before, but did not think much.

"This is a group activity. How can I not come? If someone is in the Yin Shi, it is also a member of the Ghost Federation. I can miss you at the boss!" The orange came up and hooked Ye Shaoyang's neck and hung it on him.

"White face?" Ye Shaoyang looked nervously to the left and right.

"His identity is not convenient, the boss does not blame him."

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