Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2557: 2558 days abandoned mountain 1

After that, Sibao instinctively raised his arms to warm up, and suddenly thought that he is now a spiritual state, although he also has a substantial body in this space, but can not be as warm as humans.

Moreover, this cold is the kind that goes deep into the bone marrow, and the clothes on earth are useless here.

Lao Guo said: "You are a human being. Of course, you are not used to it here, but zombies like this kind of environment. Although it is a bitter cold, it is also their hometown. They enter the airspace, essentially because it is too barren. Lack of aura, slow cultivation, and no higher life."

"You are not a zombie, how do you know." The four treasures did not accept.

On the way forward, whenever encountering a fork in the road, Ye Shaoyang would look for a copper coin in the most conspicuous position on the nearby trees. Although Guagua remembers the road, he is still wary of some good.

In the dark forest, I walked for about half an hour. I finally walked out of the forest. In front, there was a huge lawn. At first glance, it was quite beautiful, so that the four treasures suddenly remembered the lawn of Daocheng Aden, but bent over. Look carefully, this only found the problem: these are not lawns, but swamps, a green water flowing in the depths of the grass, there are many creatures like red nematodes swimming in the air, watching very disgusting.

Opposite the swamp, there are mountains, peaks and peaks, which look very awkward, but at the height of the mountain, it is not the white clouds, but the gray air, which looks like a very gloomy feeling.

"The smog here is more serious than that of Shicheng." The four treasures spoke a word and pointed to the highest mountain surrounded by several mountains. "Guagua, is there a deserted mountain?"

Guagua nodded.

Tian Abandoned Mountain, the base camp of the corpse.

When I really saw this mountain, everyone felt a strange feeling in my heart.

If there is not a melon to lead the way, even if their number is ten times more, it is impossible to have the opportunity to cross the dark forest and come to the old nest of the corpse.

Ye Shaoyang looked up slightly and looked at the Tianzhu Mountain hidden in the dark clouds. Cold jade... is on this mountain.

This strong thought made him difficult to suppress and excited. Since the last Star of the Sea battle, how to save the cold jade, it has become the primary goal of his own life, investigation, preparation for so long, today finally came here.

"Shaoyang, what should I do now?" Yang Gongyi walked behind Ye Shaoyang and put a hand on his shoulder. He used a little force. Ye Shaoyang noticed it was a kind of comfort. He turned back and smiled at her, and his eyes swept away from everyone. : "Meihua, Orange, Buns, Qiu Ying, a few of them stay here, waiting to meet us, the rest of people go up the mountain with me."

"Wait, boss, you don't let us go!" The orange was immediately unhappy. Buns and others followed.

"You stay here to make sure that when we go down the mountain, this road is unobstructed. This task is just as important." Ye Shaoyang said undoubtedly.

"But I also want to play the post-clear!" The orange licked.

"Just settled, you can keep this road." Ye Shaoyang waved his hand and said that the wind and other people went to Tianzhushan.

The more you go forward, the more intense your suffocation. Although you don't need to breathe here, Lao Guo and Sibao still found two prepared dry worm leaves, smashed into the nose, so as not to **** into the suffocating gas and damage the soul.

Ye Shaoyang is also a human being, but he is a congenital spirit, and he is not invading, and he can’t help him.

At the foot of Tianzhu Mountain, looking up, there is a mountain gate, just like the human world. There is also a huge mountain gate on this day. The two sides are forest trees, densely connected, always connected to the edge of the cliff, wanting Going up the mountain, only going in from the mountain gate. '

On both sides of the mountain gate, there are also guards like the human martial art. There are a total of twenty or thirty guards, one with white hairs all over the body, two pairs of wild pigs with cheeks on their lips, and a big belly, standing in the back of the mountain gate. row.

"It's amazing, it's just a day to abandon the mountain. This white-haired zombie is very powerful in the world. In this case, it can only be a guard." Old Guo Yan said.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the mountain and said: "Guagua, do you know where the cold jade is being shut?"

"Well, it's in the cave at the top of the mountain."

"Now going up the mountain is a road, hard?"

"I am coming." After the wind was over, the people swept out very quickly, and almost no shadows could be seen. As the result will pass through the mountain gate, it suddenly hits an invisible barrier. Ye Shaoyang and others feel a strong energy fluctuation. Then, the wind directly hits the barrier from the barrier...

The group of white-haired zombies also felt the change. They turned around and looked at each other, but they only saw a blue shadow plucking over. Perhaps they did not expect that someone would dare to go to the desert and come to the mountain.

When I came back, most of the white-haired zombies were enemies, and the rest ran to the mountains. While running, they screamed and shouted, making a strange scream.

Five black lights, all coming, attacked the white-haired zombies from different directions, and the five dynasties of the wind.

These white-haired zombies, which are also a tyrant in the human world, were hit by the five dynasties. The thick and thick body instantly burst, and the gods did not exist. The latter few wanted to ventilate the report, and the result was also moving. Then he was caught up by the wind, holding a whip, holding his hands and whip, knocking his brains apart and killing him on the spot.

"The ultimate speed..." Wu Jiawei looked at the scene and muttered in his mouth.

"Don't honed, go!" Ye Shaoyang took the lead and rushed over, and the rest immediately followed.

The mountain roads are curved. When they pass the second corner, they are catching up with a group of flying feathers and swooping down. Eighty percent of them heard the sounds of the white-haired zombies. They rushed to reinforcements. After hitting the road, they immediately dispersed. A circle, constantly spraying the corpse poison to the road wind. These flying stagnations are few in the world. Each one is a cultivation of more than a thousand years. It can be rampant in the world, let alone a dozen or so companions.

However, in the face of a strong road, these flying stiffs are no different from cannon fodder. When Ye Shaoyang arrived, they only saw certain pieces of broken bodies. The wind has flown far away.

The third wave is the corpse. There is a huge tumor on the head, the copper arm is not in the way, and the general spells are useless on them.

This group of corpses is almost invisible in the human world. Even in the army of the corps, it is the most elite force, and it is generally used as a meat shield. This time, dozens of out of one breath, surrounded by the wind, followed by the corpse from the earth, trying to catch the legs of the wind, and some strange creatures with characteristics, are unique to the zero, also from Surrounded by all sides, under the cover of the corpse, the wind continued to attack.

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