Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2562: 2563 unlocking expert 1

Lao Guo walked to the front, first looked at the above astrolabe, and patted the door again. "This star disk is equivalent to the fingerprint lock and password lock on the human world. Only certain people can open it. It depends on external forces. You A little further away."

Bi Qing frowned: "What external force?"

"You will know it after a while. I am here to do this. From the human to the empty world, there is no lock that I can't open..." Lao Guochong picked her eyebrows and opened her pocket with her back. Take out a few porcelain bottles, put them in a small bowl, add a little water, and mix them to form a mushy stuff.

In the process of blending, Lao Guo put his nose close to the bowl from time to time, smelled the inside, and then carefully added some kind of powder, or a little water, and looked very focused.

"What is he doing?" Sibao curiously asked, although he knew Lao Guo's plan, but did not understand the principle.

Ye Shaoyang explained to him: "The space is different from the human world. The material of the human world can't be used here. So Guo brothers thought about the method, and found some plants and medicines with raw gram relationships from the air, matching them with each other, and then using three. The water is activated, and once it is burned, the relationship between the creatures will have an effect, and an explosion will occur..."

The four treasures are also stunned by the people around.

"This principle... How did he think of it?" asked Sibao.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "Besides him, who else has this ghost idea."

"How about controlling the intensity of the explosion?" Wu Jiawei also asked.

"By feeling it, so he is so serious, adding a few elements a little, just to ensure the balance between the elements... I don't know specifically, it is roughly like this anyway."

Everyone looked at Lao Guo and his eyes changed. The owner of this coffin shop, in the eyes of unfamiliar people, is greedy and lustful, timid, speculative, and even abducted... Anyway, it has always been regarded as a small person, but this uncle, middle-aged uncle, but now It’s not the usual appearance, the small eyes that are focused on, make everyone move.

I am here, just do this.

For a long while, Lao Guo took a deep breath and screamed at everyone: "Get it!" Get up and take out a cinnabar pen, licking the paste in the bowl, smearing it on the stone door, and quickly writing the words that everyone doesn't know. After I finished writing it, I took out a thing from my backpack. Everyone fixed their eyes and looked at it. It was a messy red mud-like thing, evenly spread on the stone door, which packed up things and called everyone back.

"Little teacher, draw!"

Ye Shaoyang took out a fire symbol and threw it out. When the volcano burned and touched the attachments on the stone gate, he only heard a loud bang, and a red smoke from the stone door hurt and gradually spread.

The smoke dissipated, and a hole was blown in the middle of the stone gate. Perfect directional blasting.

Ye Shaoyang and others said that they all know the level of Lao Guo. Bi Qing did not understand modern blasting theory. When he saw this scene, he was shocked and stunned. He always asked Lao Guo how to do it.

"Small things are not worth mentioning." Lao Guo began to force it at this time.

"Guo Lao, what is your special genius!" Sibao murmured, this sentence is praise, from the heart of praise.

"Monk white eyebrows, the three of us go in, you are waiting outside, ready to meet." Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and drilled into the cave that was blown out of Shimen.

Finally came here...

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is trembling, suppressing the emotions that have been too long and too long, and completely released when crossing this cave. Full of nervous expectations.

Cold jade, are you inside, I am coming to pick you up...

Xiaojiuguagua Xueqi Biqing, plus Lao Guo, one person and four evil, waiting anxiously outside.

Xiao Jiu looked around and said: "I am not right."

"How?" Guagua asked.

"With such a big movement, why didn't a zombie come, don't tell me that Tian Abandoned the five corpse, and no other zombie."

Bi Qing also frowned: "Yeah, don't say anything else, Houqing should be on the mountain, how come a little?"

On both sides of the cave, every other section, there is a lampstand, inlaid with a long-eyed night pearl, illuminating the entire cave. The cave looks quite long.

"Goat, you should be careful, be careful to ambush!" Sibao and Wu Jiawei reminded later.

Ye Shaoyang completely ignored it and flew inwards.

"I can not wait anymore!"

Within half an hour, Win Hook has been saying this for countless times, but the emotions are more exciting than once.

"How can I not act on the girl? I can't wait!"

Winning the hook turned and yelled at the iron abacus: "Give me a slap, I want to kill Yunshan!"

After that, I didn’t wait for the iron abacus to block. Afterwards, a group of corporal generals shouted: "Go with me!"

He is the corpse king, his orders, these generals of course listen to him, not to mention that they have been standing here, listening to the constant killing sounds in the canyon, the bloodthirsty nature has long been unable to hold back, hear the win Summon, all the former generals shouted together, cheering each other's soldiers and horses, and rushing out of the barracks with the win hook.

Then not only the former army, the generals of the Chinese army and the latter army heard the movement, but also flew toward this side. The iron abacus could not be intercepted. Only the horse caught up with the winning hook, and then shouted: "The father is going to go. Be careful, if you break through the canyon, I will send the Chinese army to meet and let the Chinese and the army fight together!"

It’s reasonable to win the hook, so I stopped and made an order to the Chinese and the army’s generals according to the iron abacus proposal. Then I led the former army generals and rushed toward Yunshan, and rushed in one breath. Going to the front, I observed it. The three canyons seemed to be almost the same, so I randomly selected the middle one and screamed and rushed over.

Among the canyons, the two sides were originally balanced in strength and were fighting endlessly. Winning the hook, the participation of the squad, let the war situation change immediately, not to mention winning the first stalker. When you go up, you will use the magical powers to kill a lot of wizards. The squadrons can't resist, and the soldiers will be defeated. He rushed to the top of the camp and reported to Lin Sansheng.

"They finally couldn't hold it!" The adjutant sighed excitedly. "The handsome man is like a god, his subordinates are very admired. Can you now increase your troops and fight back?"

The supervisors and generals behind him were also very excited, eagerly looking at Lin Sansheng, waiting for him to order.

"The order is passed down, the whole army will attack, and the team will be surrounded by the team. It is impossible to kill... No, to win the strength of the hook, it is estimated that even if the siege is difficult to kill, then it is struggling to strangle, but let the gap be released and let them send people. For help, in addition, go to the battlefield of the Virgin and others, be sure to intercept the win hook, must not let him escape!"

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