Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2569: 2570 Military Division's Choice 2

"The two corpse kings are so powerful." Xiaobai said with all worries, "The post-Qing is definitely not bad. I don't know how the boss is on their side..."

She said this, several people are a little worried.

Lin Sansheng said: "No matter, there is a road and a palace girl, and there are Xiaojiu, only these three people, in the face of Houqing, it is impossible to fall."

The four people listened, and the heart was somewhat comforting. After all, their current fears are superfluous, because without melons, they can't walk out of the dark forest, and let's take a step back and say that even if they can pass, everything will be too late.

Lin Sansheng guessed their thoughts and said: "I know, you don't want to be with me, but since you are forced to stay, you will naturally not use it. Later, the formation will be opened. You will help me to hold the valley and block. Winning the hook to escape, it is not a great achievement. After all, you are your own people, each has a tacit understanding, convenient scheduling."

Xiaoqing glanced at him and said: "You are a handsome man, not afraid to be your own person."

Lin Sansheng bowed his head slightly and said: "You don't have to talk to me like this yin and yang, I know you are not happy with me."

"Not dissatisfied, it is very sad... Well, don't mention it again." Xiaoqing's attitude is very tough.

Feng Qi also really didn't want to talk to Lin Sansheng, but he still couldn't help but wonder: "The military division, Ming Ming won the hook trapped here, obviously the corpse chose this canyon as the main attack point, why do you want to force Dispersed into the canyons on both sides. At that time, the source of the corps of the corps will not be broken. Only the former army, how can they keep it?"

Lin Sansheng looked into the valley and said slowly: "Before, I thought so too. Everyone thought so. So I ordered the former army and the Chinese army to come here, leaving the army to move. Unexpectedly... But before the son-in-law said, she actually knew that Shaoyang was going to Tiandeng Mountain. What does this mean?"

All four were slightly stunned. If Lin Sansheng reminded them, they simply forgot that the son-in-law had said so.

"Not good, Houqing has an ambush! Boss they are dangerous!" Xiaobai was shocked.

Lin Sansheng said: "Winning hooks and son-in-law are here. Even if there are ambushes, so many people can handle them. However... we are in the middle of the plan."

At this time, Lishan old mother and other people have already thrown the "line group" for the fifth time, there are still three rounds, and the corpses entering the gourd mouth are still in constant stream. Under the leadership of the winning hook, the fighting situation is coming to the coalition forces. The more unfavorable, Xiaoqing four people look down on it all, and the heart is full of tension and doubts, but Lin Sansheng is also concentrating on observing the situation, from time to time to send people to order, to add troops in a certain direction, there is no time to explain too much.

Xiaobai, they are too lazy to ask him, and they have to wait for complicated emotions.

"I don't know how the boss is doing..." Xiaobai muttered to himself, looked up and looked at the distance between the mountains and the mountains.

"Do not worry, they will be able to save the cold jade girl!" Xiaoqing comforted her, but also comforted himself.

Zero world, Tian Abandon Mountain.

At the time of the outbreak of the air battle, Ye Shaoyang rushed to the deepest part of the cave with great expectation. By the light of the night pearl, he could faintly see a figure in the depths of the cave. Actually... sitting on a sofa? Back to yourself, motionless.

Ye Shaoyang's emotions suddenly ignited and rushed past. As soon as he came to the front, he had already seen that this person was not a cold jade. The fanatic mood instantly fell into the hail, but his feet kept rushing to the front and looking around. Look at this tens of square meters of space inside the cave.

The orange wooden floor has a sofa and a coffee table in the middle, and there are some ornaments and small ornaments on the coffee table. On the small coffee table in the middle of the sofa, there is a thick stack of books.

In addition to no home appliances, this is a living room for a human family.

Ye Shaoyang has no doubt that this place is where the cold jade lives, but... the person sitting on the sofa is not her.

Sibao and others then rushed to see the man sitting on the sofa, but also stunned, and then stood behind him in a row, the instruments were in their hands, ready for the battle.

The man stood up from the sofa and turned around. He patted the armrest of the sofa with his hand and said, "You humans will enjoy it, but you only know how to enjoy it. You don't know the real battle. When the day comes, it only has The neck was taken over."

He looked at Ye Shaoyang, and his face touched it. He smiled and said slowly: "Ye Shaoyang, finally met."

After Qing...

The former Qing, who was in front of him, was not the dumb person in the world.

His hair is long, his hair is white, he is draped over his shoulders, wearing a black trench coat, with high fur collars on both sides. The style is very weird. It is a bit like the big bss of the evil spirits in the film and television drama. dress up.

However, the former Qing is really cool, but as one of the three corpse kings, he does not have the kind of evil spirits and arrogance on the son-in-law, without the tyranny and fanaticism of winning the hook, but the body is under the guise of a world. The majesty of the air, a bit like the Jianwen Emperor, but more than the Jianwen Emperor has a lot of unpredictable mystery, even the deep scorpion reveals a touch of melancholy.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said: "Don't say useless, cold jade?"

After Qing did not care for him, his eyes passed over the faces behind him. "You a few, it seems to be a lot stronger... Fox King, you are here too."

Xiao Jiu moved to Ye Shaoyang and moved around. The nine tails floated in the air, almost touching the top of the cave. Although no means were used, the powerful demon was still scattered in the whole body.

"After the Qing, even if you are the corpse king, but just equal to me, I don't understand why you are so confident, here to calmly deal with."

After Qing did not pay attention, his eyes locked on Ye Shaoyang's face and said slowly: "I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Do you know that I am coming?" When she was in front of her face, Houqing did not show any surprise at all, but sat there waiting for them, and then she felt that something was wrong, but she was worried about the whereabouts of Lengyu. Seriously think about it, this time after the deliberate mention, Ye Shaoyang really paid attention.

"Of course I know. Yunshan Wars, I am abandoning the mountains and no one is guarding. It is a godsend for you. Why don't you come." Hou Qing smiled. "But I am very glad that you can come. Leng Yu does not. Look at the wrong person."

"Cold jade, where is cold jade!"

When I thought of Lengyu, I was somewhere on the mountain, not far from myself. I was waiting for my own rescue. Ye Shaoyang immediately burned his heart like a fire, and could not calm down for a moment.

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