Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2571: The 2572th battle begins 2

However, Donghuangzhong is not the same, and does not say that he has been sacrificed by himself and become his own weapon. Others can't use it. Even if there is a strong person who can sacrifice the emperor's bell and drive him, this person's strength is worse than that of Houqing himself. Not much, and will never sell for him.

Well, he is so urgent to name Donghuangzhong, there is only one reason: he is afraid.

At least it is taboo.

Knowing this, Ye Shaoyang can't give this last killer to him. Otherwise, they are very likely to be buried here.

He came, of course, to save the cold jade, but if the last cold jade could not be saved, but lost so many brothers' lives, this is absolutely impossible for him, otherwise he is not Ye Shaoyang. Therefore, there is only one road left: hold back Houqing, and ask him the whereabouts of Lengyu!

Although it sounds incredible.

However, which one is not incredible?

The seven-star Longquan sword smashed down, and Hou Qing tried to **** the defeat. He had to avoid the Jianfeng. After he thought about it, he floated ten meters away and fixedly looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Four treasures and others flew up and came to Ye Shaoyang, and they all looked dignified.

The words that Ye Shaoyang finally said made them very moved.

There is a lot of position in the heart of Ye Shaoyang. Everyone knows, not to mention the purpose of their trip, to save the cold jade. Since they have come, they all have an attitude of living and dying outside. In this case, Ye Shaoyang still sees them so heavy, which is different from usual.

Besides, as long as you can catch the post-Qing, there must be a way to force the whereabouts of Lengyu. As for the identity of Houqing... Is it related to his being caught?

"Upper, up, together!"

The four treasures first rushed over, and then Wu Jiawei also rushed up, besieging Houqing from three directions.

Biqing and Xiaojiu

Hou Qing raised his hands and seemed to wave very casually in front of him.

"The spirit is the essence, the gas is the corpse!"

Every time the palm is swung, it will bring out a crescent-shaped corpse. Some of them are special effects like swordsman in the film and television drama. The first one meets Ye Shaoyang, and Ye Shaoyang pinches the sword and greets him with the Qixing Longquan sword. When it was about to collide with the corpse, the corpse suddenly split and turned into a huge cockroach. Both eyes braved the scarlet light, and ten dead fingers were inserted, and they were inserted into Ye Shaoyang.

A sword went down and smashed the two hands. The zombie leaned down to bite him. Ye Shaoyang was a sword and smashed his head. The zombie that turned out of the illusion was still not dead, without his head and hands, his left hand turned out. Remove your right arm and use it to poke him.

What is this ghost thing? Ye Shaoyang's heart is suspicious, his left hand is pinched, and he hits the zombie's chest. When he goes down, he will shatter the zombies, but the palm of his hand will also faintly hurt. This zombie looks awkward, but the power is so strong!

What is even more terrifying is that... As Houqing keeps waving his hands, the crescent-shaped light waves are constantly being generated, turning into one zombie after another, rushing toward the three people, breaking one and one. The three people are not afraid of mana. These zombies, but the number is too much, it is very laborious to deal with, there is no way to get close to Houqing.

"Why don't you?" Bi Qing stood in the distance and looked at this scene, saying to Xiao Jiu.

"I am waiting for the opportunity." Xiao Jiu’s deep eyes looked straight at Houqing.

"You are probably not his opponent."

"At least three of you are not a problem." Xiao Jiu said coldly.

"If I have a smelter in my hand, I am not afraid of you."

"But you don't have it now, it's best to shut up!"

Bi Qing grin, no longer say anything, continue to wait and see the battle, no hands, because she also sees very clearly, this situation, even if you can not change, or with the small nine, save strength, despite its changes, anyway, Ye Shaoyang The three are also not in danger.

"Don't go first..."

Lao Guo hid behind the two big demons, one hand said on the shoulder of the flat head. The flat head is what he just released from the porcelain bottle, and he is watching the battle.

"I don't go, Uncle, I am here to protect you."

"Idiot, you protect me what to do, I am a mortal, the corpse of the people will not have me in my eyes... I am waiting for you for a while, it is useless now."

Lao Guo put his hands on his shoulders and looked at it. He said very seriously: "If you have a chance, you must not be afraid. Remember, the younger brother is my half-life. Protecting him means protecting me!"

The flat head nodded solemnly. "I remember. I will protect him from life!"

Lao Guo’s eyelids suddenly jumped, and the slightest feeling in his heart flashed, and his heart was stunned, but he did not know where he should be, but he was uneasy.

"Fuck, are you a perpetual motion machine, will you not be tired?"

On the one hand, Sibao killed the zombies that had been morphed, and spit on the back, and took the time to turn to Ye Shaoyang. "What should I do now?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Houqing, calmly, and still had the kind of smile on his face. Obviously, these means, which are incredible to others, are displayed in his own way, but they are only weightless and have no consumption at all.

Although it is not expensive, it is not a way to spend it. Time is more important to him than he is.

"Looking for a way to close!" Ye Shaoyang made a judgment, at least to be close at first, in order to disrupt his rhythm and look for opportunities to start.

"Rely, what do you say is easy, how close?" Four treasures complained.

Ye Shaoyang killed the enemy while slowly leaning toward Wu Jiawei, and then greeted the four treasures. The three men joined together and defended the group in three directions. They were all relaxed.

Ye Shaoyang made a curse and landed on three people, letting them communicate with each other, and then said with the gods: "This way, so that you don't hear him."

"What should I do now?" The four treasures also used the voice of the gods to ask, "How can they not go to Xiaojiu?"

"They are waiting for the opportunity. You two protect me past, after the close, the monk you control him, I am facing, white eyebrows you find a chance to attack."

"I rely on, this is the corpse king, can I control it? You think it is a pesticide, you want to control it!"

"You have Luo Han Jin, and Bo Ruozhu, are you afraid?"

"Let's do it, you have the final say, you can hurry, I guess this cargo is not easy to control." The four treasures are also spit, and then accepted this glorious and arduous task.

"Come here, walk step by step, one for two!" Four treasures shouted the number, the three moved together, each greeted the enemy in one direction, and posted to the post-clear.

After Qing looked at this scene, his face showed a playful smile, but there was no change, continue to use illusion, and conduct more intensive siege on the three.

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