Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2589: 2590 blood battle to the end 1


After the huge body of the queen, fell heavily on the ground, and then the various forms of offensive that these spiritual powers evolved were mixed together, centering on the body of the winning hook, spreading toward the surrounding, forming a huge square, in the middle It is divided into nine grids, and it changes its position. Every time it changes, it will expand the power of the shock wave for a total of nine times...

For a time, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the wind swelled, and the nearest lap of soldiers around them flew out and fell to the ground.

Even Lin Sansheng, who is connected to the mountain, feels strong fluctuations. Like an earthquake, it takes a while to stand still, and keep an eye on it. In the middle of the battle, there is a thick fog. Everything in the middle is covered up and slowly dissipating.

"The beginning, the two wings, the three talents, the four elephants, the five elements, the six matches, the seven stars, the eight wastes, the nine palaces... all the easy numbers are all there, the Tao Buddha has..." Feng Xiao muttered, "This is what I have seen. The most powerful array, no one, not that these masters have been set up for so long..."

Xiaoqing shook his head and said: "Change to me, it may have been hung in Liuhe."

"I am up to five lines, and it is broken into slag." Xiaobai said inhale.

Feng Yu and Cui Ying looked at each other and smiled together. Their words, I am afraid that even the four elephants could not support it.

"So... won't you win the game?" Xiaobai murmured.

"It should be dead." Xiao Qing gave a sigh of relief and shook his head and said: "If this is not dead, it is really invincible."

Everyone stared at the group in the middle of the battlefield, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. The battlefield that had been boiling was quiet and silent. One second, two seconds... ten seconds, in the senses of the people, it seems as if it has been a century.

I finally got rid of it.

In the middle of the array, the corpses of a place were piled up in a circle, and the red blood was mixed with the green corpse water, the brown black corpse oil, etc., flowing around, and it seemed that it could not be said. Disgusting.

Of course, these are the bodies of the zombies led by the winning hooks. They were smashed into a pile of pieces of meat by the Vientiane.

"No wins!!"

I don't know who was the first to scream, all the people who heard it trembled violently, and their eyes focused on the pile of corpses. They didn't wait to look carefully. Then suddenly they swayed and the ground cracked a seam. A huge palm, which is stretched out from below, is really huge, at least as big as a human body, blood red, and liquid on the surface, like peeling.

The giant hand grabbed two times on the ground, pressed it on the ground, and then slammed it from the ground. The huge body fell on the ground, and even the earth began to tremble.

Win the hook... no death!

Everyone looked at it, and the winning hook in front of him completely changed into another appearance: the body is huge, the ordinary people are three high, the first two corners, the whole body is red and shiny, and the whole looks like a huge peeled skin. The rhinoceros has six legs, and the front two are like human hands, hanging in the air.

On the body that won the hook, there was a red liquid everywhere, but it was not blood. It dripped from him and landed on the ground, and immediately it was a smoke.

"It's amazing for my zombies. This guy is not only dead, but also mutated!!" On the mountain, Xiaobai stunned and looked at the winning hook from the underground, silently spitting.

"What is this, its deity, zombies also have deity?" Xiaoqing wondered.

"It should be. He is not the body of the minister. The court is originally an ancient animal. Maybe this is his true body." Cui Ying is a mage, and he knows more about these evil things than they know. .

"What should I do? The big array has already been broken. How have you ever played?"

The voice of the phoenix phoenix just fell, and the win-hook started, and the sky made a roar, and a scarlet corpse in the mouth sprayed it out to form a cloud-like ripple. The imposing atmosphere in this screaming sound is like a cold wind, so that all the people who hear it feel the chill.

Xiaobai squatted on a cold war and said: "Scorpio, I am so far away. I just felt instinctively felt a bit of fear. It is unscientific."

"There will be one of the few most powerful ones in the wilderness. It is about the same level as Chiyou. Its cry, all things will be chilling. It is like the sound of a beast that the average animal hears. , even scared, a truth." Feng Wei explained.

After winning the hook, he straightened his body, bowed his limbs, and jumped toward the most crowded place.

However, just as he jumped, the land under him suddenly collapsed and fell into a large piece. He won a huge body and fell, as if he was falling in a pool, but it was not a splash of water, but a large cloud of blue.

"Hey..." Winning the hook and screaming, trying to jump out, suddenly a pagoda fell over the top of the head, just in time to win the hook, the top of the pagoda has a pearl, and it shines like silver. The head of the winning hook pours down, and it will push down the leap.

"This is the last wave of Vientiane's silence, and it is invisible and can melt all evils!"

Pufa Tianzun screamed and rushed to the past. This pagoda is his instrumental principle. It is said to be the treasure of Zhenshan in the mountains: the eight towers, the small one, pressed against the evils but there is a heavy burden. If the general evil thing is smashed by this pagoda, it will be turned into pus on the spot.

Winning the hook was smashed, and fell down, and immediately got up again. At this time, several observers of the cabinet arrived, surrounded by the winning hooks, and three hands were holding a black flashing rope. They threw each other at each other, and then the three men stepped back together. Both hands held a rope, ran around the winning hook, and threw the rope to each other.

At the same time, Lishan's old mother and other people also rushed to the valley, each of them sacrificed the implements, forcibly suppressing the wins.

The three observers cooperated very tacitly. In less than a moment, the ropes had been bundled several times on the winning hook. The three men stepped back together and tightened the ropes. Everyone saw it clearly. They actually used ropes to win the hook. Hit a huge knot.

"This is fresh!" Lin Sansheng held his chin. If he thought about it, he said to Xiaobai, "You can try it back, and deal with the huge evils. This is a good way!"

"Oh, what is the relationship with you." Xiaobai still does not want to care about him.

After the formation of the law, the three observers immediately greeted everyone to go up and pull the rope, and repaired themselves into the injection method, blessing mana.

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