Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2594: 2595 murderous heart 2

After Qing and the ancient animals were separated again, each was surrounded by several people, and fell into the same battle as before, but this time, for the Ghost Federation, the battle situation is even more difficult.

In the previous rounds of fighting, the four treasures were wounded, the melons were wounded, and Ye Shaoyang was wounded by the unyielding will. If the battle is over now, he is afraid that he will immediately lie down and fall into a coma. Bi Qing’s real lotus leaf was shattered in part. Wu Jiawei relied on the ability of the speedy stroke to speed up the battle. In this battle, it was a great show, and it was the end of the post, but his biggest shortcoming. It is the hard power, although it is also a high-ranking immortal, but in such a super battle, his cultivation is almost the weakest.

His specialty is to seize the opportunity to seal the throat, but in the face of Hou Qing's immortal body, the battle will be dragged into a war of attrition, the mana warned, and the shot did not have the previous fierce.

Only Xiaoji still maintains a strong strength and is also the mainstay of this battle. Without her main attack, the battle has long since ended.

"Goat, I think, Houqing seems to be doing this deliberately." Four treasures posted to Ye Shaoyang, whispered.


"He didn't make all the effort, but he had reservations. The purpose was to consume us. When we all consumed it, he should really take it."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved, saying: “Why are you doing this?”

"Because we have a lot of people, even if he tries his best, he can't kill us all. Even if we kill one or two, we will reveal flaws and be seriously injured by us. We will consume us. Anyway, he can resurrect infinitely. ""

The infinite resurrection is the basis for supporting the speculation of the four treasures.

Indeed, in theory, if you are not dead, then no matter how strong the opponent is, how many people can kill the other party...just, Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a little, said: "You analyze it right, just One thing... If he is really not afraid of death, why should he be afraid that when he is fully attacking someone, he will show flaws? To put it bluntly, he will reveal what he is afraid of, and he is not dead anyway."

The four treasures stunned. At this time, the situation was a little dangerous. He sacrificed the golden body of Luohan as before to resist the situation. This said to Ye Shaoyang: "This shows that he is not really not dead, otherwise he will not be afraid of injury!"

But why is it that he can't kill him?

Is it only a certain type of attack that will cause real harm to him? what is it then?


After being besieged, Qingqing, when everyone was slacking off, his fingers suddenly skyrocketed. He wore the past from Wu Jiawei’s abdomen and pierced it directly. Fortunately, Wu Jiawei’s reaction was extremely fast, and a sword broke the arm of Houqing. I took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

"White eyebrow!" The four treasures left recently, flew past, but was pushed away by Wu Jiawei. "You don't come over, I can't die!"

Lao Guo has already rushed to Wu Jiawei, and said to the four treasures: "You go to the enemy, I will look after him."

After Qing injured Wu Jiawei, it was as speculated by the four treasures that the offensive was strengthened and the situation was tight. There was a change in the tactics of Biqing. I wanted to kill or control the ancient monsters together with Xiaojiu, and then deal with Houqing. Originally, the two men joined forces and had already taken control of the situation. However, when they saw that Ye Shaoyang was tight on their side, they had to come over and help, and everyone worked hard to control the situation.

Over there, the arm of Hou Qing, who was inserted into Wu Jiawei's body, immediately became a pool of corpse water after being disconnected from his body. It flowed down from Wu Jiawei, leaving only a very conspicuous wound on his stomach.

Wu Jiawei looked at his stomach and said, "I am dead."

He meant that he was so hurt and he returned to the world, and the body could be destroyed immediately.

"I can't die, it doesn't seem to hurt the organs."

"I will die because of bleeding. I mean after returning to the world." In the air, I will not flow out like blood in the human world.

"Nothing, call an ambulance, stop bleeding on the spot!"

"That also takes time, I am afraid I can't support it."

Lao Guo took a picture on his head and said: "When you say anything, then I will go back and find the doctor at home. When you come out, you will receive treatment and you will be fine."

Wu Jiawei looked at Lao Guo in a strange way and said: "This method is absolutely perfect."

"Of course, you don't see who came up with it."

"Then I will not be afraid, I will adjust the interest rate first, and restore the spirit." When the hem is placed, it will be spit.

"Nothing is ok, he can't die, you continue." Old Guo Dawei shouted, lest Ye Shaoyang distract them.

After the Qing Dynasty figures changed, avoiding the offensive of the crowd, seize the opportunity to counterattack, each time let Ye Shaoyang and other people rushed for a while.

"Ye Shaoyang, useless, I am not dead, so go on, you will die one by one, or give me the East Emperor's clock early..." The words did not finish, the figure suddenly swayed, directly hit the four treasures Out of the golden body of Lohan.

No one expected that he would suddenly accelerate, launch a sudden attack, and wait for him to come back. Luo Hanjin’s face to him, the fierce Wei Weitian had been broken, and the post-Qing became a **** gas. At a very fast speed, he reached the foot of Ye Shaoyang and hovered up to surround Ye Shaoyang.

At this time, the four treasures and other people who have come back to God have come to the side and can raise their hands to attack. But at this moment, there are some rodents, which are afraid of hurting Ye Shaoyang. Some time I don’t know what to do.

Ye Shaoyang tried to escape from the blood, but failed, the body was quickly wrapped in blood, and the eyes were red, nothing could be seen, and the body did not listen at all.

"Since you don't give it, then I killed you first, and it's the same..."

The sound passed from the ear, and Ye Shaoyang felt the shoulders and the top of the head at the same time attacked by a feminine attack. He tried to get into his own acupoints. Now he was swaying and hurriedly set his mind to block the three big points with helium. It was not too dangerous for a time, but this corpse was different from before. It only concentrated on attacking several large acupuncture points, like a poisonous insect, biting on the acupuncture points. As if... what spit it out?

Ye Shaoyang felt cold and biting on the acupuncture points in a moment, and immediately trembled, holding the Yuan Shouyi, blocking the acupuncture points with suffocating gas, and not letting this breath enter the body.

For a while, I suddenly felt that my head was tight, as if something was entangled in my mind, and my heart was in doubt. At this time, I only heard a bang, and the body seemed to be dragged and moved vigorously. In the blink of an eye, all of them are white, as if they were wrapped in something, and they could not move.

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