Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2605: 2606 corpse is unstoppable 1

Ye Shaoyang and others face each other. If...Right Jun is allied with Houqing, then they really have no way to live. Originally, a post-Qing is not good, plus Right Jun and the same powerful Red Moon Raksha, they are really dead. One, no hope.

For a long while, Hou Qing’s voice rang again: “Without you, I can deal with them as well.”

Ye Shaoyang grew up in his heart.

With the refusal of Hou Qing, Ye Shaoyang felt that their three parties now form a subtle relationship:

Naturally, I don’t need to say that I can’t talk about it. The water is not tolerated. Right Jun and myself... One represents the Taiyin Mountain, and the other represents the human Master. These two camps have never been incompatible with each other, and naturally there is no possibility of cooperation. Right Jun and Hou Qing are also the relationship between non-friends and enemies. At the moment, there is no possibility of cooperation.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of four words: three legs!

Looking around at the ghost car, Right Jun and his two men did not move a bit, probably not in a short time, Ye Shaoyang thought about it, looking at the direction of the ghost car: "Right Jun, let's talk about a deal. ?"

"What do you want to say?" asked the Red Moon Rakshasa.

Ye Shaoyang ignored her and continued to look at the figure in the ghost car. "Right Jun, I think you are coming here, not only to force the corpse to give in, but you don't want to save the cold jade... she is your saint."

This is what Ye Shaoyang just thought of. Right Jun suddenly came to Tianzhushan, fearing that he would come for the cold jade.

Red Moon Rakshasa understood it when he heard it. He sneered: "Ye Shaoyang, you can count it, but you are not afraid to humiliate the reputation of your ancestors and the magical world, and cooperate with Taiyin Mountain. ""

Ye Shao** is too lazy to care for him, continue to look at the ghost car.

"Say on." The voice of the right king sounded in the ghost car.

"We cooperate, destroy the post-Qing, and give up the mountain to you, then we compete for the cold jade, how do you feel?"

Biqing heard this and said: "You three are all vying for this woman. I really want to see what she looks like, where is it."

Ye Shaoyang is a bit speechless, but thinking about it is really the case.

"You are dead, I can find the saint as well." Right Jun was silent for a long time, and he took out this sentence.

Look at the tiger across the mountain... This right Jun, I will plan to sell.

Ye Shaoyang was sulking, still thinking about something, and suddenly it was a wave of shaking: the huge rock where Hou Qing was suddenly bursting open, and everyone turned around and saw an amazing scene immediately:

A huge beast that jumped out of the crack and landed on the top of the mountain. The long body looked like a giant snake. It was orange-yellow, with a one-eyed head and a sole like a shoe. Like the two sides, the mouth spit out the scarlet corpse, crawling down the mountain, the upper body bowed, overlooking Ye Shaoyang.

This... is it?

Is Houqing a snake?

Ye Shaoyang was a face-to-face confrontation. At this time, the snake suddenly opened his mouth and there was a person in his mouth. After Qing!

Hou Qing sat in the mouth of the serpent, with no expression on his face, his eyes locked on Ye Shaoyang, and said faintly: "You have a chance to kill me, but now, the opportunity is gone."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him with a head and said: "Nine baby is dead, you only have one life now."

After Qing smiled slightly, his eyes lifted up and landed on the ghost car. He looked at the blurred figure of Right Jun and said: "Do you think that my corpse is bullying? Right Jun, if you are in the ghost domain, I am not your opponent, but here is Tian Abandon, if you are here, don't think about going back."

After that, the big snake's mouth closed, and the tail slammed into the mountain. During the time, half of the mountain peaks fell, forming a huge pit, a thick green suffocating, slowly rising from the deep pit, forming a A group of mushroom clouds, then, from this group of suffocating, a group of zombies emerged, rushing toward the location where the ghost-catching alliance is located, and some flying feathers flying in the sky, layered and stacked.

The whole scene, with the word overwhelming, is not an exaggeration.

"It turns out that the corpse of Tian's Mountain is in the middle of the mountain!" Lao Guo sighed with great enlightenment. No wonder that Hou Qing dares to scream with the right.

"Kill them, one does not stay!" The voice of Hou Qing, from the mouth of the serpent.

"Guo brother, you have to find a safe place to hide, be careful."

Lao Guo looked down and said: "Do not worry, no one cares about me, you are careful!"

Ye Shaoyang looked back at the three people in Taiyin Mountain. The three stood in the same place, motionless, and there was no indication. It didn't look like it was going to be hands-on.

"They are three, they want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. For the time being, they will definitely not shoot. We don't have to beware of them..."

Very simple truth, in the eyes of You Jun, they are a group of forces that can be used. One can consume the strength of the corpse, and the second can also explore the details of the post-Qing, he will not be stupid to help Houqing. To take a step back, if you can defeat Houqing and save the cold jade, You Jun also has the confidence to take the cold jade away from him...

That is to say, even if you defeated Houqing, there are three strong people in Taiyin Mountain waiting, especially the right king, but the third person of Taiyin Mountain, the strength is strong, certainly not under the post-Qing, Since I personally came to Tianzhushan this time, I am definitely prepared to do so. I have to face him directly... There is really no chance of winning.

It is also unforeseen that Ye Shaoyang did not develop the matter.

"Today's event, there is no way to end it." Ye Shaoyang licked his lips and said: "Would you like to drink a bowl of chicken soup before the war?"

"Don't, pick up the sleeves is dry!" The four treasures looked at the big snake on the mountain, and said with excitement.

"Shaoyang, this great **** is his spiritual body. His deity is his own image in the mouth. As long as his deity is destroyed, the serpent will not have to deal with it." Xiao Jiu analyzed.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and said: "Old rules, I am attacking, you are looking for opportunities!" Then he said to Xiaojiu: "You should also come up with the real thing!"

Xiaojiu said nothing, and turned a circle in place. A strong demon spurted out of the body, and the body quickly soared in it. In the blink of an eye, it became a giant beast with a few feet high.

The true body of the nine-tailed fox!

The snowy white surface is covered with a red demon, and the atmosphere is compelling. Bi Qing was not familiar with Xiao Jiu, and saw this scene in front of him, instinctively shrinking back.

Xiaojiu hangs his head and looks at Ye Shaoyang, his eyes flashing in his eyes.

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