Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2621: The 2622 Quartet War 2

Xiao Jiu’s heart has doubts, but now is not the time to consider this. Before, right Jun cooperated with the Taoist style, just to **** away the cold jade, now the cold jade is in his own hands, and right-hand, of course, is running on his own.

Xiaojiu stopped and stood. At this time, the road wind swept past her. "You go first!"

Another one, the wind has fallen on the ghost car.

Xiao Jiuyi took a moment, did not dare to stay, rushed toward Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang was already lying on the ground, unconscious, and Hu Wang squatted beside him.

Xiao Jiu’s heart was sour and sorrowful.

Dong Huangzhong, although he did not directly hit Houqing, but if there is no pressure from Donghuangzhong, they will not be able to take away the cold jade from Ye Qing, Ye Shaoyang... or do it.

Xiao Jiu rolled up Ye Shaoyang with his tail and immediately called his name, but Ye Shaoyang had passed out.

"I just checked, he is not dead, but it is also dying." Hu Wang said, want to jump to the back of Xiaojiu, was dragged down by Xiaojiu with his tail, rolled up him directly, and flew down the mountain.

On her back, not everyone can sit.

"I have seen a small uncle." In the ghost car, the voice of Right Jun was heard. Although the words were polite, the tone was ridiculous.

The wind was standing on the back of the hand, and the face was silent. The typical "way style" was put on the cool action. He didn't leave him, but he didn't bother to do it. Not far away, Hou Qing stopped the steps and looked coldly. They are not rashly attacking. They seem to want to hear what these two people are going to say. In the end, it is cooperation or a road to be blocked. He also knows that he can’t take back the cold jade, even though he has a thousand hearts. I don't want to, I can only accept this result.

This is the true character of the hero. When everything is irreparable, he will suppress all negative thoughts with absolute calmness. Anyway, as long as he is still alive, he may not have the chance to take back the cold jade in the future. He is very confident in himself. And it has become a big goal for the future.

Right now, I have to fight with these two powerful players first.

"Little Master, I have heard from Master that among the seven sons of Daomen, you have the best understanding, the strongest talent, no less than him, but you are bent on it, how many spring and autumn have you gone to the middle, and you have abandoned the Taoist industry, Master. Let me ask you when I meet, have you regretted it for thousands of years?"

The road calmly glanced at him and replied: "The bird is known as the singer."

Right Jun chuckles. "Daofeng, now you almost do your own power, the other side is too Yinshan, but you can't get the approval of the Yinshi. Within the Three Realms, there is no place for you to live. Do you really make sense to do this?"

The road winded at him and said slowly: "You know, what is the biggest difference between me and the ghost king?"

"Appreciate further details."

"What the Ghost King did was to go to the point of meaning, so he came to this step."

Right Jundao: "The world is dull, mostly generations, not looking for avenues, not obeying the Tao, not knowing the truth, not knowing the meaning, the three gods are also like this, only knowing to maintain the rules, but do not know the heavens and the earth, Everything must be meaningful. One of my masters’ unprecedented quality is just because everything is meaningful, and this is a broken road..."

After Qing heard the words of You Jun, he also tasted it with his heart. At the beginning, holding the idea of ​​"the length of the Yi Yi to control the Yi", practicing the aisle and the Dharma, I know a little, now I think carefully, it does make sense. It is said that most people are addicted to pleasure, or just live by inertia, even live for life... Who can think about the meaning of this thing every time he does something?

When the road wind waited for him to finish, he asked: "What is the road?"

Right Jundao: "The imaginary avenue, nature is sex. The Tao is invisible, there is no phase... human law, earth law, heaven, law, and nature. Within the three realms, the real truth is realized. My master is alone."

After saying this, Hou Qing’s heart is also a slight glimpse. If Right Jun said it is true, then the heart of the Promise Ghost King is only strong enough to be the ultimate, and it is a fear of the Emperor and the Bodhisattva.

No wonder people call the Promise Ghost King...

On the face of the road, he also showed a slight expression of thought. For a moment, he smiled and said: "So, he is the Promise Ghost, but I am just the opposite of him..."

Speaking of this, paused, and sold it very rarely.

Hou Qing was also curious and listened carefully. Among the ghost cars, Right Jun did not move, waiting quietly.

"I do everything, never ask the meaning, just ask my heart! Just ask yourself if you want to do it!"

"The demon is out!!"

Right Jun listened to this, suddenly a little excited, shouted loudly.

This reaction has caused Hou Qing to fall sharply: the wind has always been a deviant one. Others have accused him of accepting the words "the demon outside the road", but right Jun and his Taiyin Mountain, in the eyes of anyone, They are the best example of the "Fal Devil" and the excellent imitation. Now he actually swears other people's evil spirits. This sounds like... It is a bit weird and even funny.

After the Qing did not understand, only the road wind understands why Right Jun is so excited

The difference between the Taiyin Mountain and the Yin Shi, is different from the understanding of the Tao in the King of the Promise and the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty. Under normal circumstances, there is no problem with this kind of disagreement. After all, there are many genres in any belief, and various struggles are normal. However, the problem is... The Promise Ghost King is a girl who does not listen to the teachings and tries to use his own method to prove.

The pitfall is that he finally realized his own way and possessed the supreme power. He even more determined that the Taoist priests represented by the Emperor Yaodu were wrong and wanted to correct it.

Of course, the Emperor of the capital did not do it, so the Promise Ghost King left, went to the depths of the ghost field, and engaged in a Taiyin Mountain. He wanted to overthrow the Yin Shi and use his own way to establish a new rule of heaven and earth...

The two sides are in the same position and are not allowed to each other.

But in essence, whether it is the conservatives represented by the traditional practitioners or the reformists of the Promise Ghost King, they all have one thing in common. Simply put, although what is the meaning of "Tao", no one said It is clear that the two sides have their own reasons, but the words of the Taoist style have been understated, but they have expressed a point:

Laozi is not channel, just believe in yourself!

As a protégé of the Promise Ghost King, You Jun is convinced of the nature of the Ghost King. The view of the Taoist style can be said to have smashed his beliefs and hurt his fragile and young mind, so he did not care about the image. Such a big temper.

The road is also unambiguous, no longer telling him what to do, to fight the whip, pull a whip, and crush the ghost car.

If you can't tell me, I can't walk you!

(There is another chapter, please wait twenty minutes)

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