Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2628: 2629 new journey 4

"I went out to see!" Guagua said that she was leaving, and she was dragged by Ye Shaoyang. "Look at a bird, we are so many people here, I don't believe anyone dares to come to the door, unless it is a brain teasing."

"I really don't dare, don't say that there are so many big ones, just one of them, I am afraid that you are not an opponent."

A figure floated in, fell in the ward, dressed in a long shirt, wearing a crown, is the old acquaintance Xu Wenchang, hands clenched, a line of people in the room.

Everyone also got up and returned.

After Ye Shaoyang came back from the Republic of China, he once went to the Yin Shi, but he met him once, but he was in a hurry and did not say much. But in addition to a few people on the scene, most of them are old acquaintances with him.

"You avoid it." Ye Shaoyang said to Xie Yuqing and Zhou Jingru.

They are not the first to experience such a thing, knowing that living people can't see ghosts and go out with interest.

"daughter in law!"

Xiao Yiyun jumped in from the window and sat on the window sill. The orange opened his arms and grinned.

"Go! Let me go to the zero world with you, you will not go, now things are done, you are coming!" The orange gave him a look and deliberately ignored him.

Xiao Yiyun spit out her tongue and immediately ran to her side, all kinds of jealousy.

Ye Shaoyang gave him a foot on his buttocks. "You are a heavy-hearted friend. I am hurt like this. You don't have to greet you first."

"This, you can still kick me, it means nothing."

Xiao Yiyun reluctantly explained, and then he walked over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "You have so many people, and you still have one, and then I am in the Temple of Heaven, it is also a help."

"What can I help with that?" Ye Shaoyang frowned.

Xiao Yiyun raised his eyebrows and said: "If you are dead, the soul is fortunate enough to escape. Naturally, I have to report to the Temple of Heaven. I am there, give you a few more pens on the list of life and death, and you can vote for a good job."

After he had not finished speaking, he was immediately besieged by a house.

"Well, it’s not a problem." Ye Shaoyang got up and bowed respectfully to Xu Wenchang and said, "Is Xu Gong doing this?"

"I came to see you, there is still something, naturally it is the purpose." Xu Wenchang smiled. "You have a lot of troubles in the world. These days, the yin has spread, more than a dozen people are not, almost It’s amazing to have the base camp of the corpse. It’s really amazing.”

Speaking of this, he also arched his hand to Lin Sansheng. "The Grand Marshal is even more remarkable. He is strategizing and winning thousands of miles. He has killed the corpse and won the hook. Now the three worlds are shaking, and the grandmother's prestige is now a household name."

"Don't dare to dare, Xu Gong lifted up." Lin Sansheng swears, his attitude is very humble. This made Xu Wenchang very useful and polite to each other.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed the gap between them and asked Xu Wenchang: "Xu Gong, what do you think about this matter?"

Xu Wenchang walked away to him and talked about it:

"Yin is not aware of the empty world. You know this, especially the last time Cui Tianzi spoke. Anyone who dares to leave the airspace will be treated as a wandering soul. These frictions are somewhat stiff, but the relationship between the two sides is somewhat stiff. Now, the forces that rule the airspace, at least keep their duty, will not make trouble. If the corpse is occupied by the corpse, the human world and the ghost domain will be threatened, so of course you don’t want to happen in this kind of thing, so you As a result, the Yin Shi naturally likes it."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this, a little relieved, and smiled: "I thought you were coming to catch cold jade."

"Reincarnation ghost boy..." Xu Wenchang paused and said: "She is not going to the wind valley with the wind."

Ye Shaoyang glanced, "You are very well informed."

Xu Wenchang also smiled. "Small Tianshi can not forget, there are one gods in the seventy-two divisions..."

When everyone listened to the words "God Division", they immediately understood that the Shenxing Division is one of the seventy-two divisions of Netherland. Compared with the famous slogans such as Gongde Division and Life and Death Division, Shenxing Division has no sense of existence, but It is an indispensable department that is responsible for investigating various news happening within the Three Realms and reporting it to the above.

The word "God" is to praise that they run fast, and many things have just happened, they have been inquired. Because of the special nature of the work, the people of the Shenxing Division are generally the first to see the dragon, and even Ye Shaoyang has not dealt with them several times.

Ye Shaoyang said: "So, if she is with me, are you coming to take her?"

Xu Wenchang opened a folding fan and fanned it a few times. He smiled and said: "If nothing happens, why bother to imagine."

"Then you are looking for me today, is there something?"

Xu Wenchang did not answer, his eyes glanced at the faces of the crowd and said: "I heard that Lin Marshal wants to build the Marshal House in the air sector. Does it mean that you are going to play the Ghost Alliance to open a sect in the airspace?"

Ye Shaoyang has a slight glimpse.


Sibao just opened his head, and Ye Shaoyang immediately got up, pretended to go over, stepped on his foot, and the four treasures would know what to do.

Ye Shaoyang went to Xu Wenchang and said: "Xu Gong, is this your own question, or is it on behalf of the Yinsi?"

"Nature is the sinister to ask."

"When did the sinister work so much, I still care about our idlers." Ye Shaoyang continued to test.

Xu Wenchang put his pen on the fan and pointed a few white people and said: "You are not idlers. You are all the gods of the immortality. You have gone to a forest marshal. The yin has lost a lot. If you have gone empty, Bound, that's a huge loss to my yin..."

Ye Shaoyang heard his brows wrinkled and smiled. "Xu Gong, I didn't say that when I crossed, they went to the yin, you let them wear sin and make them go to the air, now... how come you care so much. ""

Waiting for Xu Wenchang to open, Xiao Yiyun rushed and said: "I tell you, the military division made a bad work in the air, and the whole sinister was shocked. Several bosses had a meeting together, and everyone’s intestines were remorseful. Now, knowing that the military division has such a large skill, it is time to let him go to bring troops. Now it is good, and become the Grand Marshal of the empty world!

A few big ones together, the Yin and Yang Division Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and many other talented people, and you just got a good win, maintaining the status quo of the airspace, it is also a great achievement, so the boss wants Go back to the yin and go back to the yin and yang division, because I have a good relationship with Xu Gong, so let us persuade you, I said, no problem. ”

"There is a problem!" Lin Sansheng said in front of Ye Shaoyang, rushing Xu Wenchang to hang a hand. "Speaking, this thing is nothing. They are also Yinyin, just... I am here today, I am also looking for them to go with me. The empty world, the opening ceremony, everyone agreed, and now you suddenly let them go to the yin, it is a bit... What do you say?"

(First chapter, the second chapter is finished, or sent together tomorrow, you will graduate soon, you can guarantee the update)

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