Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2656: 2657 Invincible Monk 3

Cui Jueguan, Xuan Wang, Jurassic King and other great princes, as well as Zhong Rong, are not practicing human magic. Without a testimony, they have their own cultivation system, and their strength will never be better than these. difference.

Tao Feng himself is an example. Although he experienced death, it is not the human being's old life and death. When he arrived in the world, there will still be flesh. (When he disappeared, he could not judge life and death. Even Qingyunzi was not sure, because For this reason, he did this in order to retain the opportunity of the corpse. After all, he was repaired by Maoshan magic, and he could not waste it.

In the face of the strong witnesses, the road did not dare to neglect. When they came up, they would make the five dynasties come out and turn them into five black air, and shoot them from different directions toward King Kong Sanzang.

Come on, let me see how strong the peerless powerhouse is!

The road wind is waiting for the King Kong Sanzang.

"Five dynasties..." King Kong Sanzang looked at five black air, thoughtfully, but there was no sign of counterattack. When the five dynasties flew to the front, the old monk used the rosary in his hand and forcedly Ju Ding hit a bit.


A loud noise.

The invisible sound waves seem to be figurative, forming a circle of power and spreading around.

The five dynasties hit the first sound wave, only a moment of stalemate, they were resolved without a trace.

The second round of sound waves has spread.

The wind suddenly felt tremendous pressure. At the moment, he did not hesitate to use the three flowers to gather the top, and surrounded himself in the middle. He squeezed from the middle of the sound wave and knocked the whip against the head of King Kong Sanzang.

King Kong Sanzang used a rosary to knock on the giant tripod. The sound of the sound spread, and the wind was blocked. The three hands of the King Kong Sanzang were put together, and the ten fingers were successively popped up. The spread of the sound waves suddenly gathered together. The wind is wrapped in the middle and can't move.

The old monk smiled slightly, and the rosary in his hand fluttered, and there was a magic light flying, turning into a Buddhist mantra. Like a snowflake, the piece fell on the wind and stayed still.

"I am compassionate."

King Kong Sanzang also used the rosary to beat the giant Ding behind him. The sound waves of one stock, each shock, are a very strong wave, used in the wind.

Buddhism spells have always had this feature: they don't look fierce, even mild, but this gentleness reveals an irresistible and terrible force.

A circle of sound waves, the road wind is fixed, can not move, but King Kong Sanzang seems to be aware of something, gently shaking his head, hands together, the bundle of the wind and the light of the body light tightened for a moment.

The body of the wind is like the ice cream placed in the fire, melting instantly...

King Kong Sanzang was not surprised. He turned half a body and waved his hand. He threw the rosary out, and the volcano fell. It was empty. As the rosary fell, a figure suddenly appeared. It was the road wind, and it was going under Zhongding. Drill.

The rosary fell on his neck, and he grew up several times in a moment, wrapped around the neck of the road, and then tightened hard.

King Kong Sanzang laughed and said: "How can you get through the inferior law when you are incarnation?" The current **** method, I want Jiang Daofeng to pull back. Suddenly, the wind was behind the head, suddenly turned back, an emerald green instrument, squatting down.

"There can be one body outside the body, there are two." The road said coldly.

Before, in his situation, as long as he is a normal person, he certainly does not want to be as strong as the strong man after the testimony of King Kong Sanzang. Therefore, Daofeng thought of using the body avatar to attract attention, and the real body invisible In the spring of Zhong Ding. However, he suddenly thought that he could think of it. King Kong can also think of it. He will simply count on it and create an incarnation that goes to the bottom of Zhong Ding. His true body is hidden, and he is deceived to the vicinity of King Kong Sanzang. He was attracted by Zhong Ding's own avatar, and he immediately violently swelled himself, pouring the whole body of mana on the whip, and squatting on the head of King Kong Sanzang.

This blow, the road wind exhausted all efforts, not to mention the general opponent, is the invincible strong human being like Ye Shaoyang, was hit by this hitting whip, and immediately fled.

His hand is actually a gamble. The gambling is that King Kong Sanzang is an honest man like the rumor. He has no experience in combat for many years. Coupled with the gap in strength, he will definitely let him take it lightly.

He bet on it.

At the moment when he realized that the wind was behind him, King Kong Sanzang did smash it. The speed of raising his hand and counterattack was slowed down by half a beat. However, at the moment when the whip fell on the top of his head, King Kong Sanzang was still volleyed into a knot. The world, with the hitting whip.


The whiplash itself has an extremely powerful spiritual power, and the mana of the wind is like a thundering force. It instantly breaks the enchantment, but the King Kong Sanzang also slows down, the palm of the hand is a touch. The enchantment is formed.


The enchantment was broken again.

The whiplash has come to the face of King Kong Sanzang. The road wind snorted, and the three runes flew out from the palm of your hand, wrapped around the whip, and hit hard.

This blow is a must.

However, he analyzed all of them and took the lead in this round of confrontation. However, one thing was ignored by him: the absolute strength gap.

His opponent is a strong witness. Although the reaction is slow, although the combat experience is a little bit worse, in absolute strength, it is incomparable.

At the crucial moment, one of the hands of King Kong’s three empty is suddenly grabbing the wind and holding the arm of the whip.

A very weird feeling, from his hand, to the arm of the wind, and then spread along the arm, screaming in the air, after all, did not fall on the head of King Kong Sanzang, because, The momentum of this wind blow has been resolved.

If you don't do this, the indescribable feeling spreads through the body of the wind for a moment, and even tries to invade his body along the meridians. The wind hurriedly recited the curse, and the body played the yin and yang, which blocked the invasion of this force, but the limbs could not move at all.

"Three flowers gather top, five dynasties, hit the whip... It's hard to imagine, it's actually mastered by you alone, but in the face of poverty, it's all useless."

The road sneer, "I am not as good as you, this is no way, but if you and I have the same strength, with your combat skills, I will kill you without any effort."

King Kong Sanzang nodded very seriously. "It is true. In that year, my character was dull, my understanding was too poor, my reaction could not keep up, and I was often degraded. So I practiced my heart and never minded all the outside world. He is strong. He is strong, the breeze is smashing the hills, I have been painstakingly understanding, and when I am out of the sea of ​​bitterness... The windy donor, you only see the weakness of poverty, but you have not passed before. Without these weaknesses, I can not meditate. Do you have a sermon day if you don’t meditate on the road..."

(End of this chapter)

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