Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2664: 2665 flaw 3

Dare to be... is the commander of the horse!

Chen Tao feels that this is a godsend opportunity.

The car drove to the county seat and stopped in front of the largest building. There were four huge Chinese characters on the outer wall of the building: Miracle Mountain.

In the car, Chen Tao has already introduced it. This is the only five-star hotel in this county. It was developed by their company. It is a local business card. It used to be called a green villa. As a result, the guests are rare, especially male guests. One did not come... Afterwards, after clearing the reason, I immediately changed to the Miracle Mountain Villa.

Not only this hotel, Chen Tao is still talking about some of the projects that Greenli has developed in the local area, what achievements have been made, and it seems that Ye Shaoyang’s own self is like a leader who came to inspect the work, and he is very puzzled. .

After getting off the bus, Chen Tao personally opened the door, asked Ye Shaoyang to get off the bus and enter the hall. Immediately, two ceremonial ladies came forward and took them to the most luxurious private room with great enthusiasm. They were already in the top four treasures and Longyang real people. . Before the car, Lao Guo had already notified the location where they met, and the four treasures immediately rushed.

Laoqiu also brought a few people to come over. They are the faces of the local and surrounding magical martial art. They saw Ye Shaoyang, and they saw idols with their fans. They were more enthusiastic than Chen Tao.

"Mr. Ye, what kind of room do you want to live in? We have four themed suites for spring, summer, autumn and winter. Do you pick one?"

Ye Shaoyang did not understand the meaning of the theme room. He asked him to arrange it casually. Chen Tao finally arranged for him the presidential suite. He found an assistant to come over and put Ye Shaoyang’s ID card to go, and went through the formalities.

After saying a few words of politeness, I felt that they had to talk about things, and he left with great interest.

"Yezhang teaches me, these few friends, I came to them, but I am not looking for you to sign. For the disappearance of some masters such as Zhang Jiajiao, they know a little about it. I heard that you are coming, no matter what. I have to meet one another and tell you in person..."

These few friends began to tell each other. Ye Shaoyang listened and sorted it in his heart. Some of them were about the rumors of the ancient tomb, and some of the cases that the martial art found in the local area in the recent period.

To sum up, it is certain that the tomb is really there, and the official knows something, which blocks the entrance. Originally, Chengde area was calm and calm. Until about half a year ago, the local magical circles felt something wrong. It seems that a group of mysterious characters came. The disciples of all factions have seen the alien suspects who can be converged in their bodies. Breath, so that others and evil things are difficult to find, but always belong to the Master, temperament is different from ordinary people.

If the two mages meet, even if both sides are tempted, they will still have doubts about each other.

At first, the local authorities of several sects learned that the news of the disciples reported below did not think much, but then more and more similar incidents, they felt that the problem was serious, they sent people to investigate, this time only one encounter Not enough.

However, what they said is some scattered information. It can only prove that a group of unidentified mages came, but there is no specific information.

"I said, are there any ghosts and ghosts in your area? Do they know anything?" Lao Guo held a huge crab in his hands and licked his mouth.

On the side, it is the same four treasures, he was possessed by the pony, claiming to use his body to enjoy long-lost food.

Laoqiu said: "Nature also inquired, and the two also helped us investigate. I have not found any abnormality all the time."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Can you meet them?"

Several people looked at each other with some worries and did not say anything.

Ye Shaoyang did not explain: "What does this mean?"

Laoqiu said: "Yezhang teaches that I don't know. We are in Hebei area. We have been called Wingzhou since ancient times. It is the first in the world. When the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor Yongle moved to Beijing. In a while, there were many natural disasters in Beijing. A lot of people died. At that time, Yao Guangxiao, the prime minister of the black suit, was already dead. The national teacher at that time was a disciple of Yao Guangxiao, called Tianzhu Real Man. It was said that there was a dragon in the capital, which caused the local feng shui to be uncertain.

If you want to make the capital windy and rainy, you have to be a dragon. This dragon has just formed a robbery. It is not enough to repair it. With his own strength, with a bunch of disciples, he can use the formation method to fix this dragon, but he is only a personal mage, not qualified for dragons, or he will be condemned. So he made up his mind and let Zhu Xi emulate the works of Emperor Xuanzong of the year on Wei Zheng, and sealed himself as a man.

Zhu Xi wrote the performance of the sacrifice of the heavens. Please seal Tianzhu as a human being, not only in the human world, but also in the darkness of this area. As you all know, the emperor of Yang is rarely on the table to the yin. If you ask for it, as long as it is not faint, the emperor will promise. So this Tianzhu real person has the identity of a cow's fork, leading a group of disciples to cut the dragon, and many years after the city of Beijing, it really has a good weather.

After the death of the real person of the bamboo, he went to the Yinshi to be a bad man. He went to the table and gave him the disciple. Because he did accumulate a lot of yin in his life, the emperor agreed. After that, the people of this wing state will be from generation to generation. It was passed down until the Qing Dynasty, and the dynasty was changed. The priests of the dynasty could not be ruined. The last generation of priests was sealed by the yin as local land after death. The entire wing state belongs to his jurisdiction and is the country's largest land lord. ”

Ye Shaoyang, a dry person, listened to the old autumn and said so much, and listened to it one by one. Ye Shaoyang asked, "I asked the local ghosts and ghosts. You gave me the cognac of Beijing. It is not a capital."

Laoqiu laughed and said: "Yezhang teaches, you must know that the jurisdiction of this land is not divided according to the city of our world. It is divided according to the Kyushu world. Other states have counties and cities below. We are here. Wing State, only this city lord, not only the Beijing city, we are under the jurisdiction of Dahebei, he has several disciples, two of whom are in charge of our Chengde, very strong, want to find them to ask, are love Ignore it, we are a few people, and he is not too birdy."

There is such a thing!

Ye Shaoyang heard a few people, and they were speechless. The pony was attached to Sibao, waving a big lobster and shouting: "Call him, I will see what he has!"

Lao Qiu said with a bitter face: "I can ask him to come, but I can only ask a few big fairy to talk about some, otherwise he can't do how to put a few, but after a few, he is afraid to find us a few troubles. what."

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