Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2671: The 2672 terrible truth 1

"The ancient tomb, I don't know what it will have to do with the Holy Spirit." Lao Guo said to himself.

"I don't know this, but there is one point. Zhang Zhang teaches them that it is impossible to be in the ancient tomb, unless the tomb has other entrances." When they entered, the door was locked, and Zhang Wusheng was in the soul, and the body was not May be missing.

After everyone’s discussion, I felt that I had to start from this ancient tomb, at least to investigate clearly what was going on inside. But before in the police station, Ye Shaoyang also heard that this ancient tomb has always been a forbidden place. The average person does not give it. If you want to investigate, you must find an official cooperation. Let’s say that there may be a map or an ancient tomb. data of.

"Before the police station, there was something in the sister's paper. I seem to want to cooperate with me. I just want to give me a horse, let me cooperate. I don't like this way, so there is no bird." Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "Let me take the initiative to find her cooperation, I am definitely not doing it."

Lao Guodao: "It doesn't have to be, I bet they will definitely be looking for you. As long as they think it is a psychic event, they can't make it, and they can't leave the case of disappearance. Under pressure, they will come to you."

During the speech, outside the door knocked, Ye Shaoyang opened the door in the past, and it was Chen Tao. Chen Tao started, a little embarrassed to say: "Sorry, Mr. Ye, disturbing everyone to eat, just... the official has personal belongings, want to see you, you are interested."


"Yes, if you don't want to see, I will go back, no problem, you don't have to worry about offending people."

"See." Lao Guo Chong Ye Shaoyang shouted in the back. "Like we just said, they are looking for you."

so fast.

Ye Shaoyang nodded and turned to close the door. He walked with Chen Tao and went to a living room. A tall man sat on the sofa and saw Ye Shaoyang come in and stood up immediately.

"It's you!"

Ye Shaoyang recognized at a glance that he was the police officer who had been in the police station and went with Chen Tao to help him out. It seemed to be a director. But he is wearing a casual dress now.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, I am Zhou Jin." The Secretary was very enthusiastic to shake hands with Ye Shaoyang. "The previous incident was a misunderstanding. I am sorry, Captain Liu is also eager to break the case. I apologize for her here."

Ye Shaoyang is a bit aggressive.

Chen Tao greeted them to sit down, let the waiter go to the tea, and then went out on their own, shut the door from the outside and leave the room to them.

After a few words of chilling, Secretary Zhou spoke about the recent disappearances and told the police about the situation. Ye Shaoyang heard the truth and jumped up from the sofa: "How could it be!"

"It's true. In just a few weeks, there have been more than 100 people missing."

More than a hundred people... Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt cold in his back and said: "How come, if this is the case, it will not be long gone, why no one knows?"

"Because, most of these missing people are vagrants and shackles who have no fixed place. These people are very mobile, and there are no relatives. No one is missing. We are the least tramp. In the local area, many people thought that we had settled them all up and even sent us a banner..."

Speaking of this, Zhou’s mouth floated with a smile.

More than 100 people are missing...

Ye Shaoyang really can't imagine.

Director Zhou sighed and said: "Now Chengde up and down, everything is pressing the news, otherwise it will cause a great shock, I think you can imagine."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, which is indeed understandable.

"We have been strictly guarded, but it is useless. We simply can't find any clues to commit crimes. In the last week or two, there have been a lot of missing cases. Just when we were unable to do anything, we took a picture of this camera in the suburbs... ..."

Director Zhou took out a tablet, found the video player, and played it out.

In the black lacquered street, the camera should be attached to a pole. By the dim light of the street lamp, wait until it is night, below the road, it is a crossroad, but for a long time no car passes. There are no pedestrians, indicating that the road section should be quite remote.

After waiting for a few minutes or so, there was a battery car coming from a distance. When passing the intersection, the person on the car parked the car to the side, got off and walked under the street lamp, and slammed against the street lamp.

Really no quality...

"After our investigation, this is an unemployed, and the thief has not done much. The battery car was stolen by him. Mr. Ye, you look closely..."

On the screen, the car thief was finished and walked toward the electric car. At this time, a white thing flew from a distance. Because the pixels were not good, I couldn’t see what it was. Zhou explained: "This is Paper money is the kind of square hole in the middle."

The paper money seems to be blown by the wind, just falling on the face of the car thief, the car thief reached out to pick up the paper money, suddenly the car slammed and fell to the ground.

The car thief just got up, his body swayed, and one hand reached in front, as if he had caught his hand and walked forward.

The car thief is struggling, the video has no sound, but I can imagine how excited this guy was at the time. Suddenly, more paper money floated on his face, and the car thief went to pull it with his hand. At this moment, his body twitched violently, and then his waist was straight, and regardless of his battery car, he was facing in the opposite direction. Stepping away, walking a glimpse, it looks very stiff, has been out of the scope of the video...

Director Zhou took a deep breath, turned off the video, wiped a forehead, and it was full of cold sweat.

"Sorry, this video, every time I look at it, I sweat on my head. I climbed up from the grassroots level. I have seen the **** case, but this time... it’s too evil. After we found the video. I went to investigate, but the person has disappeared. Like the previous ones, I can’t find it.”

"How do you think about this, what do you think is the reason?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

"A lot of people think that this missing person was a psychiatric attack or a snoring. The captain Liu who had been detaining you before insisted on this, but..." Zhou said a bitter smile. "How does Mr. Ye look?" ?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "I will ask a question first, why do you tell me through the bottom, or why do you choose me?"

"The truth is, no one can help, before the captain Liu searched for your things and found something like the mahogany sword, so we investigated your identity. Coincidentally, the public security system has your record, you are Shicheng. The experts hired by the criminal police team often cooperate with the police. We contacted the other side and learned some of your situation... So, you are an expert in this field, we need to cooperate with an expert like you, Mr. Ye, Please don't shirk it."

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