Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2676: 2677 closest relatives 4

"What law, I don't care about this, anyway, you want to take me away from the front, no door, don't say I don't give you Xu Gong face, even if the emperor personally came to use, nothing more than a death, I can stand now This talks to you, I really have given you face... Xu Gong, if you want to come hard, I will transfer the people of Yin and Yang in an instant, when the time is overturned in the Yin Shi, and then go away with the wind. Valley, there is no relationship with the yin, what is the relationship!"

Xu Wenchang sinks into it, and Ye Shaoyang’s remarks made him recognize one thing: Ye Shaoyang, who has strength and swearing.

Under the universal sky, it is the king's land, within the three realms, all blame.

In principle, all living beings must obey the command of the yin and obey the law of the yin, but there are always some people who can't control the yin.

Ye Shaoyang has become a fairy, not to mention the invincibility of the world, even in the Yin Shi, few can make him.

But the most important thing is the power behind him, the Yin and Yang Division and the Valley of the Wind.

There is another layer...

If Ye Shaoyang did what he said, it is not only the problem of the sinisters who have lost a new force. Before those strategists, all the resources and care that Ye Shiyang used in Ye Shaoyang were in vain, even giving him an opponent. This is by no means the result of the yin.

"Master, his subordinates are willing to be punished, but there is nothing to divulge. Just because today is a subordinate birth, Shaoyang is my only son, and I am the only relative in the world. My subordinates are too much to miss their loved ones today. Only then made a mistake and listened to the master's disposal." Ye Bing pleaded with enthusiasm and his attitude was very humble.

Ye Shaoyang looked hot and looked at Xu Wenchang, cold and cold: "Dad does not ask him, what is the official position of the reincarnation division, do not do it!"

When Xu Wenchang was looking for a step, he automatically filtered the words of Ye Shaoyang, ignored him, looked at Ye Bing, made a sympathetic expression, and sighed: "These years, it is really difficult for you, you are also in the reincarnation department. I have always done my duty and never made mistakes. Today’s special circumstances, I am also a first-time offender. I will write it down for the time being, and I will not pursue it. If I commit another crime, I will be punished together. How?"

"Thank you, Master!" Ye Bing hurriedly thanked.

Xu Wenchang looked around at the side of the crowd and said: "Ye paper is my equivalent, I have made mistakes, and I am also forgiven. Today, I will go back, and I will only be in trouble. On the other side of the Holy Emperor, the official said, Please return to the column."

These silver-ghost warriors took orders and retired together. Only Xu Wenchang and the two followers were still there. Xu Wenchang said to Ye Bingdao: "Ye paper, you should leave."

"Leader!" Ye Bing firmly grasped Ye Shaoyang's hands, four eyes, and said the endless father and son family.

"Shaoyang, I am gone. If you miss you as a father in the future, you can burn it to me, but you can't see you again. You... pay more attention to your body, and for the father to you, there is only one expectation: no matter what, you must work hard. Live."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is full of emotions. What is the invincible strength of human beings? In the eyes of parents, these are not important. As long as children can live well, health and well-being are more important than anything else.

Ye Shaoyang nodded hard and said: "Father also take care, I will have a chance to see you again in the future."

Then he turned and looked at Xu Wenchang: "Xu Gong, today you brought so many people to catch my father, it is equivalent to returning without success, but also I was wounded by one, they will not embarrass my father?"

"I personally promise nothing, my words, you can at least still believe."

"Well, anyway, if my dad is wronged in the reincarnation, I will go to a big fight, it doesn't matter."

Xu Wenchang smiled bitterly, and replaced it with others saying that most of them were forced to press, but Ye Shaoyang said that he had to believe, and he did not go to the reincarnation department.

"Shaoyang, I am gone." Ye Bing stared at Ye Shaoyang for a long time, finally reached out and touched his head, smiled and turned away.


Ye Shaoyang looked at the back of Ye Bingyuan, and couldn’t tell the emotion.

After Ye Bing left, Ye Shaoyang slowed down for a long time, adjusted his emotions, and looked at Xu Gong. Some unhappy said: "Xu Gong, your relationship with me is also a good friend. You bring people to catch my dad today. It’s a bit unreasonable.”

Xu Gong’s status in the Yin Shi is lofty, and the Master of the World, no one really dares to call a friend in front of him, that is, Ye Shaoyang. Xu Wenchang did not care, and smiled bitterly: "Little Tianshi, I can come today, I am already looking at my friend's face, or I am a master, can't I personally manage this thing?"

Ye Shaoyang has a heart in his heart.

Xu Wenchang went on to say: "If you think about it, if several French kings come with people, the situation can be different. After all, your father made the order first, and no one can cover it."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized, and he said, "That's a thank you. I am sorry that I misunderstood you. What is the story of how old you are with your female apprentice? She is like a human being. If you are bullied again, remember to tell me, I will help her. In the beginning."

Referring to the female apprentice, Xu Gong’s old face was red, and he took a look at Ye Shaoyang and replied: “Hughing nonsense!”

Then I waved my hand, "Okay, let's go."

Ye Shaoyang said: "To Xu Gong, I am currently in Chengde, investigating the Holy Spirit, 80% is related to the spell guild, you always know what it is."

Xu Wenchang stared at the beard and sighed for a long while. He said to the two followers: "Let's go outside and wait for me!"

The two men will take the lead and go outside to get the wind away.

Xu Wenchang took a step in front of Ye Shaoyang and said: "To tell the truth, I don't know about this matter, but if it is really a spell guild... you have to deal with it yourself, the yin will support you, but you can't help it. Xuanyuan Mountain is a Taoist fairyland. Not subject to the jurisdiction of the Yin, and then the Yin Shi can not go to the world, to ask the disputes in the world of magic..."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "I have been talking about it for a long time."

"If you really find out that they are behind the scenes, the sinister can secretly help you, but you can't tear the skin with Xuanyuanshan."

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"You asked me to arrange a meeting with you for the last time. I have already done a good job. When will you meet?"

"This... go back, I don't have time now."

I think that my body is still in the toilet of the mental hospital. I have come here for a while, and I can’t delay it. Although I really want to see it, it’s only next time.

Xu Wenchang said with a voice, "This is the case, let's go."

"You go first, I can break the void on the ground."

Xu Wenchang greeted the orange and left the bamboo forest.

"Boss, you... your father, should I call Grandpa or Uncle?" The orange squinted his head.

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