Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2681: On the eve of the tomb of 2682

Longyang real person said anxiously: "Is my brother also being involved in this nearly critical space?"

After the words, frowning and sighing, anxiously paced up in the room, said: "Dao Yuanshi uncle has been paralyzed, if my head brothers have any more accidents... How can I be a dragon and tiger?"

Ye Shaoyang and his entourage stepped forward to comfort him. Before the truth came out, don't ask for trouble. Anyway, I will go to the tomb tomorrow. In the end, what is the situation below, I will know it later.

Everyone discussed it together. Since you want to go to the tomb, you must be prepared to order something. Lao Guo called Laoqiu and said a few things to let Laoqiu come over.

After a short time, Liu Qi called and told Ye Shaoyang that they found a cave in the valley near the tomb. I don't know if it was in the tomb. Let him look at it.

The group immediately packed up and went out. Before the old autumn and the few wizards left, they left a car for them to use, so Lao Guo drove and took everyone to the mountains.

I have been driving to the edge of the ruins that I have been there before. Liu Qi has already arrived in front of them and is waiting for them on the roadside.

After meeting, Liu Qi looked at the crowd, and Yang Shaoyang arrogantly said: "These are your gods, you are a gang?"

"Girl, we are not only **** sticks, but also robbing colors." Four treasures rushed her eyebrows.

"Low-level fun." Liu Qi was too lazy to take care of, leading the way in front, the pedestrian bypassed the small house that was simulated into a weather station, all the way around the winding land, went to the opposite mountain, saw two waiting at the mountain. The policeman took them over a mountain and found a cave in the middle of a pile of chaotic grass in the mountain. One person came high. In the crack between the two rocks, standing in the hole, cold air was blowing in from inside.

Ye Shaoyang took out the yin and yang disk and measured it. The pointer was directed at the cave. It was just the chaos of the dial. It was not certain that it was a certain breath, but it must be evil.

Everyone judges that these eight achievements are another entrance to the ancient tomb.

"Look, what is this!" Four treasures found a pattern on a rock wall not far from the entrance, like a stone painted on it. Lao Guo touched it and the mark was very easy to be I erased it, so I decided that it was recently engraved by someone, otherwise it would not be saved for so long.

"This is... the secret of my dragon and tiger mountain!" Longyang real people screamed excitedly at first glance. "Yes, this must be left by my brother!"

The so-called riddle is a simple or complicated symbol. Each sect has its own secrets. It has many functions and can be used as a signature. For example, if you write important letters to the same door, you must add a secret to it. When you look at the same door, you know that it is not a fake. There is this situation at the moment. As long as the disciple of Longhushan sees this secret, you know that there have been the same door.

Practice writing the secrets of this book is the basic homework of every introductory disciple. It usually takes several months of study to master. The big school like Longhushan has higher requirements for secret characters, and all the disciples will not only write. And when you see a secret, you can immediately judge the true and false. It is like a signature. When there is no anti-counterfeiting sign in ancient times, every banknote on the bank has a signature, no matter what branch, the treasurer. You can see the true and false at a glance.

Maoshan used to have a secret, but because there are so few disciples in Maoshan, to this generation, they have three mentoring, and there is really no need to use this stuff.

And the secret character is very useful in ancient times. In modern times, communication is developed, and there is no need to write a letter. Basically, it is useless.

Longyang real people rummaged around, and in the place not far below the secret symbol, covered by weeds, found a line of words, also painted with stones, only one sentence: I first go down the tomb, if one go Don't go back, look for Ye Shaoyang, investigate the truth, remember to be careful!

"Brothers..." Longyang real people saw this line of words, and immediately came down from the sorrow, almost could not stand, supported the mountain rock, and shed tears.

"Don't, although Zhang Zhangjiao wrote this, he may not be killed. The tomb is in front. Let's not know if we go down and explore. I want to cry. In the future, maybe you are crying." Lao Guo advised.

The pony said on the side: "Yes old man, Zhang Wusheng has always been slippery, more than anyone is afraid of death, he is not so easy to die."

Ye Shaoyang gave him a look. Which one is comforting?

"Then we will go on!" Longyang real people listened to the comfort of Lao Guo, but it came to the spirit.

Lao Guo grabbed him and looked at the black lacquered hole. He snorted and said, "If you go on like this, maybe we will not come back. Don't forget, this may be the general altar of the Holy Spirit. Shadow charm may also be below, not so rash."

After turning around, I said to Ye Shaoyang: "Do you still remember the plan that you said before? We will arrange it tonight."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "Where is it arranged?"

Lao Guodao: "There is no suitable place near this place, only the small house..."

Ye Shaoyang stunned and immediately understood, nodded and promised. So I talked with Liu Qi, and tomorrow morning, they will go to the grave immediately after they are ready.

Liu Qi has been listening to them in the conversation, and she has not understood a word, but she has long liked this group of gods to talk to herself, and did not ask much. Now ask Ye Shaoyang, do you want to leave a few people in this hole? Keep it.

"Looking at my police officer, it is useless for your people to be here." Ye Shaoyang smiled, but he didn't worry that their every move was seen by some evil in the tomb: no matter the total altar of the Holy Spirit. Not under this tomb, it must be a gathering place for some evil things. If the monk ran away from the temple, they could not leave the ancient tomb.

Moreover, they may not be afraid of themselves at all, and even look forward to their own graves, repeating the mistakes of Zhang Wusheng, Teng Yongqing and others.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the dark and dark hole and led the group back.

After returning to the hotel, Lao Guo immediately contacted Laoqiu, and got a few big bags of goods, wrapped in canvas, and did not know what was inside.

After the arrival of the things, everyone started driving non-stop, went back to the mountains and found the entrance to the tomb that was surrounded by the concrete house. Ye Shaoyang greeted Sibao and Wu Jiawei, and along the concrete house, dug a 20 cm or so with a spade. Deep ditch, every three meters, set a few nails on the ground. In the process, Laoqiu personally opened a truck, which is full of dried peach trees, all of which are adult wrists. A root is shipped.

(Today I was invited to Hangzhou to participate in the China Network Literature Week, sitting in a car for a day, tired and sleepy, sorry to write only one chapter)

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