Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2703: 2704 looking for the truth 2

Speaking of this, Ye Shaoyang stood up. "Let's go, let's go out."


"Looking for this pig demon." Ye Shaoyang picked up the piece of meat from the table and joked on the face of Teng Yongqing. Teng Yongqing quickly jumped away and chased him and said, "How do you know where the person lives?" ”

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glared at him. "I am Hou Ye. It is still easy to investigate the whereabouts of an ordinary person."

When it was dark, every household in the city began to light up, and Ye Shaoyang stood under the wall and looked at the opposite street. After all, it is ancient, even in a big city like Nanjing, the so-called tens of thousands of lights, compared with the modern city hundreds of years later, it is extremely quiet and dim.

Around, thinking of the heavy breathing of Teng Yongqing, Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glanced at him. He saw him stand up and asked, "How are you feeling?"

"The meridians are unblocked, and the restoration of the June 7th has become." Teng Yong Qing Dao, "Thank you for passing me on the big Sunday, I really have a wonderful idea."

Teng Yongqing walked under the tree and stood side by side with Ye Shaoyang. Seeing that he had looked up at the sky in the east, he curiously asked him what he was looking at.

"There is no moon today." Ye Shaoyang said, "There has been no moon for two nights."

"Last cloudy day?"

"I hope." Ye Shaoyang replied ambiguously, but his heart was even more suspicious.

Tengyong Qingdao: "I don't know what time it is. There is no watch in ancient times. It is really difficult to judge in time."

The two have to wait.

After a long time, on the opposite street, the sound of a rough singing voice sang in the distance, singing a very short paragraph, brother and sister, there is no sentence, then, there are two voices on the corner of the street. A soldier was holding a lantern, and a man was placed next to him, and he walked over.

"Wang Deer, you have to go for a while, I have no strength, and then you will fall." The soldiers who have been playing lanterns have been complaining.

This "Wangtouer" didn't even hear it, still singing the community, swaying, obviously drinking too much.

This king is the one they are looking for. That pig demon.

The soldiers who played the lanterns, holding the head of the king, went into the hutong, and Ye Shaoyang and Teng Yongqing immediately followed up, sticking to the wall and walking to the front.

Teng Yongqing glanced at Ye Shaoyang and nodded. He deliberately pretended to have just passed through the hutong and said to them: "Is this not the head of the king? What happened and how much more?"

"It’s Wenzhong, it’s not awkward, just let me meet, I’m tired, just, Wenzhong, come and join me with me.”

Tengyong Qingshun pushed the boat in the water. In the past, he helped the Wangtou children. The soldier groped for the key on his body and sighed: "Wangtouer is also very poor. He is in his forties, not even a wife. It’s no wonder that people are drunk every day when they guard this poor family."

Teng Yongqing frowned: "Is there a wife?"

The man looked at him and looked at him. "You don't know, Wangtou is coming back from the battlefield. When you fight, you hurt the words. You can only count half a man. Who is willing to marry him? what."

Ok. Teng Yongqing smiled a bit.

Not far away, Ye Shaoyang stood sneer under the tree.

Open the door, the two together sent him into the bedroom, put down on a mess of a bed, Wangtou squatted on the bed, the two frowned.

Tengyong Qingdao: "I came to look at him, you are tired, you can go back first."

The man was eager to go back early, and with Teng Yongqing politely, he hurried away.

Teng Yongqing waited for a while, opened the door in the past, waved at Ye Shaoyang and took him to the yard.

Originally, the two wanted to wait for the king's head to enter the house and jump in from the courtyard wall. However, since there is such an opportunity, it is also troublesome.

"You are at the door, I am doing it."

After that, Ye Shaoyang walked into the bedroom.

Wangtou’s son was lying on the bed and was saddened. Ye Shaoyang went to the bed and turned him over. Cold and cold: "I know who you are."

Wang Banger did not seem to hear what he said, still groaning.

"Don't pretend, I know you are a demon, not a human." After that, Ye Shaoyang waited for his reaction and prepared for the shot.

Wangtouer suddenly sat up, and Ye Shaoyang hurriedly stepped back and was about to start. Wangtouer suddenly vomited "wow".


Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang had already prepared, and left early, to avoid accidental injuries, frowning at the unsuccessful big man in front of him.

"I told you, I know that you are not a human, you are a pig demon, you don't want to put garlic in front of me, you know who I am..."

Ye Shaoyang said with a stretch of his face, only to find that Wangtouer did not care for himself, and suddenly he was a little embarrassed. At this time, Wangtou’s spit was over, and the big character was lying on the bed, and he looked at Ye Shaoyang with a drunken eye and suddenly grinned.

This smile, it seems a bit abnormal.

Ye Shaoyang carefully avoided the stolen goods on the ground and went forward to the bed. Looking at the head of the king, Wangtou twitched his hand and grabbed his arm. Ye Shaoyang hesitated, did not resist, wanted to see what he did. .

"Good girl, oh..." Wang’s hand suddenly reached behind him and picked it up on his ass.

p! You are an old bachelor, doing Nima's spring dream.

Ye Shaoyang reached out and smashed his slap, pinched a law in his left hand, and shot his hand in his Yintang.


A scream.

The king's head was not drunk, his hands slammed his head, rolled up and down on the bed, and screamed.

His body has also changed, the skin cracked, black hair grew out from below, and the head changed the most: long nose, two flashing ears... less than half a minute, one person, It turned into a pig.

A black wild boar with a fangs, kneeling on the bed, holding a pair of **** red eyes, screaming at Ye Shaoyang.

"I said, you calm down." Ye Shaoyang rushed to his hand and said, while observing the enchantment of his head, the demon is very thin, indicating that it is very general, belonging to the most common monster.

how come?

Ye Shaoyang's brow wrinkled, this degree of cultivation, according to the saying, even the incarnation of adult strength is not, how did it become human?

"Hey..." The wild boar snorted and rushed directly toward Ye Shaoyang, and the situation was quite fierce.

Ye Shaoyang was too lazy to play with it, his left hand pinched a slap, and the front of it was shot past it.

Positive hard just!

With a bang, Ye Shaoyang’s palm and the wild boar’s brain slammed together, and a wave of volatility erupted. Ye Shaoyang’s silk did not move. The wild boar was knocked out and slammed out of the bed, slamming the wooden bed directly, lying in a pile of broken In the middle of the wood, groaning in pain. (s:)

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